SSSVEDA Tips for Surviving a Video Blogging Month (12m)

in sssveda •  5 years ago 

seeing as I was already in full flow with making courses for skillshare I thought I would bite off more than I can chew and add more work to my day. yep, I'm doing #sssveda again. in the process I thought I might share a few tips, tricks, and workflow processes into the mix so that you can get into making your daily videos easier.

grab this rapid micro course for power tips,

things to look out for and things to do to make the daily process (grind?) better for those that do not have a lot of time or want to make the most of their time. I'm here to help with the optimizing part and these are the processes and tips that I use to try and remember to charge, get out, shoot, music choice and give myself the best chance to make it through the month! :)

in this little course, we will.

  • share my vlogging journey and also history about #sssveda
  • things to prepare in advance ideally each night for each day
  • vlogging is easier when you approach it as steps
  • we have thirty days together, i want to bring value to your month
  • share how you can get some auto exposure for your youtube channel on my twitter
  • when you run out of steam how you can rebalance

i've been videoblogging on an off for well over a decade (yes, ten years) although i rarely do much videoblogging due to equipment and time i do try and fit in the videoblogging events as i know a lot of other people might be doing them and it's good to connect with people around the world. i've always loved the videoblogging arena for this.

i hope this small, short course will assist you in getting your videoblogging game to a place of less stress during the month and that you can start to train yourself on a daily basis the process of what is required to be a daily vlogger!

grab this rapid micro course for power tips,

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