Opening Day of NHL Playoffs

in sports •  6 years ago  (edited)


Playoff hockey is easily the most exciting time of the year. Teams step on the ice preparing for battle in an epic journey to hopefully end with them raising the Stanley Cup. My wife isn't thrilled that there's over two more months of hockey left to watch but does admit it's an exciting ride.

Flyers vs. Pens - Wow. The Battle for Pennsylvania. The Pens came out filling the net routing the Flyers with a 7-0 win. Sid had a hat trick while his line contributed 5 of the total goals. Usually, when the first game is a blow out the defeated team comes back with some new focus and determination. Honestly, it looked like the Flyers just weren't prepared and where overwhelmed by the Pens play. Game 2 Friday at 7pm ET.

Wild vs. Jets - This was a great battle ending with the Jets winning their first ever playoff game 3-2. The first two periods had both teams feeling each other out with only one goal for the Jets late in the second on a power play. The third period had each team trading off two goals each during a lot of back and forth play. The Jet doubled up the Wild's shots 40-20 but both teams looked strong. Game 2 Friday at 7:30 ET.

Kings vs. Golden Knights - The Golden Knights in their first ever playoff game got one goal early in the first period and that's all they needed to beat the Kings 1-0 in their first match up. This game had a lot...I mean a lot of hitting. Over 120 hits which is a ridiculous number in one game. By comparison the Pens game had about 60 and the Jets game had 70. Looking forward each check and eventually checkmate between these two teams. Game 2 Friday at 10:30 ET.

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