Spotlight Writing Contest #1: The Annual Calendar Pemon

in spotlight •  7 years ago 

The Annual Calendar Pemon


The indigenous peoples of America have always been classified as backward in relation to the other civilizations of the World. But in the aspect of the times, we have had elements that have characterized us as a vanguard for others.

In this story, I want to tell you about us the Pemon. The Pemon are from the Caribbean family. Because of the colonization and the Spanish persecutions, they took refuge between the forest and the Tepuyes. They are located currently in southeastern Venezuela, northern Brazil, and eastern Guyana. For many centuries, the Pemon carried their calendar based on the stars: The Sun, the Moon and the the constellations.

In this way, the year began with the rains. And the time is counted by the number of rainy seasons that had occurred. In Pemon, for knowing age a person asks: How many rains have you lived?

Pemon has an annual calendar. The annual calendar Pemon has 9 periods denominated mainly by meteorological elements, be it KOMPÖ if it is a month of rains, or WIYU if that month corresponds to drought. Thus, the calendar has the following periods:

  1. Chiwichiwi KOMPÖ: The period of the first rains related to the constellations of the small swallows.
  2. Maritö KOMPÖ: Period of rains related to the constellation of the Scorpion.
  3. Tamükan KOMPÖ: Intense rainfall related to the constellation of the Pleiades.
  4. Mirik KOMPÖ: Continuity of abundant rainfall related to the constellation of small crabs.
  5. Masak Püre WIYU: Drought period where the "spikes of the mosquitoes" are dried, a grass that abounds in the Gran Sabana.
  6. Pamak WIYU: A drought period corresponding to another spike in another grass.
  7. Tauna KOMPÖ: Rains with thunder that correspond to the star Antares.
  8. Chiwou: Period of many Clouds during which stars are not observed at night.
  9.  Toronkan: Period of many winds related to the migration of birds from one place to another.

Before describing with more details each period of the Pemon calendar, briefly I explain what is understood by astronomy from the Pemon perspective.

Pemon Astronomy

 Constellations are a set of stars that from the earthly perspective adopt certain forms or figures either from objects, animals or people. It is well known to all the Zodiac is based on a set of constellations. Similarly, the Pemon also have their own astronomy and astrology. But the constellations are not the same as the Zodiac, although in their names some coincide. The Zodiac scorpion is not the same scorpion of the Pemon astronomy.   The period of the KOMPÖ or the WIYU is established according to the position of the constellation to the sunset. It is when they are hiding that the respective period begins. If it is rain, then the rains begin; If it is drought, constellation position to the sunset indicates the rains cease.   Consequently, all the constellations are located on the axis where the sun travels from sunrise to sunset, but of course, at night, except for the star Antares which is not a constellation and is not aligned with any of these constellations.

Why are constellations important to the Pemon?

The stars  (chirikö damuk) in general, in the Pemon worldview, are the ancestors who see us. The Pemon's father is The Sun. In this way, every Pemon who dies after his burial ascends to heaven by parts creating the constellations. Therefore, the constellations, that is, from the perspective of the Pemon, the ancestors are telling you the times, so that their descendants take advantage for the fishing, the hunting, the sowing and the harvest.

The Sun for the Pemon

The Sun (Wey in Pemon) is the father of the Pemon. In mysterious circumstances, the enemies of him kidnapped him and disappeared him. His children knew nothing until he showed up in heaven, to watch over his children for half a day. In the night, while resting, there are all the ancestors informing of the events of the present and the future. It is the sun that indicates the beginning and the end of a day.

The Moon

The moon, Kapüy in Pemon, has a relevance in the control of the month as well. Its single exit in the West in its initial phase characterizes the nature of the month, whether it will be rainy or not; According to the form and its position, the Pemon determines it. From the new moon phase, going through the crescent moon, Full moon, and waning moon, this natural satellite tells you what things you can do and what things don't.   

Explanation of the year according to the Pemon calendar.

The first KOMPÖ: Chiwichiwi Kompö.

The year begins with the first KOMPÖ, the first rains. Ancestors tell you to prepare all the tools needed for hunting, fishing, and farming. It's like a sound of the bell. You must pay attention to the next signs that come. That's the first KOMPÖ. KOMPÖ is a verb in Pemon that could be translated as "spills". It is then said that the first constellations that appear in the West "shed" their first blessings. The chiwichiwi, small swallows begin to fly through the sky happy because the rainy season approaches, and with these begins their hunting of flying insects. And so, the year begins. These rains are sporadic and not continuous, nor are they abundant. Spawning of fish begins. This period is used for good fishing. Hooks, nets, and arrows must be ready. All fishing. Hunting is also facilitated because fresh rains allow the tracking of deer and bush cow. And of course, the soil must be ready for planting. The first plants of cassava, plantain, and pineapple are sown. Short crop crops are not sown because they are damaged by the early rains that are most abundant. 

The second KOMPÖ: Maritö

 It appears in the West the Maritö (Scorpion). We must prepare well. Has the roof of the house repaired? Prepare the NASAs, because the rivers are going to overflow and many fish will have to catch with the NASAs.It's the long period of rain. Not many things to do, but to devote to the care of the crops, of the cattle.

According to Wikipedia,

 “NASA is a passive fishing net, consisting of a form of cylinder that is narrowed (funnel-shaped inverted), so that when the prey (mainly crustaceans, shellfish and cephalopods) enters the net, it is directed its route, falling in a tank of which it is impossible to leave. It is used with a bait that incites fish or shellfish to be introduced”.

