Today the premier League has announced that they will "consult" players on taking 30% wage cuts howerver critics and even fans have raged at this news.
why are people angry ?
the pay cuts should have happened way earlier than it did and because they are only "consulting" players it could take a further few weeks to for the pay cuts to begin.
stadium maintenance staff such as cleaners, stewards, and more have either lost their jobs of received huge pay cuts whilst players haven't been effected at all financially.
People are also frustrated that hardly any professional has come forward to offer support to the community when after decades the communities have been helping them.
I doubt that there will be a fall out after the virus passes i think personally this is just gonna die down just like the footballer wage against a full time nurse wage difference.
Im a huge football fan but this wage cut should've happened weeks ago and it still hasn't even happened yet.
Read more:
Premier League clubs will ask players to take a 30% wage cut as it is announced the season will not resume from 30 April.
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