Does anyone else really not care about this "fight?"

in sports •  8 years ago 

(Image Source: Everywhere)

Maybe I live under a rock.

I genuinely had no idea this fight was even happening until this morning. Sure, it's the biggest purse in history, but Good God, does it all feel so staged.

They're both nothing more than showmen. Sure, you gotta hype up the crowds. It just feels so damn fake.

And they both walk away with many, many millions...all for beating the shit out of each other.

(Or, pretending to beat the shit out of each other.)

I'll be skipping this one.

Feels just like the Kentucky Derby...

Days of grandiose, coverage and gusto... and all of it is hot air... with just a few minutes of action.

I guess I don't "get it." Or maybe, all it that...

People love a good distraction.

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