Starbucks Declares War With Red Cups | Answers With Joe

in starbucks •  4 years ago 

All right, this is satire, of course. Don't get your pantaloons in a wad.

Like all manufactured controversies, this one started with a few people who just wanted to get some attention for themselves by whipping up into a frenzy a bunch of other people who are constantly on watch for ways to prove how persecuted they are.

In a day when Christians in some countries really are unable to celebrate Christmas without putting their lives in danger, the idea that US Christians are claiming persecution because of a style of coffee cup is beyond laughable. It's pathetic, really.

So, yeah. I did this. If it offends you, you're clearly not my audience.

mic drop

pick up mic and make sure it's not broken because dammit mics are expensive

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