It is in this period of rains that begin the flowering of the trees. It is the pollination that promises for the next rainy season that the trees will have many fruits. The collection of Bachacos, the large red ant, and termites is also given in this period. Termites, small, medium and large fly their queens and are collected for consumption. The Pemon roast them to keep them longer. Likewise, the Bachacos asses that are an exquisite dish even for strangers. This is the end of this KOMPÖ.

The third KOMPÖ: Tamükan

This period corresponds to the constellation of the Pleiades. A constellation well known for all civilizations. The fruit collection begins. The fruits of the trees and palms begin to ripen to be ready for collection, a process that must be done with many precautions to avoid fatal accidents, which usually occurs during this period.

The fourth KOMPÖ: Mirik

It is the period that abundant rains will finally go away. It is time now to observe the events that occur because of the absence of the rains. Rivers lower their flow. It is now time to prepare for other activities.

The first WIYU: Masak Püre

Masak Püre literally means "Arrow of the Mosquito". It is the equivalent of the month of August. It is when the atmosphere is filled with many pests because of the stagnant waters that are staying as mosquito breeding nests. It grows in the Savannah a spike of a grass that has very sharp tips that sting. You can't walk without these spikes bothering you. It's when the snakes come out of their burrows to hunt, especially the rattlesnake. We must be attentive. It's a dangerous month.

The second WIYU: Pamak

This one is like the another. With fewer mosquitoes, another type of spike comes out in the savannah. It is time to prepare for the coming months whose climates will be varied. It affects everything. Agriculture and fishing. There's scarcity. No fruit to pick up. There's not much fishing. The one who made no provision will be in trouble.

A Surprise KOMPÖ

This period marks a single event: a sudden rain. The days are sunny and calm, it inspires you to leave the house to spend several days of field, hunting, or any recreation activity. Suddenly, when you least expect it, thunder, winds, and heavy rains come. If you have camped near a river, it is most likely to overflow, and lose your belongings. It is the overflow of the blessing of the giant star Antares. These days, if you forget, Antares can take you with the water streams.

CHIWOU: Nor Kompö neither Wiyu.

It is called this period because the clouds seize the firmament. Mists abound at sunrise or dusk. They used to be observed more. Now very little for climate change. It's nights you don't see a lot of stars. It is difficult to know the positioning of the constellations. Little communication with the ancestors who cannot communicate anything. They are days of mild drizzles related much to the celebrations of December. The earth is preparing for the next period. 


 Come the winds, and beside them any quantity of fowl. It's winter in the north. Birds migrate south. That phenomenon is observed during this time. The breeze blows from east to west raising the dust, no rain, the ground starts to dry. The rivers start to flow down. There are fires. You start to see smoke everywhere. What's the matter? The Toronkan has arrived.

Words of reflection

It has been many years since The Sun died, The Father of the Pemon, but he is now present in the firmament, next to the constellations. But, ancestral children have preserved this history and this knowledge for generations. It is important to divulge it for posterity. Because of its importance to understanding climate change.

Throughout the past years, this calendar has been adjusted to natural phenomena. That is, it has been an unequivocal guide to the administration of risks and natural resources. But in the last five years, certain variations have been observed that begin to concern the Pemon wise men.

The more immediate questions are: First, why if I take care of my environment every day it becomes different? And then, there are more questions that no one wants to answer. Climate change is a subject that everyone flees. No one wants to be responsible for the destructive facts he carries out daily. The Pemon even living in their last practically natural habitat do not find out the great changes that happen on the planet. They think that everything is the same. The reality is another and it is very sad.

For this reason, in the last edition of the Pemon calendar, we have decided to change its design in the manner of a rudder, which each year must conform to the current calendar to be able to evaluate the climatic changes and thus be prepared for any change.

The Pemon will always be in the monitoring of the climatic changes. This is important. Because we live in the upper basin of the Caroni River, where all the rivers that reach the hydroelectric plants that give the 70% of electricity of Venezuela are born. Therefore, we have been, are and will continue to be, with our calendar Pemon in our hands, the environmental sentinels of our land.

Here is a drawing that summarizes all the above lines. In the center, The Sun, next to the Swallow-Tiled-Kite (Elanoides forficatus) that flies in a imposing way, a bird that represents the character of the Pemon. Then come the names of the months of the Gregorian calendar. Then, the drawings of the constellations of astronomy Pemón that give name to the 9 periods of the calendar Pemon. And finally, the names in Pemon of the periods.  

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Verified - Good luck @rdelgadop!

Thank you very much @gktown

interesting piece.. very detailed breakdown... thanks for sharing.. never heard of the Pemon, before

Excelente trabajo, cuanta cultura por rescatar tenemos...

Pues, rescatemos @bitcoinroute.

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100% Venezolana muy buena publicación. Cultural y educativa

Bueno, lo publicaré con mayores detalles en español para demás fines consiguientes. Espero lo apuntes @artemisjane26@

ok muchas gracias. 100% Venezuelan/ OK thank you very much.100% Venezuelan

Very good @nanowins77

But, did you read it guy @nanowins77

muy buen articulo sobre este grupo indigena ...

I vote you amigo... I wish you a good luck.

Excelente! Te auguro éxito en este desafío. Tienes mi upvote y te sigo @rdelgadop ...

Bellísimo artículo, interesante de principio a fin. Como no se ama lo que no se conoce, te doy las gracias por compartir y darnos a conocer un poco más de nuestro país y su gente maravillosa!

Excelente. No sabía que eres Pemón. Tenía un ensamble musical que se llamaba Teukin (Número 1 en Pemón ). Éxitos!

Qué bueno @digitalopus. Pues ya sabes si quieres más de Töukin! Gracias!