Mni Wiconi! Water is Life!

in standingrock •  8 years ago  (edited)

A letter sent by Army Corps of Engineers District Commander, Col. John W. Henderson on November 25, 2016 to Chairman Archambault from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.(Read in full below)

In this letter Corps District Commander Colonel Henderson echoes the State' stance on the existence of the Water Protector camps. Pursuant to the devices of State, the pernicious line has been drawn for December 5th, 2016. It also details the removal of all public services from the area, I assume to detour people from coming/staying. In the letter Colonel John sites the extreme weather as cause for his concern. He, Colonel John, did not state his concerns for the encroachment of Corporatism on the weakest and underserved sectors of U.S. society. I read Colonel John's words and I was moved in no direction. If I was moved at all by this, let's say ultimatum, I move in the direction of Standing Rock Sioux tribe, et all.

Colonel John also mentions several times the treaty lands of 1851, the lands rightfully and wholly the indigenous peoples and first nations of North America; these disputed lands are referred to as "Corps' lands," a very clear subordination devaluing stated Water Protector demands. The land itself and the, subsequent to 1851, illegal immigration of American settlers is being argued. By immersing his feeble, eagle-minding rhetoric, a regurgitated imperial prose weaved into the fabric of his letter, Colonel John, betrays himself with his own words, in form, in context, and in merit.

It is also laughable to see Colonel John site United States law as basis for why he is taking these actions, which underscores the imperial point of the State; Ownership and land rights are all subject to removal. First by writing words on papers, then foreclosing at gun point, with papered rights in hand. The entire water protector movement is to restore the 1851 Land Treaty and return to the rightful heirs the land that is historically, ancestrally, and morally theirs: FROM THE BEGINNING.

Envision the United States as on a map, now apply a semi-translucent layer atop with a clear and distinct Bill of Rights covering every portion of land. The creation and utilization of Free Speech zones, in effect, is tantamount to purposefully circling portions of the Bill of Rights and determining within the circled portions, and only within; the written and discernible rights *will-be considered and respected. However, without, outside the circled portions of the Bill of Rights, these "Grey Zones," in stark contrast, separated by a Thin Blue Line; those who practice here their Free Speech rights as detailed in the Bill of Rights, these folks usually receive the smart end of a dumb stick. These areas are presided over by those who take comfort in the implicit respect weaponry provides; these well armored straws of men with undeveloped intellect, these and the like, fill-in the pernicious fascia, one straw man at a time. Corporatized Law Enforcement is employed by those who are just doing their job.

(Juxtapose 'Doing One's job' and 'Doing One's duty')

It is only logical that a deplorable imperial born and still imperial-minded corporate government will justify raping the natural world of its people and resources, reigning replete and total terror upon the bosom of sentience, coyishly voistrous and vociferous; the State Is: replacing the heart of nature with tainted paper and trivial plastic.

|--Here is Colonel John's letter--|

Dear Chairman Archambault,

Pursuant to 36 C.F.R § 327.12, I am closing the portion of the Corps-managed federal property north of the Cannonball River to all public use and access effective December 5th, 2016. This decision is necessary to protect the general public from the violent confrontations between protestors and law enforcement officials that have occurred in this area, and to prevent death, illness, or serious injury to inhabitants of encampments due to the harsh North Dakota winter conditions. The necessary emergency, medical, and fire response services, law enforcement, or sustainable facilities to protect people from these conditions on this property cannot be provided. I do not take this action lightly but, have decided that it is required due to the concern for public safety and the fact that much of this land is leased to private persons for grazing and/or haying purposes as part of the Corps' land management practices. To be clear this means that no member of the general public, to include Dakota Access pipeline protestors, can be on these Corps' lands.

The Corps of Engineers has established a free speech zone on land south of the Cannonball River for anyone wishing to peacefully protest the Dakota Access pipeline project, subject to the rules 36 C.F.R. Part 327. In these areas, jurisdiction for police, fire, and medical response is better defined making it a more sustainable area for visitors to endure the harsh North Dakota winter. For your reference, please find enclosed a map, marked Exhibit A, which delineates this free speech zone area, as well as shows the Corps' lands north of the Cannonball River that Cannonball River after December 5th, 2016, will be considered trespassing and may be subject to prosecution under federal, state, and local laws. Furthermore, any person who chooses to stay on all corresponding liabilities for the unlawful presences and occupation of such lands. There currently are many Title 36 violations occurring on the Corps' lands north of Cannonball River, including, but not limited to, unauthorized structures, fires, improper disposal of waste, and camping. Additionally, any tribal government that sponsors such illegal activity is assuming the risk for those persons who remain on these lands. See 36 C.F.R. § 327.12

