SEC | S20W5 | Google Sheets (Creating Sheets & Form Part 2)

in spreadsheet-s20w5 •  8 days ago 

This is my homework post for Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 20 Week 5 assignment of Professor @simonnwigwe’s class, Google Sheets (Creating Sheets & Form Part 2).


Task 1 – Editing the Google Sheet

1. Adding Sheet to the Existing Worksheet

  1. I created a new sheet in worksheet SEC-S20W4, and named it Summary as directed.
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  2. I copied the author names from the Database sheet.
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  3. I already have a list of author names in the Summary sheet.
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  4. Now I need to fill in the country data, first I will copy it from the Database sheet.
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  5. I already have a list of country names in the Summary sheet. Next for this statistical need I need to remove the double data.
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  6. To remove duplicate entries, I select all the cells contain the country names, I pressed the [Data] menu and selected [Data cleanup], then [Remove duplicates].
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  7. The double entries are gone.
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  8. Now to make this list of countries look more professional, I will sort them in an A to Z pattern. To do this, I select all the cells contain country names, click on the [Data] on the menu bar, then choose [Sort range], them [Sort range A-Z].
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  9. This is how it looks after I sorted A-Z and put it into the Country table.
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  10. I manually filled in the data for the Club table because there were only a few entries. This how it looks so far.
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    I need to put Tags entries in the Steemian Details table, before I can copy them to the Tags table in Summary sheet.

2. Adding Column to Steemian Details Table

  1. I open the Steemian Details sheet and I mean to put the Tags column between the Community Posted and Country columns. I right-click on the column header D (where the Country column is) to select it, then I select [Insert 1 column left].
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  2. I fill in the main tag for each Post Link entry in the Steemian Details table. Here's the result.
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3. Finishing the Tags Table in Summary Sheet

I now have the data needed to populate the entries in the Tags table in the Summary sheet. I will fill in the data in the Tags table in the same way that I filled in the data for the Country table, i.e:

  • first I will copy the data from the Tags column in the Steemian Details sheet;
  • Secondly, I will make sure there is no duplicate data with the data cleanup procedure;
  • finally I will sort the data using the A - Z method.

This is the result.

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4. Finishing the Count Columns in the Summary Sheet

It is only the SUMIF function is used to fill in all the Count columns in the Summary sheet, with all references pointing to the Steemian Details sheet. What will be difference is the referencing cells, namely:

  • for Author Count, the cells that are referenced in the Steemian Details sheet are G2 through G31;
  • for Country COunt, the cells are E2 to E31;
  • for Club Count, cells F2 through F31; and
  • for Tags Count, the cells are D2 to D31.

So the code for the top entry (row 2) of the Count column in each table becomes:

  • Author Count column:
    =countif('Steemian Details'!$G$2:$G$31,B2);
  • the Country Count column:
    =countif('Steemian Details'!$E$2:$E$31,F2);
  • Club Count column:
    =countif('Steemian Details'!$F$2:$F$31,J2);
  • Tags Count column:
    =countif('Steemian Details'!$F$2:$F$31,J2).

I've added total rows to calculate each count total, so that if it differs from the number of entries on the Steemian Details sheet (30 entries), then it is immediately known that something needs to be fixed. The result:

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Task 2 – Google Form

1. Creating The Form

  1. First question, the short answer type.
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  2. The second one, also the short answer type.
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  3. The third one, the long text answer type.
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  4. The date type comes next.
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  5. The time type.
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  6. Here comes the multiple choice question,
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  7. Again, short answer type.
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  8. Checkboxes, I love it!
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  9. The 9th question, again, short answer.
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  10. Here comes the dropdown.
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  11. More dropdown.
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  12. And lastly, the file upload.
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2. Giving Access

  1. Giving Access to Google Sheet.
    • I press the [Share] button.
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    • In the pop-up window that appears, I can fill in a series of email addresses that I give access to. Here it can be seen that the emails I want to give access to are already filled in, this I did last week when doing the assignment for week 4. So here I don't do anything but press the [Done] button.
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  2. Giving Access to Google Form.
    • I click the [Send] button.
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    • Since I want to provide access with the ability to review responses, I will add the owners of the email addresses as editors.
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    • I then filled in the email addresses, wrote a message if needed in the message box, and pressed the [Send] button.
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    • There is now 1 response (1), and I have linked this Form to a Google Sheets so that response organization can be done easily (2).
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    • Here's what the Google Sheets looks like.
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Thanks, Professor @simonnwigwe for the lesson. I invite @rayfa, @anroja, @el-nailul. Sorry for the tag, my friends.

