New DUW Podcast #51 is up ! Including a conversation with independent wrestling sensation DIAZ.
By Michael Delss
We are still hot on the heels of the hundreds …damn near thousands of downloads and listens from our historic 50th episode which ventured into Facebook live… As well as all of our other outlets!! And we could not have done any of that without our loyal DUW PODCAST listeners as well as everybody who has just stopped by!! And now… A new chapter begins for us individually and as a podcast… But no matter what we will keep doing what we’re doing !
On this episode… We discuss NXT Takeover Chicago… WWE Money In The Bank 2018… Lots of news from the professional wrestling world since our 50th episode… Tangents and more tangents… Plus things from the world of sports and entertainment and we even have a discussion about Mel Gibson LOL.
And we are pleased to have a exclusive conversation with a gentleman who has been in and around the world of independent professional wrestling for several years…he has had an amazing transformation in his physical, personal and professional life.
And right now he is doing the best he has been doing so far in MCW PRO WRESTLING … And he takes some time out to speak with the dirty ugly wrestling podcast… he is known as many things… including the Mexican Mini Boss DIAZ.
So listen, comment, like, share, enjoy, tag… This and all of our archived episodes on SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher and Tune In Radio !!! Join us as we share our passion for this business a professional wrestling… Because as we always say… We are not right… We are not wrong… We are just fans :)
Thank you for spending your precious time to read my blog. Keep watching for new upcoming stuff !