SPS and blockchain events

in sps •  5 years ago 

Today I want to talk about what is for me the most overlooked use case of the Steem Proposal System : sending Steemians to blockchain conferences over the world.

Great things to come

I believe it is safe to say that most of Steemians that followed the SteemFest talks, whether by flying to Bangkok or watching it online, felt a boost of optimism regarding our blockchain.
As I've discussed in a previous post, the work of Steemit Inc., the progress of Steem dApps team and the passion of the community as a whole shows how much potential our blockchain has.
Communities and SMT will bring long awaited changes to the Steem blockchain and increase the number of use cases.
Feeling bullish yet? Great, how about making non Steemians feel bullish as well? We have a great technology, but if we want the price to follow, people need to know about it!


For now, the SPS is mostly used for development and that's great but I think it should also be used to get the word out.

Why not let Steemit Inc. take care of this ?

Blockchain conferences are all over the world while Steemit Inc. is US based. Lots of big conferences take place in Asia and Europe and flying from the States to there would be costly and inefficient.

Steem Community to the rescue

To represent Steem to major conferences, we need Steemians who :

  • deeply care about Steem ecosystem
  • are highly knowledgeable about our blockchain and its developments
  • are comfortable giving public talks and have a track record of public appearances

I believe we have community members matching these characteristics on each continent, and that by leveraging efficiently the SPS, we could be sending one of them to each major blockchain event.

SPS could help cover the cost associated :

  • Flight ticket
  • Hotel
  • Conference ticket
  • Goodies, banners, etc. (depending on the conference)
  • Per diem
  • Working hours


To make this possible, we need a way to expedite the process and I would like to open the discussion about this here.
First, this kind of SPS should be "all or nothing", since we can't send Steemians to represent the blockchain with insufficient funding. I see 2 ways to do this:

Short-time SPS

Users should make a short-time SPS with a high daily pay and convince enough stakeholders to vote for their proposal to fund their expenses to represent the chain.
With the current limit, I think it would be extremely hard to achieve but that's still a possibility.

Creating a fund

We could create a fund controlled by the major stakeholders via multisig and constantly taking part of the SPS to fund future participations to conferences.
The multisig will make sure these funds are not used for anything else than the expected scope. Since the funds will be secured beforehand, stakeholders will be able to distribute them in a timely manner, after reviewing a request.

I am hoping to see some discussions in the comments about the best way to achieve this.


We will need to find people that are good pitching Steem! For this purpose, I will start in a few days an elevator pitch contest. Elevator pitch is always a very difficult and interesting exercise, since you're limited to 1 minute to present an idea. This is especially true in the case of Steem and I can't wait to see how it goes.
I will personally put 100 SBD as a price and am hoping to see some other stakeholders participate.
I will announce it in more details later this week.

Founder of SteemPlus
Developer of Steem Keychain

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I'm not sure that is the best use of community funds. It might be inspirational to those getting to go that could not otherwise, but it just doesn't bring new people in. I think it is better to reserve the limited funds for activities that grow the network size. Just one view...

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I'm not seeing how this doesn't bring people in? People attending blockchain conferences seem like a receptive audience to me, potentially as end users, as investors, and as developers. Most don't know about or barely know about Steem (and much of what they think they know is probably inaccurate).

IMO this has potential to grow the network, but as with anything else I would also want to see actual results in the form of tracking metrics, etc.

To both: You may see also as an human action to own members? don't you think?
How people see it, in front of all, to feel that community really care and appreciate first onw members. **We would don't run stepping or threading onto others. **
What better solution we have than freedom? Why don't fund them and then let them, in continuation to choose?
Then, members which really need them, take them or not, or refuse them to others good things.
I think the entire system must rethink. But in more human way and freedom way.
See you all soon. Yours spiritliberation.

This idea is great man!

At Steem Fest, a few top witnesses and stakeholders put in some money to pay for the ticket for someone going to the cointelegraph conference in Singapore, thinking about this very same idea you state here but with a different approach.

We are waiting for the proof of attendance and #posh (proof of shill) post from the attendee to make a post and proposal about this, being a proposal coming from the witnesses and stakeholders and not a single entity, so it becomes a group effort, I'll send you a dm, perhaps you want to join the initiative.

The people who are part of this are gtg, theycallmedan, starkerz, blocktrades, crimsonclad (followbtcnews witness), aggroed, howo, anyx and me (OCD-witness), and hopefully, you! Let's make Steem great again together! 💪

Sure, I ll be happy to join!
However in the future, I think it would be better to have the funds beforehand so we don't request the Steemians to pay everything from their own pocket first.

