How to contribute to a community of my choice: power-up

in sportstalksocial •  6 years ago 


Four days have passed since I started posting on sportstalksocial.
Before the first payout, I thought about how to contribute to this community.
And finally, the decision to power up the sports token.


I purchased 2000 tokens to power up.
Though it is not a big power, we are going to use a significant portion of the amount that is being paid out for the time being.
And It is possible to curate to the good article of the community.
I will be able to do more interesting community activities now.

The value of a community token rises as long as the number of shares is higher than sell.
And the amount of tokens staked is also an important factor in determining value.

I think SCT is the most successful nitro site at present.
Operators at SCT seem to be well aware of how to maintain the value of SCT.
They also have tokens issued before SCT, but all have successfully operated tokens.

It's a little bit early, but I think it will soon start a discussion to reconsider the value of the token.
I think that policies that encourage active use of preferential policies such as dividends or incineration of tokens to be issued to those who hold a certain percentage of token gross issuance, which is the policy we are doing in SCT, will be possible to benchmark.

I am very excited to play a role as a sports forum in the future.
I will try my best to help SPORTSTALKSOCIAL going towards big dreams.

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It's kind of weird that a 2,000 power-up can vote over 10,000 tokens, I'm curious as to how long that will last. I guess we will see if it should be more like PAL.

Yes. It's weird. Similar to ponzi.

I guess there are two reasons.

  1. SPORTS didn't go the free sale.
  2. The max supply is 1 Trillion.

잘 하셨네요. 저도 열심히 포스팅하고 큐레이팅 할께요~

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