About Star

in star •  6 years ago 


They are the brightest and the largest circular objects in Plazma. They produce their own fuel in high heat by reacting to nuclei acceleration. The heat and pressure arising from nuclear accumulation prevents gravitational contraction. After the death of a star after the death of a star, white dwarf or neutron they were created again and again. The nearest stars to the Earth are the sun. The reason for the shine is that, the energy produced by the reaction of nuclear acceleration in its center becomes transmitted from the external surface through the entire interior of the star. Almost all molecules heavier than hydrogen and helium were produced in the center of the star for the first time.

Astronomers can test the stars' spectrum, the power of light, or the speed, its mass, age, chemical formation and many other religions. The total mass of the star determines its evolution and final outcome. Other religions are evaluated through evolutionary history, including diameter, rotation, pressure, and temperature. The picture that is found in a chart in contrast to the magnifying power of many stars is called Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. Through this image, the current phase of evolution and its age can be determined.

The star's life cycle began with a cloud that collapsed. These clouds are mainly hydrogen, however there may be very little rare elements with helium. When the center of the star is quite dense, hydrogen nuclei accumulation of that center continues to become helium in reaction. From the remains of the star's interior, it is carried out in a mixed process of energy radiation and circulation. These processes do not allow the star to collapse, and the energy produced creates a sidereal air that spread radiation in the universe. He died of hydrogen fuel in the star. Depending on the mass of death, it is through different processes. However, before the death took place, the star crossed a few generations, including the unarmed state. The mass of the mass of every generation is more than the previous generation. They can be lonely, and two or more people can form a tantra together. If two are usually rotating around each other, and the closer it gets closer, it also affects the evolution of one another.

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They have the English synonym of "Star". Star derives from the Greek Astor, which comes from the Hittite language word Sitta. The word of the word Shittara is again Sanskrit word Sitara.

The History of Observation:-

They used to take special significance in every culture. Its use was the highest in religion practice. Besides, the sailors used to track the direction of the star and the relationship with the seasons was realized by people many times. Many of the ancient astronomers believed that they were locked in a fixed place in the heavenly space and they are unchanged. According to the current custom, they divided the stars into some terracotta and got the idea of ​​the motion of the sun and the motion of the planet through these circles. The calendar was created using the drag of the horizon in the background of the star, which used to be special in agriculture. Gregorian Calendar is currently the most widely used calendar in the world. This calendar is also solar centric. This calendar is made by the corners of the Earth's rotation axis, corresponding to the sun.
According to the well-known ancient calendar, the ancient Egyptians were built, 1,534 BC. Islamic astronomers named many stars Arabic, many of which are still used. They also built a number of astronomical instruments to determine the location of stars. In the eleventh century, Abu Raihan al-Biruni Awakaganga is said to consist of a large fraction of the galaxy. He also mentioned that the fractions of the star have the same religion as the star star. During the adoption of a moon in 1019, he also calculated the latitudes of different stars.
Although the star could have been considered as a heavenly unchanging object, Chinese astronomers realized that new stars could arise. Like the Tiko Brah, early European astronomers saw the emergence of new stars in the night sky. From this they suggest that heaven is not unchangeable. In 1584, Jr. Bruno said that the stars are basically other suns, which may be like Earth or some other planet. The planets rotate around the Sun. This idea was earlier expressed by the Greek sages, Democritus and Epicurus. In the subsequent centuries, the idea of ​​staring at the stars as far away is becoming popular among the scientists. To explain why the stars do not affect the solar system through gravitational drag, Isaac Newton said that they are actually distributed equally in the universe. Theologian Richard Bentolymerism described this concept as the first.
Italian astronomer Geminiova Montanari observed in 1667 the change of star light of Algal. Edmund Halley first revealed the exact speed of a pair of fixed stars near us. Through this he shows that the position of the ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy and Hipparchus was not there anymore. Firstly, the distance of a star from the Earth was measured by Friedrich Basel, in 1838. Using the long technique, he measured this distance. He calculated the distance from the Earth to 61 Signi, 11.4 light years. It is understood through the length of the cubes that the heavenly constants are actually far away from each other.
William Herschel was the first astronomer to be relieved of the true significance of the distribution of stars in the sky. In the 1780s, he completed a special measure in 600 different directions. Combine the results by measuring the number of stars in each spectrum. From this he exits, the stars are the highest in a particular direction in the sky. And this aspect is the direction of the center of the galaxy. From his discovery, he also commented that there are some things that they are not only on one side but they may also be related to each other physically. That is why they were created in pairs.
Evolution of astral spectral science Joseph von Fraunhofer and Angelo Secchi Comparing the spectrum of the stars, they see the difference between their strength and the absorption line in their spectrum. The absorption line refers to all the black lines present in the spectral spectrum, which is caused by the absorption of certain frequencies of light in the atmosphere of the star. In 1865, Secchi started splitting the stars into spectrum. However, the modern version of the astral classification was developed by Annie Canon, in the twentieth century.
In the nineteenth century, the importance of research on the pair of stars increased. In 1834, Friedrich Besal noticed evolution in the real speed of Croissant and it was decided that it had a secret companion.


All important features of stars, such as size, brightness, evolution, life cycle and finally the result of stars all depends on its initial mass.

The biggest stars:-

UY Scuti is the largest star in the universe. It is more than 1,000 times larger than our sun. It is a red supergiant.
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Most stars are between 100 and 1000 million years old. Some stars are close to 13,70 crores, which are similar to the age of our visible universe. So far the age of stars is as high as 1,320 million years. Because, the greater the pressure of the star's center is greater and its hydrogen burns are exhausted for the equanimity of this pressure. The vast majority of stars are estimated to be approximately one million years old. The relatively low mass stars (such as red dwarf stars) are gradually drained and their life spans from 1,000 billion to millions of years.

Type of star:-

The main sequence sequence stars in most of the stars are seen in the stars. 80 percent of the stars in the universe are the stars of this class.The stars mainly produce hydrogen by releasing helium and simultaneously producing large amounts of light and heat. When the hybrids of these stars run out of hydrogen fuel, they are named Monsters. Because, when radiation pressure increases their radius. After more than 5 billion years our sun will reach this state. Later on they could become neutron stars, pulsars or blackholes. In many cases, two stars circumambulate their common gravity. These are called binary stars. This class of 50 percent stars in the universe.



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