Getting Creative: Sometimes April 15th Feels Like the REAL "New Year"

in spring •  7 years ago 

OK, so I am well aware that time is a pretty arbitrary thing; a construct we humans have created so we can show up at the dentist's "on time" rather than at any odd time.

So, as part of our rituals of "Being Human" we celebrate the New Year in January 1st each year.

I'm good with that. Really.

Spring Feels Like the New Year

That said, for as long as I can remember — or at least for all of my adult life — April 15th (or somewhere within a few days) has always felt more like the start of the "New Year" to me. Far more so that January 1st.

Purple spring irises

Whether it's because I can finally stop worrying about "doing taxes" (at least true for many here in the USA where April 15th marks "tax day"), or because things suddenly "start growing" and I have to mow the lawn every three days, this time of the year really feels like the new year.

Without even thinking about it, I started a couple of new creative projects yesterday — one inside, one out in the yard — and then realized today that I was back to my "it feels like the new year!" schedule of years past.

It also reminded me why I have never been a fan of so-called "New Years' Resolutions," because I have never really felt like taking on much of anything new in the middle of the winter. In spring? That's a whole other kettle of fish!

Life Must Accommodate US — not Vice-Versa!

Many years ago when I was still trapped in the world of the IT Industry, there was often a debate raging over the relationship between developers and end users.

The first butterflies come out

Inherent in this, there was always a significant number of developers who felt that users "should adapt" to the way the software was designed. It was a rather "technology-centric" approach; part of a bigger philosophy that subtly hinted at the possibility that humans needed to serve the technology, rather than the technology serve the humans

Being one of the ones who worked in Usability and Human Factors, I was often at odds with the developers. More than once, I pissed off a developer by insisting their work only existed because it needed to serve an end users life, and NOT "because you want to write clever/elegant code."

Those debates popped into my head again, as I realized that it serves me to think of April 15th as the beginning of a New Year... and whereas I recognize the chronological need to regard January 1st as the New Year, for the purposes of my existence — and starting projects — I feel renewed and refreshed around April 15th.

How About YOU? Do you tend to create your own paradigm or schedule when it suits you best? Or do you follow the "accepted norm" on most things? When you sit and think about it, in depth, does the societal standard genuinely serve your needs? If not, what would you like to change? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

created by @zord189

(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 180416 16:24 PDT

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I agree. Spring makes more sense to be considered the New Year but then the more celebrations to get us through the winter months the better. I love where I am that we celebrate both Julian calendar and lunar new year. Your irises and butterfly were very pretty:)

.....back when I worked in factories New Years day brought on the realization that outside of Good Friday it's a long, long haul to the next three day weekend. Good Friday was never a guarantee of being off either, it depended on the employer and was often optional to work for those with a religious affiliation...which if your boss knew you well enough he'd known if you were trying to pull the wool over his eyes. It be a very long five months to Memorial day.

Yes ... I hear you ... but I am Canadian and I don't even get memorial day ... lol.

...nor the 4th of July! long do you guys have to go to get to another holiday?

It's just xmas man ... lol. Nah we got some long weekends in there. There is a family day in February and everyone gets good Friday whether they are religious or not. We celebrate our nation's birthday on July 1 and there is Victoria day in May. We have labour day and Thanksgiving in October. And did I mention all the free snow:)

That's good to hear, Canada may not be so bad now if we ever had reason to have to flee there!

You'll have to wait your turn ... :):):)


I just follow the accepted norms but sometimes Mondays feels like New Year to me. It doesn't really serve my need, its like a 50/50 thing.

The spring is wonderful and very beautiful
For it is a season where the flowers bloom
I love spring

This is so weird, because this is the same thing I was talking with my husband few days ago and I totally agree with you.
New year is when the new beginnings start, new life and saying bye to the old and I believe Spring is the new year, where we see new life coming out where we as humans feel renewed and energized and ready for new beginnings and new life.

Great post @denmarkguy and I love the spring flowers.

I agree.
the machine exists to SERVE the user.
not the other way around.

I agree. More sun shine is more time and energy to get out and be active. I think pagans had the right idea on the seasonal celebrations. Living in harmony is, well, natural. We are now placed in a rigid calendar of celebrations that have little to do with our lives, our activities or the natural way of things. We have been severed from all things that feed us, give us and all things life, Its no wonder so many people suffer from depression.

Interesting topic and nice spring flower!