I think that umbrella funds are the way to go. Directly funding initiatives with the SPS are hard to plan for. If an umbrella fund only achieves 50% of the required funding, they could stipulate ahead of time that, in such a situation, they'll cancel the event and a) roll the funds over to the next scheduled event or b) just return the funds back to the SPS.

I agree that with the current state of SPS, an umbrella would be more manageable.
I was thinking about making it a long-term (months long) proposal, big enough to fund about 2 conferences per month, so that we could have the funds beforehand to move fast. If unused funding would exceed a certain threshold, we d return part of it to @steem.dao.

I will help chip in for the fund. Good idea.

Yes. You are right.

Awesome, thanks for your help!

Great idea. I was really hoping to see some initiatives get started to represent Steem at conferences. Thanks for getting this going!

Yea, SF4 really made me realize that if people knew what's going on in here, we could get them excited about Steem again =)

steemit all over

Communities and SMT will bring long awaited changes to the Steem blockchain and increase the number of use cases. Feeling bullish yet?

Steem Engine was the community response to the extremely out of schedule development of SMT by Steemit. Somehow Steem Engine tokens behave like SMT will. Do Steem price got any impulse by it? I think it didn't.

Neither Communities nor SMTs will increase price. The only way a bullish movement appears if a massive -MASSIVE- marketing campaign is started by Steemit and followed also by some other Steem based dApp, excluding those which run in other blockchains or are no Steem exclusives.

But I am also thinking Communities and SMTs will certainly make new dApps possible. Steem Engine doesn't, as it is just a quantum aberration which is not a blockchain neither a platform for developers.

Communities and SMTs will bring a whole new potential to our blockchain.
But to drive the price up, non Steemians need to know about it and be convinced STEEM is a crypto worth investing in, hence this post.

I think I may really know what's the problem and I have an another formula most complex, which I think about as at a more time ago, years and yeas. And enclosed in my project. But it well be free. Until there I'm still not so sure of it's completeness.
See you soon.

i'm all in for this .. already have been attending and speaking at many blockchain events in regards to steem in Malaysia. let me know how i can help. Here was two of the events which i spoke at....



We need more coordinated marketing efforts, great idea!

Posted using Partiko Android


I think this idea helpful for me.

very good explanation more for those of us who are starting in this new and complex world such as cryptocurrencies and their respective branches, thanks for the info

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I love this idea! We need marketing and people who can get the word out. Representation at blockchain events would be HUGE! I'd be interested in doing it as well. Although I don't have much public speaking experience outside of university and the occasional blabbering on YouTube. But, I think I'd be good at it. I know a ton about the industry and the Steem ecosystem as well and I know I could put together a good presentation/pitch deck. I have no problem speaking in front of large numbers of people either and have done it several times in my life.

Regardless, we do need people to do this and I absolutely support this idea 110%! Good thinking!

Agree on using sps to get the word out on those conferences

I even thought for fun this morning while watching netflix and wondering what would happen if the characters would be like 'let me check my steem account' or something like that for a few times in a show (s).. then people would be like, 'What the hell is steem..' Again, just a random thought but I really think it would work if it could really happen lol

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Excellent! I will support once the relevant SPS is up.
I also like the idea of multi-sig control.

What are y'all smoking? Pass it this way please

Posted using Partiko Android

This is something I've been saying for a while. Very happy to see some take the initiative .

Let s make this happen =)

@tipu curate

Good work

I am sure in this conversation the results will be very good for all the steemians, I think this is a very good start

Almost got me ..... I ALMOST threw out some gold (good advise) but then I remembered how much I disliked Steemit Inc. for delegating to Steem Cleaners and all the abuse that has happened from them over the years... AND how tone deaf they have been.

I will say there is a better way.

This has nothing to do with Steemit Inc. but rather with the Steem community as a whole and our will to to drive STEEM price up.
But since you mention it, I would have agreed with you regarding Steemit Inc last year. But since the change of management they are listening to the community and doing a great job.

Ok ..... so if new steem is better than old steem, why is it easier to flag people now than it was then?

Last time I check the largest, best dapp on the steem block chain (Splinterlands) STILL has no delegation from Steemit Inc.!

Tell me again about being a team player plz ....

  1. Flag is an important feature of Steem and we would fail without it, look at what happened to Whaleshares. Whether it s working as intended or not is arguable but it's completely off topic here.
  2. AFAIK they have filled a delegation request through @delegationtrust, and I m pretty sure they ll get it. Once again, completely off topic on a talk about community, SPS and conferences.

