More from the Museum

in ssglife •  5 years ago  (edited)

Some more things of interest from the Grand Rapids Public Museum.

This car was made by Devaux motors in the 1930's in Grand Rapids. I had no idea there were cars manufactured in Grand Rapids.


There was also this skeleton of a fin whale named Finny. It was crazy how massive it was.


There was also a whole room full of dolls. It's hard to describe how unsettling that experience was, but I feel like this sign sets the tone pretty well.


They also had an exhibit about electricity that was fun for the kids. They had a flyer with instructions on how to build a motor out of household objects. May have to give this a try with the kids.


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  ·  5 years ago (edited)


There was also this skeleton of a fin whale naked Finny.

Naked Finny? Named Finny?

From this Finney to that Finny.... hi! 👋🏻 🤣😂

Whoops. That's an embarrassing autocorrect. Thanks for catching it and pointing it out to everyone.


@methus said....

