What is Content Curation and Did We understand it Correctly?

in sportstalk •  5 years ago  (edited)

Sometimes, we think what's right is what we only thing what's right.

Hi Everyone! We now have a new steem-based platform focusing on ideas about Sports and everything that comes with it. It's a good thing that someone has thought of 50 - 50 share percentage of rewards rather than the original 75 - 25. Creating original content is good and noble but let's ask ourselves who's investing more money with these kinds of platform. Is it the one who's making the content, or the one upvoting it? Maybe, sometimes it could be both.

Let's go back to answering the question, "What is Content Curation?"

Wikipedia says:

Content curation is the process of gathering information relevant to a particular topic or area of interest, usually with the intention of adding value. Services or people that implement content curation are called curators. Curation services can be used by businesses as well as end users.

I'm not sure if my eyes are just tricking me but it seems it did not mention the word "original" or "has to be original". Again, creating original content such as what you're reading now is fair and noble but curation process just don't end there. This is just my personal opinion but if I read between the lines, what makes a platform valuable depends on whether the information found on that platform can be useful or makes sense to the readers.

Certainly, originality counts but what's more important that many of us seems to miss is the question, "So what?". I'm sure at least once in your life, you felt that after reading something, you don't care who wrote it or how it's written. It's more of how it relates to you, how the information is useful to you or how entertaining it was to you.

Is Sharing Others Content a Form of Plagiarism?

If you think it's "YES", you must have not known internet since you were born for you to think that way. Plagiarism is taking ownership or copying and using without permission of something that you did not do or own in the first place. I don't think it would equate to the word "sharing content". Maybe it would be okay as long as you're giving credit to the original author which is commonly done by putting links back to the original author or content.

We are in the age of information. The world of Sports is not an exemption to this evolving era of technology. We now have Youtube, Facebook, Dailymotion and other media where all tournament and Sports competition are being recorded and shared to whoever wants to watch it. Once pasted on the internet, you're opening it up to the public. You can't sue all those who pasted a link from your post with their mobile phones nowadays. Can you?

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You removed some misconceptions. If you share something that is copyrighted, you cannot share that without permission. But you want to share some information from a blog or website, feel free to share that. That blogger will be very happy that you shared his/her article. In a way, it benefits him/her as well like getting traffic, better ranking on Google, building the brand and so on.

At the same time, when you share that with others, people learn something from that or they get the benefit. It is a win-win situation.

That's very nicely explained hopefully all the community members will see this post because this platform is all about the best content that is being delivered to the end users this will what make it unique.... at the end what we love in sports is what will matters :)