in ssg-membership •  5 years ago  (edited)


United States Decimal Cents will only be available in U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents...

Now, thinking in Terms of Crypto-Dollars, Cents and Decimal Cents, a Brand New Picture comes to Mind...

Who could have known, that U.S. Crypto-Coinage would be Activated as a Part of a Moon Shot in "Spending Power"...???

Think of buying Gold for 35 U.S. Crypto-Dollars per Ounce, or Silver for 80 U.S. Crypto-Cents per Ounce...

How could anyone have seen "that" coming...???

Could you imagine, if you were One of Those, to see it coming before anyone else...???


I went to the Bank yesterday to see if they had any Boxes of One Dollar U.S. Clad Coins...

They did and said there was 1,000 Coins to the Box...

To make a long Story short, I made a Comment yesterday about my Trip to the Bank..

Here is my Comment...

[-]pocketechange (56) · 15 hours ago

I stopped at the Bank, and was told they have a Brand New Box of 1,000 U.S. One Dollar Clad Coins... I don't have to pay any Premiums and I can pick it up on Monday... I don't even have to Open the Box... That should be enough for 3 Brand New Cars, after the Reset... That's "if" it’s what I choose to do... I doubt that I'll need 3 Brand New Guess what Song came on the Radio as I was pulling away from the Bank...???

[-]pocketechange (56) · 1 hour ago

I couldn’t believe my ears... I haven’t heard that song for years, and it starts playing as I’m pulling away from the Bank... What are the odds...???

The sad part, about this Post, is that very few people will read or benefit from it... It shows plenty of up-votes, but many of them are auto-up-votes... I have no idea who reads them, unless I get a comment...

Okay... Back to this Post...

UP-DATE... I picked up the Box yesterday (April 29, 2019) and they turned out to be 1,000 MIXED DATES...

Instead of trying to think of something Clever to say, just reply with a "Q" so I know you were here...

The Point I want to make with this Post, is that you're missing out if you skip over my Posts...

If you Read this Post, please Type a Capital "Q" as your Reply...

April 27, 2019... #ssg-membership


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I am so lost what are these clad coins and what you doing with so many ?

Not just any Clad Coinage, it has to be U.S. Clad Coinage... My P.C. Theory says they’re about to increase 100 Fold in “Spending Power”... That’s why, I have so many...

any more info on your theory?

I have it fined Tuned to the Max... U. S. Coinage, Paper Cents, along with U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Decimal Cents... All backed by U.S. Bullion Coinage... Face Value for Face Value... I have plenty of Blogs leading up to where I’m at now... Next Step... Keep your ears opened for Treasury Agents to “occupy” all 12 Frderal Reserve Banks... That will be your Clue, that you only have Two more Days to Prepare...

Hey, Hey, How is it going? You are active on Steemit...that is great.
I hear what you are saying-coinage is king. Sometimes I wonder if digital currency will be king after the re-set. Well, as long as we have electricity that is.
This is my first log-in in8 months. Interestingly I see I now have 815 followers! Hmmm, maybe I should start blogging again. :)

I'm glad to see you back... My P.C. Theory has been Fine Tuned with Paper Cents and U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Decimal Cents... Plus it calls for being Backed by U.S. Precious Metal Bullion Coins... My last 10 Posts, should be enough to get you Updated... Thanks for stopping by...

Hey I missed you my friend @susieisms
Do some Dtube videos instead :D


Hi @Cryptopie, I took your advice and made a YouTube Video. First one and it is very short.... you can see it at:


First "Q" for I was here
And second a Capital"Q" as my reply, exactly as instructed.


Good morning!

It is a good morning... I just came in from the Garden, after snapping the beginnings of my first Trumpet Vine Flower of the Year... This little Bunch, will keep Blooming all Summer long...

It's beautiful

Good morning! What type of flower please? It is exquisite.

It’s a Trumpet Vine Flower... What you see, will continue to Bloom, all Summer long...

Very nice, especially since you will enjoy it for several months.

This should be the Best, my Garden has ever looked... It was one of my Ways to Build Wealth and Watch it Grow...


Q .... and the lowly coin collectors shall reap the rewards

There will be lots of Children with Piggy Banks, reaping the rewards...


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