Dear GCHQ: #Spygate: What did you DO!!???

in spygate •  5 years ago  (edited)

Dear GCHQ: #Spygate: What did you DO!!???
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Dear GCHQ;

I thought I would drop you a line to ask: what the bloody hell is going on?

Why is the President of the United States saying you have an instrumental role in the worst scandal in American politics in decades, if not the worst scandal in all time?

Why have you dropped the UK right in the sewage effluent tank?
And how long are you going to keep lying about it?

As a patriotic Briton, I have always accepted the need for Intelligence Agencies. You are supposed to be protecting our nation from threats like Islamic extremism or other forms of terrorists and stopping foreign bad actors from interfering in the affairs of the UK.

So why are we now finding out you went all in for Barack Obama to help the democrats spy on EVERYTHING to do with the Trump campaign, in an effort to stop Trump winning and catapult Hillary Clinton into the White House in 2016?
How could you have been so stupid to do something so totally irresponsible in an effort to get THAT woman elected?

And why are we hearing names like Sir Richard Dearlove, Stefan Halper, Joseph Mifsud and Peter Martland had a roll in setting up a sting against Trump Campaign people like Papadopoulos? Western/UK intelligence assets pretending to be connected to Russia to set up… what?

The insurance policy of accusing Trump of colluding with Russia should the disaster happen and Clinton not be elected… initiating over 2 years of the Mueller investigation…
Which has just reported: there is NO COLLUSION. Opps!

And who is Christopher Steele? Why was this asset of British Intelligence hired by the Clinton Foundation to cook up the dodgy peegate “Russia Russia” Dossier, ALL of which has been exposed and thoroughly debunked as complete rubbish after years of investigation, millions of dollars, 1000’s of documents and 100’s of key individual interviews & interrogations…

Is it any wonder President Trump gets such traction when he declares #FakeNews to be #TheEnemyOfThePeople… ?

What part did Fusion GPS play in running Steele? How did he use the assets he had accumulated as co-founder of ORBIS?
Why was ORBIS using Sergei Skripal to add “verisimilitude” to that dodgy Russia Dossier? Shame his knowledge was critically several years out of date…

So who had a motive to “take care” of Skripal and make sure he kept quiet?
Russia? When there was no collusion?

At least: no collusion with TRUMP: it was Clinton and the Obama admin who sold out America with the Uranium one deal, giving Russia control of 20% of America’s Uranium in exchange for a BIG FAT PAY-TO-PLAY donation to the Clinton Foundation.

Now look, we know the BBC, Channel 4 and Sky play the game your way.

We know they are not going to talk about how British Intelligence sold out the trust of the British people trying to rig the election of Britain’s greatest ally, then conspired with corrupt persons inside the USA to try to blame Russia.

But it’s all falling apart isn’t it? SHE LOST! And the Mueller strategy has failed: now investigations in the US are going to see charges against very major people up to Obama himself, and what do you do?

What do you do when Trump DECLASSIFIES the lot?
What do you do when the entire of America knows what you did?

Are you still going to claim you don’t do “wiretapping”, and use the same sophistry as now proven Traitors to America like Brennan and Clapper?
“Oh no we don’t do wiretapping!” (It’s called electronic surveillance these days and no-ones had to tap a wire in years…)

No! This isn’t going to do!

GCHQ Director Hannigan resigned and ran like a scolded cat just after Trump was inaugurated.
Why? Sudden outbreak of gardening leave?

Here’s how it is: I’m just an ordinary person. All this cloak and daggers spy stuff, I shouldn’t be having to deal with this.
But YOU have created the situation where I have to, as do thousands of other activists, because we are seeing this proved at the highest levels, with the most credible information, which is impossible to ignore, and it could not be more serious!

Given this plot has been revealed to have started in late 2015 and the main phase activated in August 2016, we know David Cameron, Phillip Hammond, Theresa May and Boris Johnson’s fingerprints, at a minimum, must be all over this:

Just what are you going to do?

This needs SORTING because these scandalous actions drag our nation into international ridicule and disrepute.
Whoever signed off on this disastrous and stupid scheme to try to steal America’s election have let us, the British People, down so very, very badly and they MUST be held accountable:

So, the question is: how are you going to account for it?

Or are you going to keep making weak excuses and pathetic denials until you are finally dragged to utter humiliating disgrace?

Time to ask the question:
The British People?
Corrupt Politicians?

The #Spygate storm is coming and your going to have to do a LOT better than this, because the firewalls are down, the containment strategy has failed, President Trump is ascendant, and thanks to YOU: its all coming down on Britain’s head!

Its not for me to give you advice… but you might try…

*Whistleblow to tell the truth about the crimes of those at the top in 2015/16
*Arrest and remove from office persons identified as corrupt
*Stop lying and denying the overwhelming truth coming out from the USA
*Co-operate and apologise!

Will you do any of the above? Very doubtful!

So far it seems to be a bunker response hoping all this is going to go away…
But its not going away. And you have really messed up! So; until you take responsibility, its going to get worse and worse… probably going to see the end of your Agency collapsing into shame and ignominy…

You don’t have long: and only one way out: do the right thing because it is RIGHT, and show the world: British Intelligence still has SOME honour…

And don't claim it can't be done: Admiral Mike Rogers has already shown the way...

Good luck! And may God Save Your Souls…
John The White.

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