SOUND MONEY... "Edited"...

in ssg-membership •  5 years ago  (edited)

Could Monopoly be Played, if you Switched all Money and Prices from Dollars to Cents...???

Now, start thinking of 500 U.S. Paper Cents, as being equal with a One Ounce, $5 Silver Eagle "or" a Five Dollar, 1/10th Ounce, Gold Eagle...

Sound Money...

Pass Go and Collect 200 Cents...


What our PAPER COINAGE might look like, after the Monetary Reset...

I figure, I have the Entire Month of June to Prepare, for the "Start" of the Biggest Transfer of Wealth, the World has ever seen...

No, I don't know the exact Date, when the Switch will be Flipped, but when it happens, it will be a Game Changer...

I hope you won't be one of those, Kicking yourself, for not taking me Seriously about this Major Monetary Event...

If I'm using Federal Reserve Notes "after" the U.S. Monetary Reset, the Melt Value of Silver will be 350 Dollars per Ounce and Gold's Melt Value will be 3,500 Dollars per Ounce...

If I'm using Physical U.S. Coinage, "after" the U.S. Monetary Reset, the Melt Value of Silver will be 350 Cents per Ounce and Gold's Melt Value, will be 3,500 Cents per Ounce...

What "was" Measured using Fed Dollars, "will" soon be Measured using U.S. Cents...

Yes, Gold and Silver are about to experience a Major Moon Shot...

Then, we will witness Silver, Circle the Moon, and head straight to Mars...

As you can see, I think Silver will do much better, out of the Two...

The Purpose of the U.S. Monetary Reset, will be to "Remove and Replace" all Federal Reserve Note Dollars, World Wide, with no loss in "Spending Power" until after the "Redemption Period"...

Our U. S. Coinage, in whatever form, "will" remove and replace, the existing Federal Reserve Note Dollars...

We will Replace "their" Dollars with "our" Coinage...

U.S. Coinage, will "become" the New and Improved, World Reserve Monetary Tool of Choice...

The New and Improved U.S. Coinage, will belong to "We the People"...

The Central Bank Owners will soon begin to Sell their Gold Reserves at Melt Value Prices, to get their hands on "our" U.S. Bullion backed Coinage...

Yes, they're going to need "Our Coinage"... "BIG TIME"...

The Central Bank Owners will need to Sell the United States about 28.5 Ounces of .999 Fine Gold to get their Hands on $1,000 in the U.S. Coinage of their Choice...

After the U.S. Monetary Reset, $1,000 in U.S. Coinage, (in whatever form) will buy me about 28.5 Ounces of .999 Fine Gold, at "Melt Value" prices...

I might choose to trade in $1,000 in U.S. Clad Coinage for $1,000 in U.S. Paper Coinage, or $1,000 in U.S. Crypto Coinage...

I might choose to buy 20, of the $50 "One Ounce" U.S. Gold Eagle Bullion Coins at "Face Value" prices...

Perhaps I might want a Mixture of all 4 of our Monetary Tools...

I'll have a lot of Choices, concerning the "Monetary Tools" I prefer to use...

There will be a Difference between the Melt Value and the Face Value of our U.S. Coinage...

The Difference between the Melt Value Price and the Face Value Price, will bring lots of extra Gold, back to the U.S. Treasury, which will be used, to Mint even more Gold Bullion Coins...

It's a Win Win for We the People...

The Central Bank Owners, have Hundreds and Hundreds of Tons of Gold Bullion, that will be Coming Home "very soon" Folks...

We will buy Gold from People or Banks, at "Melt Value" Prices of 3,500 Cents per Ounce, and issue U.S. Bullion backed Coinage to them in "Face Value" amounts, in whichever form of U.S. Coinage they choose to receive...

U.S. Bullion Coinage will be Denominated in Five, Ten, Twenty-Five, Fifty and One Hundred Dollar Gold Bullion Coins...

Existing $10 U.S. Gold Eagles will be Discontinued and become Collector Coins with Premiums attached...

The $10 Gold Bullion Coins will have to be adjusted in weight from 1/4 Ounce, to 1/5th Ounce, or change the Face Value to 12.5 Dollars...

