Human nature is a subject of intense debate, however few disagree that such a thing exists. Understanding human nature helps us to understand human history, ourselves and others we interact with far better.
Are human beings good or not? And does this question even make sense? These are the main questions ultimately explored when one tackles the sticky and difficult topic of human nature.
Indeed, human nature is a tricky thing. We are, after all, the only species who can reflect on our own nature, thus providing both the capacity to transcend it in the individual sense and change it in the collective sense. Viewing human nature as something in constant flux provides another layer to human nature — part of our nature is the ability to change that nature.
Perhaps the competing viewpoints of human nature are each true in their own way, providing an overlapping picture of the lot the human race is consigned to. That is why we have dug up so many quotes about human nature that seem to contradict one another: Because we believe that each provides a shard of the truth about the broader picture of human nature.
Read these quotes and attempt to see the overlapping wisdom contained in each. It will provide you with a multi-faceted insight into what human nature truly is.
Read more Human Nature Quotes: Explaining Human Nature & Behavior at Spread Great Ideas: