in stach •  7 years ago 

Whatever you you sow you shall reap.

The law of karma:
The law of karma is scientific and logical. It is the spiritual form of the physical law of Cause and Effect. Every action creates an equal and opposite reaction. The law of Karma helps us understand the effect of our actions. The process helps soul mature. The law's purpose is to teach love and to uplift, not to punish. Karma applies itself in the most exacting and clever of ways. If we deprived another human being of freedom in previous life, we'd probably have our freedom curtailed in this life. This experience would give us time to reconsider our views and learn the law of love.


The universality of the law of karma is one of the chief factors which binds life together, and not only human life but animal, plant, and mineral life as well. All these compose one big family, with a complicated and inseparable history and an inseparable karma.
Sir Isaac Newton was twenty three years when he watched an apple fall to the ground in his mother's orchard. The apple never really hit him on the head. It did, however, support his theory of universal gravitation. At the time, in 1665, Sir Isaac had also just formulated his three laws of motion, one of them being that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Newton's explanations are usually applied to the interaction of physical forces and objects. However, the same action/reaction principle applies to the forces of emotion and thought.
The law of Karma metes out perfect justice. This is reassuring in a world which can appear to be unjust. Our duty is to show compassion and kindness to all, regardless of their position on the spiritual ladder. We are all on a spiritual journey together. Our suffering is not always punishment for past actions. There are many subtle processes at work. If you experience fear and persecution in a past life, you may still carry these feelings in your psychic memory. You may experience unwarranted fear and anxiety in your current life. These fear may persist until you remember the eternal nature of soul and surrender your concerns to the Holy Spirit.


We need to learn to be responsible for our deeds or actions. On a physical level, this means we make every effort to support ourselves. On a spiritual level, this means we earn our own state of spiritual consciousness. This seems illogical if we view only one life time. In a single life we suffer or are blessed for no apparent reason. God seems arbitrary and random. The principle of spiritual responsibility make more sense as accept the principles of Karma and reincarnation. Reincarnation teaches that we are born again and again until we learn the spiritual lessons of life. The Law of Karma ensures that we link our behavior with its inevitable results. We reap in one life what we have sown in another.
If we impede the development of another human being, we will incur a karmic debt. By our actions, it's clear we haven't yet learned the Law of Love. The debt will have to be paid, and a lesson will have to be learned. The suffering which may follow is not the act of a vengeful God. We are just reaping what we have sown. It is the loving God which helps each Soul develop its highest spiritual potential through experience. Perhaps the most serious of karmic infractions is to misuse spiritual power for personal gain. History brims with examples of those who used psychic insight for personal advancement.


Be positive you gain positive karma and be negative you gain negative karma. That's the law of the universe. It can never be altered. Do it right and get it right.

Do the needful (Upvote) that's a positive deed and you get it back in multiple folds.


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Wow, so deep. Love the flow and you re very right. What goes around comes around. We must learn to live positively with fellow humans. The law of the universe. Karma

Thanks bro, just few knows this it's important we live by the law of karma.