So, for every Ounce of Gold, People or the Banks turn in, they will get back the Face Value amount of $35.00 in the U.S. Coinage of their Choice...

I expect to see the One Dollar Silver Eagle Coins become the Five Dollar U.S. Silver Eagles...

This will be to Create a 10 to 1 Ratio, with our existing $50 U.S. Gold Eagle Bullion Coins...

The New $5.00 Silver Eagles, is an important Change, due to our existing U.S. $5.00 U.S. Gold Bullion Coins...

The 1/10th Ounce Melt Value of a $5 Gold Eagle, will be 3 Dollars and 50 Cents...

The Melt Value of a 1 Ounce $5 Silver Eagle, will be 3 Dollars and 50 Cents...

It's possible the $1 Silver Eagles may be turned in for $5 Silver Eagles or held as Collector Coins...

Melt Value "verses" Face Value, does play a Part in our U.S. Monetary System Reset...

Our Coinage, is all about the Face Value, not the Melt Value...

More than likely, the Banks selling their Gold Bars, will Prefer to receive our U.S. Crypto-Coinage, rather than our U.S. Bullion Coinage...

They may even want to receive a mixture of our Monetary Tools...

Everyone will have their "Choice" of U.S. Gold Bullion Coinage, U.S. Paper Coinage, U.S. Crypto Coinage or U.S. Clad Coinage...

Yes, we will still have our U.S. Collector Coinage, with their Premiums set at "Fair Market Value"...

The United States of a Sovereign People will be Rolling in U.S. Gold and Silver Bullion Coinage...

Physical U.S. Bullion Coinage will be used for Saving, not Circulating...

The Day may come, when I'll need to Cash in some of my Gold and Silver Coinage, for Circulating Coinage, in whatever Form...

A Five Dollar U.S. Gold Bullion Coin will have the same "Spending Power" as 500 of today's Federal Reserve Dollars...

We the People, Retain all Rights to our U.S. Coinage, in whatever Form we Choose, to issue it...

We will have Physical U.S. Coinage, Physical U.S. Paper Coinage, Physical U.S. Bullion Coinage and U.S. Crypto Coinage, denominated in Dollars and Decimal Cents...

There will be a Redemption Period, to give everyone holding Federal Reserve Notes ample time, to Turn them in, for the U.S. Coinage of their Choice...

Any and all "Federal Reserve (Debt) Notes" still remaining after the Redemption Period, will become Void, and Lose any and all, Legal Tender Status...

In other words, the Central Bank Owners Monetary Tools are about to be "Removed and Replaced"...

Our New and Improved "Debt Free" Monetary Tools will be U.S. Coinage, (in whatever form) denominated in either Dollars, Cents or Decimal Cents...

They will replace the USD Debt Notes, with "no" loss in "Spending Power"...

In simple terms, the Petro-DOLLAR will soon be "Replaced" by "our" U.S. Bullion backed,-Coinage...

l believe "We the People" will soon activate "our" new U.S. Crypto-Coinage, denominated in Dollars and Decimal Cents, to be used in Conjunction, with the Digital Blips used by your Banks, for Writing Checks, or used for Bank Issued, Debit and Credit Cards...

Last and most important, is our U.S. Coinage, which will increase 100 Fold in "Spending Power" to bring them up to Speed with our U.S. Bullion Coinage...

A United States $50 Gold Eagle Bullion Coin will "Remove and Replace" 5,000 Central Bank Owned Dollars...

$50 in United States Coinage (in any form) will "Remove and Replace" 5,000 Central Bank Owned Dollars...

If my P.C. Theory is Correct, the Two Rolls of One Dollar Coins will buy you a One Ounce, U.S. $50 Gold Bullion Coin, or Visa Versa...

All of the above U.S. Monetary Tools will be "BACKED" by U.S. (Precious Metal) Bullion Coinage...

Our Money will be backed by U.S. Bullion Coinage, (Face Value for Face Value) all the way Down to the Smallest Decimal Cent...

I should add here, that your Wages will also Reset from Dollars to Cents...