You don't think flags and community are the same topic?

I don't know if I really understood that delegation but it's like I am a person and someone raises me up somehow that as I delegate my soul. Let's all let be driven by bots and they to judge us!! This seems not normal. It's somehow like my account, my personality are driven by someone else (bot or human) and those delegated votes, from where do we know that they really represent me? or it is not even my opinion? or exactly opposite!
It's like somehow my account, except my posts, but rest of it isn't me. We aren't us. Wtf? :(
The formula it is more complex and not so. We delegate ourselves to bots for what? for money? for they raise us up? they do this in our person or in an false system which no one it's really him? :(

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

..great move!...respect..and don’t know how, but surely I will helping to get steem on the top..I m just a little unhappy that I m not able to go and represent steem..curious to see reactions to your post..up.. follow you..resteemed..steem on!..

I don't think it makes any sense to do this at present but should Steem climb coin market cap to 65 or less it would make a lot of sense

What is the rationale behind 65?
I think the more we drive awareness of the awesome changes to come, the more we can potentially go up.

It seems to me like partial funding for delegates is in order at this point and that Steem at a higher price could fund full coverage of some representative at these conferences. The product we have to offer isn’t there yet and I agree with Steemit Inc that the time isn’t ripe for an aggressive campaign. Right now, I could see devs who can leverage the potential of SMTs get the SPS grants more than any marketing move which is in and of itself hard to do in a decentralized environment.

Hard to do because we don't all agree on what Steem is or should become and because we need a larger community if that's going to be our selling point.

Fight for your rights to be you, not anyone else. Humanity it's most important our asset and no one can't take it from us without any permission.
In order to restore this, the system should show this as embedded attribute of any account and near it: how much SP are already delegated, as corrupted humans by others and not so individual as the seems.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I was gonna say it's an awesome idea... BUT...
However you perhaps realized how bad the SPS is at funding small projects (time investment vs potential of fundage) so this larger FUND idea that can be organized outside of SPS could help with this issue and lead to this perhaps even happening... even with SPS funds.

I agree that it's very hard to fund anything through SPS right now. If enough major stakeholders agree with the idea of the fund, I think it would be pretty reasonable to assume we could get it above the return proposal and start accumulating funding. Then spend it when major events occur and if we get too much unused funds (TBD), return it to @steem.dao

I think that a proactive step for the SPS system would be to plan out all possible blockchain conferences in the coming year (2020), then begin organizing around them. Pinpoint the location and from that, make "missions" that individual steemians that are vetted according your qualities, CAN propose to represent STEEM in that event.
I think that Steemit, Inc SHOULD be involved in some form of another. Either logistics help or kick ass designs for visual representations. Some of these things require skills that many on the Steemit Inc steem may already possess (no need to hire more).
Additionally, if they are displyed are "missions", individual steemians could also get on board by making posts and sending the profits to complete the missions.
I for one, I think could be a solid Representative for SPS. I am located in Central America and I do have experience in public speaking and relationships in the Academia world. Specifically Austrian Economics.

Hi, @stoodkev!

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Hey @stoodkev, this is a great idea and I remember that I spoke with a few Steemians about this during SteemFest 4 - maybe you as well?!

I will spend a day or more of my time to do a Steem Speech at the Blockchain Institute in Stuttgart in Germany at 24th of January 2020.

Means, traveling 4 to 5 hours, do an Event with 3 to 5 hours, creating a bunch new Steemians from my Resouce Credits, staying somewhere in a hotel over night and traveling back 4 to 5 hours back to Aachen. Plus all the planing and creating some presentations.

Love to use the #sps to get the cost for traveling and sleeping covered as this is mainly #marketing for #steem.

Should I write a proposal for this??

Your thinking is osama..
But, what you think that can work 100%??

I want to participate, what can do on this event??

Hello, good morning, my name is Herman Sanchez, I belong to the Spanish-speaking community of Steemit, I have read your post and I loved it and I would like your idea and vision to reach the community in Spanish. If you authorize me, I could make a translation on your post and publish it on my account and thus be able to promote your vision in the Spanish speaking community and thus reach more people. Cheers

Hola buenos Dias mi nombre es Herman Sanchez, pertenezco a la comunidad habla hispana de steemit, eh leido tu post y me a encantado y quisiera que tu idea y vision llegara a la comunidad en español. Si me autorizas podria realizar una traduccion sober tu post y publicarla en mi cuenta y asi poder promocionar tu vision en la comunidad habla hispana y asi llegar a mas personas. Saludos