Stargazing #1 - Orion, the Hunter of the Night SkysteemCreated with Sketch.

in starconstellations •  7 years ago  (edited)

Orion, the Hunter of the Night Sky

Today I want to tell you the story of Orion from Greek mythology. After the story I want you to go out and take pictures of the stars and draw the constellations in the picture, Let's use the tag #StarConstellations and see how many star constellations we can gather together.

Orion the Hunter appears in the winter sky, with his bow and his hunting dogs, Canis Major and Canis Minor, trailing behind him.

Greek mythology tells us that Orion was known as a talented hunter. His boast that he could rid the earth of all the wild animals, however, angered the Earth goddess, Gaia. She sent a scorpion to defeat Orion. Orion tried to battle the scorpion, but he quickly realized that he could not shoot his arrow through the creature’s armor.

To avoid the scorpion, he jumped into the sea. It was then that Apollo (the Greek god of the Sun) decided to take action. He pointed out to his twin sister, Artemis, a small black object in the sea. Claiming it was a horrible villain, he dared her to shoot it with her bow and arrow. Artemis easily hit the target. When she swam out to retrieve her victim, however, she discovered that the villain was her friend, Orion.

Artemis begged the gods to bring Orion back to life, but they refused. So, instead, she put Orion’s picture in the sky so that she could always see him.
Amazing Space

Original (4608x3456)

[Edit: Thumbnail added]

Location: In The Heavens Above, Picture taken from Norway
Camera: Nikon P900
No filter have been used
Photographer: @flatman

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I shall see if I can put up some pictures at #StarConstellations soon.
And I will tell the master of stargazing and star photo, @Erlendgroseth, to do the same. He is a master!!!


Great! Let's map the sky! I hope many people join us on this tag, people from both hemispheres.
thx for telling Erlend :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Tøfft, Og kjempe bra skrivning! Mytologi er kjempe interessant! Fint bilde!:)

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Hi @Flatman
This is a really cool idea.
Here is my contribution to the Orion constellation.

Orion was the first constellation that i learned to recognize as a kid. I remember that i was immensely fascinated by the star that symbolizes his left shoulder, Betelgeuse. The red giant.
Cheers, Erlend

oh wow! you get so many stars in your pictures! what shutter speed are you using here?
what is the stippled line at the image edge to the left of orion?
and is that i shooting star you captured in the top right corner?
you should make a post with this picture :)
and you should upload fullsize resolution of this picture, I could spend hours just looking and zooming into the stars in this picture