If you were earning 25 Dollars per hour, before the Reset, it will become 25 Cents per hour, after the Reset...

It's very important that you keep that in mind...

Naturally, it won't be as easy as you might think, to save up for, and buy a U.S. Bullion Coin, at Face Value...

$50 "or" 5,000 Cents in Debt Free Coinage, (after the Reset) will have the same "Spending Power" as 5,000 Federal Reserve Note Dollars had before the Reset...

As per my Pocket Change Theory, you can Stock Up now, or kick yourself later...

I've been holding onto "ALL" my Physical U.S. Coinage...

After the Reset, it won't matter if the "Face Value" of our Coinage is Printed on Paper, Stamped on a Gold, Platinum,Palladium, Silver, Nickel, Copper or Clad Coin, or in the Form of a Block Chain Crypto...

Remember, it's all about the Face Value, "not" the Burn Value of the Paper, or the Melt Value of our U.S. Coinage...

Before the Reset takes place, I feel it's Best to have, at least One Percent of my Total Debt, in the form of Physical U.S. Coinage...

So, if I owe $25,000 on a New Car Loan, I should be holding onto at least 25,000 Cents, or $250 in Physical U.S. Coinage by the end of this Month..

That's only One Box of Dimes, that I was able to pick-up at the Bank the other Day for 250 Federal Reserve Note Dollars...

That should be enough for me to pay off my Total Car Loan Debt, after the U.S. Monetary Reset...

No one sees this coming, and the People I tell, usually don't believe me...

You now have some very important Choices to Contemplate, Consider and Act Upon...

I have no insider information, just a Wild imagination...

I do believe, I figured out the United States Monetary Reset, before it was announced...

If there is any "Fine Tuning" of my Pocket Change Theory remaining, I'd be very Surprised...

This may be my last Blog until the United States Monetary Reset takes place...

" " " Nothing makes Sense, to People who don't Understand " " "...

To make it easy to understand... The "Spending Power" of 100 Dollars will soon be Transferred to 100 Cents...

May 31, 2019... #ssg-membership

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Upvoted and followed. Lets see what happens.



I've been trying to cut back on my Comments... It's not an easy thing to do...
July 29, 2019... 22.6 Hollywood Time...

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Oh wow... That means, I passed out Over 10,000 Free 100% Up-Votes...
That's a lot of Free 100% Up-Votes... What should I have Charged...???
June 8, 2019

Good early morning! Per your Theory, I wonder how long for retailer's, etc to change their prices?

I don’t know... They can show both prices, but they will have until the end of the Redemption Period to switch over completely... A person may want to invest in Companies that might make the Transition Easier... I've been thinking about places people can invest in... Companies where Banks order their Boxes of U.S. Coinage from... These Companies may be sitting on a Fortune in U.S. Coinage... When the Banks say they don't have any Boxes of One Dollar Coins, they always say they can "Order" them... I asked one teller where they order their Coins from, and she said Loomis... I no longer invest in Stocks, but if I had to pick one, I think Loomis may be the one I'd choose...

Thank you so much!

This Blog, keeps getting better...
June 8, 2019...

Tomorrow is JULY 1, 2019, @pocketchange.

Yes... I'm expecting to hear a Major News Story, about the Federal Reserve Banks being "occupied" by U.S. Treasury Agents, for whatever reason... I can't wait to see if I'm Right...

June 30, 2019... 23.0 Hollywood Time...


Hello, have you heard anything?

It has been a while...

September 4, 2019... 12.7 Hollywood Time...

16 days left. Cointing down.

If you hear anything on the First of July about the 12 Federal Reserve Banks being "Occupied" by U.S. Treasury Agents, for any "reason" what-so-ever, figure you have TWO extra Days to Prepare... I don't believe the Announcement will be made until July 4th, 2019 at the Lincoln Memorial...
June 13, 2019...

Yeah, independence day

That Date makes Perfect Sense to me...

Yeah, our currency independence.

It's much too important to wait any longer...

I am taking that day off to keep an eye on things

I can't wait to see if I've been Right all this time... I'm well Diversified... But I no longer worry about a Monetary Collapse, Riots, or FEMA Camps...

