Giving your bodies to God

in stach •  7 years ago 

Romans 12
1 . And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will accept. When you think of what he has done for you, is this too much to ask?

No matter how a man's spirit is made up to serve God, it will never be possible until the body is made sacred and subject to the spirit. God is not only interested in the content of a vessel, He is equally interested in the vessel itself. As a matter of fact, as far as man's relationship with God is concerned, the purity of the vessel gives a clear description of the content. It is impossible for your body to be a vessel unto honour for the devil while your heart is a vessel unto honour for God. Christianity is not only a life within, it is a life expressed within and without. If heaven will declare you holy and acceptable, it is not only a matter of your spirit and soul, your body must also be made sacred unto God. Remember Christ did not only offer His Spirit for mankind as a sacrifice, He also gave us His body. Your leg cannot be taking you to a bar or night party and you will be claiming a pure heart. Dedicate your leg to God in true holiness. As singles, your sexual organ must be presented to God as a living sacrifice by saying NO to premarital sex. If our Christian youths can dedicate their ears unto God by refusing to hear worldly songs and unhealthy talks, and their eyes, by refusing to watch porn videos, pictures, and other unhealthy acts, Christianity would have taken over the world. What you do with your mouth and hands when you are angry and extra excited matters a lot. Slay your body and submit it on God's altar of holiness as a living sacrifice. If God will accept your spirit and soul, your body must be living, holy, and acceptable. Shalom!

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