The Dishonorable Judge SSDI advocates Welcome....

in ssdi •  7 years ago 

To Whom It May Concern;
An old saying states that there is no honor amongst thieves. Yet still I find it a seamlessly somber and cruel world when a court circuit Judge deemed the title of "Your Honor" acts as if he were a god, extracting nothing from their character other than dishonor. I pose the question now; Who is the real thief?
In 2016 due to part of many disabilities I had a court date with the Social Security Disability Administration. A date to which I was late, due to having to make several stops at Denny's and gas stations for three bathroom breaks due to my Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS. I arrived to the court house (more of a kangaroo court seemingly) and before I could even sign in for my time I had to prompt the armed guard to escort me to the restroom, again with severe runs from the stress.
My claim is physical and stress and as the two tie very closely hand in hand, my intestines were on fire that day. So I used the restroom without timing my bowel movement before signing in at what the judge later called 40 minutes late. After that I was told that I had to go to one of the windows and fill out a form explaining why I was tardy, which I openly and honestly proclaimed in my written testimony.
This week, August 1st, 2017 I attended my re-scheduled court hearing. There my girlfriend who knowing how difficult these things are for me drove me. We arrived before 8AM although my court time was scheduled for 9 AM. I had a cigarette and did some stretches before walking up the handicapped ramp into the lobby where one kind maintenance worker told me where to go as I had forgotten and I could not find the SSDI office on the downstairs marque. At 8:16 I made way up the elevator with a sign in time of 8:20 AM. My attorney walked in right after me asking if it was me, Kyle.
My attorney and I then sat in a conference room as he prepared me for my trial A.K.A. my ambush, something that no attorney could ever have seen coming. We then sat in the main lobby at approximately 8:57, three minutes prior to out 9AM hearing. There we waited for over an hour and a half. Shortly before we were called in for my case we were 'warned' by one of the women that sits in the room with the judge that Judge Lawrence Wheeler was severely agitated as we were then given a 'walk on eggshells' sort of warning, due to the fact that the dishonorable Wheeler had gotten into a long verbal fight with the client before me. THe court worker then explained that Judge Wheeler was in a 'bad mood'.
We go into the room, having lost track of time by now, more than about 90 minutes later (a timeframe that my attorney said was usual in Downtown L.A. but never in West Los Angeles where we were that morning. Shortly after swearing me in and then tearing into me about promptness, of all things the judge asked how late I had arrived to the court nearly one year later. I vaguely remember getting to the court steps 10 minutes late, then going up. So that would make it at best guess 12 minutes late.
Granted before I could even sign in back in 2016 the armed guard had to escort me to the restroom as I then suffered from yet another IBS attack. So on August 1st 2017, Judge Lawrence Wheeler swore me in and then tore into me about what time I had arrived to the court. When I responded with the truthful fact about 12 minutes late, he referenced a sign in sheet from way back then last year of 40 minutes. He then tore into me briefly and ended the hearing. Well excuse me if it took me 28 minutes to take a ramp due to my injuries up a handicapped ramp and then of all things I had to use the restroom, otherwise indicating that I should perhaps crap in my pants?
The pre-agitated Judge Lawrence Wheeler was brief, made very little to no eye contact and although he was more than 90 minutes late he reminded me that I was under oath about the 12 minute approximation that I had made. So it took me 28 minutes to go up the ramp, find the "court house" and take a B.M. well excuse me. But this dishonorable creep made me wait well over an hour and a half and when factoring in how early I had arrived downstairs closer to three hours, not to mention the new court date waiting time of roughly one year.
Immediately after the "hearing" which you could count the minutes on one hand, my lawyer told me that in over 500 cases he had never ever seen something as horrible as what this judge had just pulled. My attorney said that typically they will write you a denial for something such as tardiness and certainly not a hearing. We were both baffled, angered and disappointed in Judge Lawrence Wheeler, as he was discourteous, malicious, wore a sinister grin and was so very extremely brief.
I have faced many judges in my 37 years on this earth and this by far was the largest hoax of a "judge" that I have ever seen. If his prior case had ran long and caused the judge undue stress and agitation as to the point where one of his female workers had to come out and warn my attorney of Judge Lawrence Wheeler's foul and agitated mood then perhaps this dishonorable creep of a "man" for lack of better term should have taken a break or even dismissed court for the day. Yet I feel as the court worker had warned my judge that I must agree with her. Judge Lawrence Wheeler was heated about the case prior to mine before we even walked into the room for arbitration.
I was told that we were meeting to discuss my many injuries, yet all that he talked about was my tardiness to a prior case that happened to be with an entirely different judge. My lawyer then stated that Judge "Larry" Wheeler wasted EVERYBODY'S time that day. He was a nasty, bully of a beast. His eyes beady with anger and his face flushed red. I have acquired images on-line since of Wheeler and he is usually quite pale. Which makes me wonder; Why was he so beat red when I entered the room?
A question in rhetoric really, as the court's female worker who was in the room during my short hearing and the lengthy one before me warned that "Judge Wheeler just got into a fight and is in a very bad mood." Maybe it is time for the dishonorable judge to retire, at the very least he should have broken for recess as he was obviously as sad as a school girl whose baby doll had just had its woven hair of yarn ripped from its scalp.
I hereby motion for an EXPEDITED court date in the absence of the very dishonorable Judge Lawrence Wheeler, whose horrific display of power has only furthered the ailments of my condition. I also plan on taking Judge Wheeler before The Superior Court, where he will be asked "under oath" about his experiences on that particular day of August 1st, 2017 namely his temper and demeanor. Simply put Wheeler was unfit to see another applicant as to the huge argument that had ensued with a completely different applicant just before I had entered the room.
Judge Lawrence Wheeler also agitated my injuries and disabilities none of which he addressed in the court room. I implore you to listen to his recordings both prior to my hearing and during my hearing and common sense will take its toll. In addition I am now looking into taking the very nasty man Lawrence Wheeler to civil court for both neglecting my case and the evidence at hand in addition to agitating my already on-going issues.
Regards, Kyle Manfre

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Super post

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