I picked up another Box of U.S. Dimes today... That gives me Two Boxes now, with 5,000 U.S. Clad Dimes, in Rolls of 50... So, a total of 100, Five Dollar Rolls... That will be a lot of "Spending Power" after the U.S. Monetary Reset... As per my Pocket Change Theory, each Box of U.S. Dimes will get me 250 U.S. Crypto Dollars... By the way... I paid 250 Federal Reserve Note Dollars for one Box of U.S. Dimes, that will "remove" and "replace" 25,000 Federal Reserve Note Dollars... No Premiums...
June 12, 2019...

This guy is Awesome... June 18, 2019...

June 23, 2019... They don't see "exactly" what I see Coming...

Good morning! British pageantry- The President is handsome & dignified. Melania is classy and sophisticated- a beautiful First Lady!

I can't believe how Brave our POTUS is... If it was me, I'd be doing everything from the Safety of a Bunker, as we approach July... He's an American Hero and a Living Legend...
I edited and made some additions to this Blog...

Thank you- I will read it again.

I understand - Thank you for the update. The plan is brilliant!

You said my plan is brilliant... Guess what I just heard Dave say on the X22 Report...??? Now tell me, he's not Secretly Reading my Blogs...

Good morning! I listened to the video this am, brilliant indeed! Video goes on to explain a little more of the central bank plans, etc.

As I advanced through the Video, the Plan he was talking about wasn't quite the Plan I've been writing about... Sometimes I feel he's reading my Blogs... If he is, he sure knows howto change some of the words around... Dave does seem like he's closer to seeing what's coming than most...

Thank you so much... The Teller at the Bank told me a Box of Dimes is $250.00... There are Fifty, $5 Rolls of Dimes in each Box... As per my Theory, that many Dimes, will have the same Spending Power as $25,000 in today's Debt Based Fiat, Central Bank owned Dollars,...

I listened to the music yesterday- enjoyed the video. That box of dimes will be a lot of money per your Theory.

I have plenty of Dimes, but I still feel the need to pick up a Couple Boxes anyway... That would make 2,500 Dimes in each Box... What's really nice, is that if I get them now, they're Free of Premiums... Smaller Precious Metal Rounds and Bars, are always more expensive than the Larger Ones... And if my P.C. Theory turns into a Total Flop... Five Dollar Rolls wouldn't be so bad to have... Less than Four from the Start... That's when I think the 12 Federal Reserve Banks will become "occupied" by "our" U.S. Treasury Agents... Now, I'm starting to think about Pennies... Two Rolls for a Dollar... Talk about Rock Bottom Prices... No wonder people think I'm I guess we'll be finding that out very soon...

Good morning! I listened to the video this am, brilliant indeed! Video goes on to explain a little more of the central bank plans, etc.

Well, I've spent the last Ten Days, Fine Tuning this Blog... It should be my Best Blog Ever...
June 10, 2019...

Good afternoon! Yes, I saw the updates- one of your best! Interesting about the "Double Eagle gold coin."


Just watched this, the music makes it very dramatic. Maybe i missed it but what's the plan? It just says Trump got elected like he was going to save the world are something. Pretty sure they could kill Trump if they wanted to but they prob dont see the point cause he is sorta stupid.

For one... In God We Trust is Stamped on all our U.S. Clad Coinage... Trump is far from "Stupid"... Don't pay attention to the News Media... I see you're getting your News from CNN... No wonder you think Trump is The Plan is to take away the Control of our Government from the Central Bank Owners and give it back to the People... For the most part, our Elected Government Workers are beholden to those who get them Elected to Office... The Central Bank Owners, who pretty much own everything worth owning, contribute through all their Companies, to Both Parties... So, whoever Wins the Election, will owe Favors... I'm sure you've noticed how Politicians become Rich while in Office... So, it all comes down to who's Money we use... Our Money or the Central Banks Money... The Plan is to "Remove and Replace" the Central Banks Money with our own Money... It's as Simple as that...