Pictures Sources

  • The editorial picture was created by me.
  • Unless otherwise stated, all another pictures were screenshoots and were edited with Adobe Photoshop 2021.

My Introductory Post | Artikel Perkenalan Saya.

Picture created by @aneukpineung78

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Kedua tugas di atas merupakan pekerjaan yang sering kita jumpai dewasa ini karena kebutuhan dan perkembangan zaman yang menuntut kita untuk bisa membuat tugas seperti di atas.
Terima kasih atas konten yang sangat bermanfaat ini bang

Metode yang saya pakai dalam mengerjakan tugas pertama itu kelas rendahan saja. Saya bisa melakukannya dengan lebih "pro" menggunakan Pivot Table, tapi saya pikir karena datanya sedikit sekali, saya lebih suka memakai cara "non pro" ini, di mana saya bisa menggunakan lebih banyak teknik semi-manual seperti data cleanup dan sort.

Saya sebenarnya ngga suka memanggil orang untuk ikutan di kontes, itu bisa menjadi annoying bagi orang yang ditandai, tapi dalam hal ini itu diharuskan oleh penyelenggara kontes. Jadi, ya harap maklum. 😆😆😆

Hal lain lagi, saya ingin mengirim artikel ini di komunitas tetapi penyelenggara kontes mengharuskan agar diunggah di luar komunitas. Minggu lalu sempat saya tanya kenapa, kata Professor @simonnwigwe, dia tidak suka ada penilaian dari entitas lain (dalam hal ini verifikator komunitas) selain penilaian yang dilakukannya.

Terimakasih Bang atas komentarnya, dan juga dukungannya.

Klo saya pribadi gak keberatan bang di mention untuk di ajak ikut kontes karena sangat mengerti dgn persyaratan tsb. Dan biasanya juga saya ikut komen kalau di mention seperti itu biar postingannya ada engagementnya..😀

Berarti bang Ketua akan menjadi langganan mention saya, seperti halnya rayfa. Huaahaha, tapi Bu Rayfa sekarang nga mau komen lagi di Steemit, tapi komentarnya dikirim ke Whatsapp. Hahaha.

Jadi dari 3 syarat, dua orang sudah bisa menjadi langganan mention, tinggal nyari 1 lagi hahaha. Bang @seribubulan bolehkah? Ayo Bang jawab.


Saya sangat ingin mengikuti konten tersebut diatas, cuma apalah daya kalau saya mengikutinya seperti menulis diatas air hehehe
Takut juga dikatain: Artikel macam apa ini atau Komentar macam apa ini xixixixi..

ga masalah, saya mention, tinggal komen aja apa yang bisa hahah,, ngga komen juga ga papa... qiqiqi.. intinya jangan merasa ga enak aja "ni orang mention2 aku terus" hahhaa.. kiban, cocok? Qiqiqi ...

Ya sudah saya akan serang komentar untuk bg apin dan semuanya. Siapa tau kan terpincut eunteuk ngen salah sidroe dara dara meutuwah xixixi


Congratulations!!🎉🎉 Your post has been upvoted by TEAM 03 (content seekers) using steemcurator05. Continue making creative and quality content on the blog. By @damithudaya

Wow my boss what an implict and interesting article you have here sincerely I don't know too much about Google sheet but I'm happy for you for your reward and your awesome presentation.

I wish you best in this contest.

Thank you, Andrew. I believe that you can do it, too.