As I have publicly stated, I am asking you, as a Tribal Leader, to encourage members of your Tribe, as well as any non-members who support you who are located in the encampments north of the Cannonball River on Corps' lands to immediately and peacefully move to the free speech zone south of Cannonball River or to a more sustainable location for the winter. I am genuinely concerned for the safety and well-being of both the members of your Tribe and general public located at these encampments.
|--end letter--|
U.S. Law cited
§ 327.12 Restrictions.
(a) The District Commander may establish and post a schedule of visiting hours and/or restrictions on the public use of a project or portion of a project. The District Commander may close or restrict the use of a project or portion of a project when necessitated by reason of public health, public safety, maintenance, resource protection or other reasons in the public interest. Entering or using a project in a manner which is contrary to the schedule of visiting hours, closures or restrictions is prohibited.
(b) Quiet shall be maintained in all public use areas between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., or those hours designated by the District Commander. Excessive noise during such times which unreasonably disturbs persons is prohibited.
(c) Any act or conduct by any person which interferes with, impedes or disrupts the use of the project or impairs the safety of any person is prohibited. Individuals who are boisterous, rowdy, disorderly, or otherwise disturb the peace on project lands or waters may be requested to leave the project.
(d) The operation or use of any sound producing or motorized equipment, including but not limited to generators, vessels or vehicles, in such a manner as to unreasonably annoy or endanger persons at any time or exceed state or local laws governing noise levels from motorized equipment is prohibited.
(e) The possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages on any portion of the project land or waters, or the entire project, may be prohibited when designated and posted by the District Commander.
(f) Unless authorized by the District Commander, smoking is prohibited in Visitor Centers, enclosed park buildings and in areas posted to restrict smoking.
The letter from Colonel John was sent to the Standing Rock Sioux tribal leaders, et all, on November 25, 2016. This message was not well received. It didn't have the effect Colonel John and his corporate owners' desired. If anything, this galvanized water protectors, and the non-native support base, to face the "harsh North Dakota winter." There is no way to judge, but, I assume a percentage of those on the fence whether to join or not, were aided in their decision making in response to this Army Corps Engineers mis-action.

Moreover, a contingent of around 2000 United States Veterans organized and travelled to the camps to serve as human shields for the water protectors. They arrived in North Dakota December 4-5th, 2016. The ol' boots hit the frozen ground ready to due their duty again. Yet, almost as fast as they arrived, it is over, for now.

The Army Corps of Engineers Assistant Secretary for Civil Works, Jo-Ellen Darcy, stated on Sunday December 4th, 2016, "The best way to complete that work responsibly and expeditiously is to explore alternate routes for the pipeline crossing." This is being heralded as a victory!

Those in the camps, and the support network the world over, deserve to walk a little taller, breathe a little deeper, and sit closer to the fire; it was the collective non-violent resistance of individuals striving for pristine nature that brought DAPL construction to a halt for this winter. I am, as many in the movement are, taking only the necessary rest and respite between this very clear "cease fire," and the Corporate government's next move.

It is 10 °F in Cannonball, North Dakota, Tuesday December 6th, 2016. There is also a blizzard warning. Recently about 2"-5" of snow falls per day. The pictures and videos from the encampment are dizzyingly white. The water-protectors and their support network are showing the world just what it means to be and stay committed to a cause. There is no doubt, protesting in North Dakota during the winter is NOT the ideal landscape to 'make a stand.' However, Nature has nestled in-between the Teepees and other temporary lodgings a blanket of pure crystalized water, a temporary concretion, if you will. Nature Stands-Under Standing Rock. Nature Stands-Within Standing Rock.

Nature, more specifically that 'harsh North Dakota winter," froze the encampment in place. Almost as if to say, "This fight ain't over kids! Stay the course!" Although mixed sentiment among participants and elders seems to have temporarily hobbled the movement. Some are going home now while more are willing and wanting to stay to ensure Energy Transfer Partners, the corporation funding the pipeline, do not continue any building.

It makes sense to me for those participating at-site in North Dakota to distrust every organization connected in any way to Energy Transfer Partners, this includes the U.S. Government, and, will have even more conflicts of interest when President-Elect Trump takes office. Trump has investments in Energy Transfer Partners reportedly as high as $500,000. As prescient as all Presidents-elect, Trump has been slowly divesting in the company; with between $15,000 and $50,000 of investment still remaining.

It is not how much of an investment Trump has, it is the fact that he invests in these sort of projects. Big money yes, in construction, in service, in cleanup. Big money loves oil from mountain tap to gasoline cap, oil greases the wheel. Crude-Oil pipeline is a direct line to 20th Century problems. It is now the 21st Century and we are STILL dealing with last centuries monarchical monopolies. Investing in oil these days is tantamount to investing in Blockbuster. Times have changed and oil is no longer greasing the wheel.

The Wheel -Earth- is now, for the next 1000 years at least, greased by the result of a very simple addition problem; You + Me = We. There is a similar operation operating through Western societies and it is far simpler; Us - Them = Peace. It is only a days journey in reverse, viewing the warish 20th Century in just repose. Heck, why not take a few more days journey back to the beginnings of this Nation. Can anyone really be proud of genocide.

I am considered a White Male, I consider myself that still, although I am researching the doubts I have. Nonetheless, I am privileged in this society to remain ignorant as to exactly how I became so privileged within a Privileged Country. I want to know exactly how much blood is on my hands. I will atone for it all if I am allowed to know.

I apologize to the Indigenous Peoples, the First Nations of this blessed and beauteous continent, North America. I am so thankful, God, Earth, and All the Elders passed, have shown a path to Now. I am honored to see those still here, still warriors, and still cheering for Truth!

Mni Wiconi!

Water is Life!

Original Article -

*Will-be: all subject to the will of the dominant group.

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