Make sure you listen at about 17 minutes and 45 seconds into this Video...

Your reply here would make a good blog entry.

It's getting so close now, that I don't think I'll reach many more people... I have to make sure I'm as prepared as possible... I could be Right... Plus, I don't think I can top this Blog...

I told you about joining this new church; I wrote a letter to the pastor about your Theory including this website where he can read about your Theory. I explained a few details- hopefully he will understand ( probably thinks I'm crazy).

I plan to help the church and many others if your theory is implemented ( and yes, help myself too- I'm a sinner).

I went out to play Pool yesterday... No matter how easy I try to explain my Theory to people, they just seem to smile and think I must be Joking... lol... They never seem to take me Seriously... And I can see why... The Value we place on the Money we use, is very Deep Seeded... It's what we Grew Up using... Paper Debt Notes still "look and feel" like real Money to me, and people always accept them... Pocket Change is still thought of as the Lesser of the Two forms of Money we currently use... But I heard our POTUS say... "We need Change"... ..."Real Change"... ..."Not O'bama Change"...

I passed out Over 10,000 Free 100% Up-Votes...

That's a lot of Free 100% Up-Votes...

What should I have Charged...???

December 20, 2019... 20.9 Hollywood Time...

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

You'll know right away if I'm wrong about July First, being the Starting Date for the Monetary Transition... If you hear nothing at all, about the 12 Federal Reserve Banks being "Occupied" by U.S. Treasury Agents, then everyone reading this will know, I was wrong about the Starting Date...

I've said many times that my P.C. Theory comes Straight from my Wild Imagination... Same goes for the Starting Date, I set... I picked the Date that makes the most sense to me and my Wild Imagination... I think we're less that four weeks away from a Major Monetary Event, that no one sees coming... If I'm wrong, no one lost anything... Perhaps a few Cents worth of Interest, if they had the same amount of Money in the Bank... That (in my opinion) is a very small price to pay for the possibility, that I might be Right... If I'm Right, that tiny risk of a few Cents in lost interest, might be enough to change a Persons entire Life, forever... Think of the possibilities of not paying interest to the Central Bank Owners for the "use" of "Their Money"... I see my Theory as the only way to Break Free from the Chains that Enslave us... I believe I'm on the Right Path going Forward...

Why wouldn't the World accept our Money, once it's backed by U.S. (Precious Metal) Bullion Coinage...??? And when I say, "Remove and Replace," what Countries are going to hold onto the Old Money, knowing it's about to lose all Legal Tender Status after the Redemption Period... As We remove the Old, we will at the very same time be Replacing it with the New... And Yes... Our Money will become the "World Reserve Currency of Choice"... We're not going to Twist their Arms to use our Money... I see World Wide Prosperity, the likes of which hasn't been seen by a Single Living Person... I'm not seeing the Doom and Gloom others think is heading our way... I'm very Troubled by what Jim Willie and the other Financial Guru's are saying... None of them see what my Wild Imagination is seeing... Have a wonderful 4th of July...

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Thanks for your follow-up... I trust President Trump completely... I believe, he really does want to return the Power and Control of Our Government, back to We the People... We the People, will be in Charge of the New Monetary Tools, and be their Legal Owners... We the People will all Benefit from that Ownership... I’m not sure what you mean by XRP being a Reserve Currency, but if I were a Betting Man, I'd say our U.S. Coinage will beat the Pants off of any XRP Reserve Currency out there... I believe our Money, will be the Currency of Choice, World Wide... I’m a big believer in Free Choice... By the way... The Trade Dollar turned into the Trade Cent... The One Hundred Cent Certificate, will be the Largest of our Paper Coinage... The Bullion Coinage will be for the Bigger Trades... Then, there's always the U.S. Crypto-Coinage for Very Large to very Small Transactions... I like the thought of having the Choice to use either Physical U.S. Paper Coinage, U.S. Coinage, U.S. Bullion Coinage or U.S. Crypto-Coinage... And yes, we'll still be able to write Checks or use Debit and Credit Cards... I Visualize a very Smooth Transition into our New Monetary System...
June 7, 2019... @pocketechange