What is the real purpose of Starlink? To Set Up a Global Wi-Fi Communications System Based on Quantum Technology Rather than Through Transmission of EMF? You Decide! Quantum Teleportation and Entanglement Expand Your Thinking? MIT Tech Review!

in starlink •  3 years ago  (edited)

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Was the real purpose of Starlink to set up a Global Wi-Fi Communications System based on quantum technology?

You decide!

Could Starlink be used to Free rather than Suppress humanity using a new generation of earth orbiting satellites to create the next generation of communications?

Did you notice from back in 2017 this headline from Information Age titled,

China's quantum satellite successfully sends hack-proof message
China has just successfully tested - for the first time - its quantum communications system, which cannot be hacked

Is Starlink. . .
a system that is seeped in quantum technology rather than through the transmission of electromagnetic frequencies [EMF] from lower earth orbit?

Less chance of infiltration?
You decide!

Is the real goal to develop a Quantum Communications that will use entangled photons [rather than EMF] which would enable instantaneous communications over great distances? #GodSPEED?

You decide!

Conventional systems use electrons to generate EMF waves that only travel at the speed of light.

This severely limits the usefulness and effectiveness of EMF communications for deep space travel and makes it almost useless for other types of travelers.

A faraday cage does not block these kinds of quantum transmissions.

This would enable a quantum based system to be used by submarines, as their hulls act as Faraday cages.

So are quantum communications more effective due to no harm from EMF waves and no delay over distances?

So is Musk using Starlink to create a Quantum Based Communications System?
You decdie!

Let's go back a little further to an article from August 17, 2016

On Monday, China launched the first-ever quantum communications satellite.

The spacecraft, launching from the Jiuquan satellite launch centre in the Gobi Desert, is called QUESS (Quantum Experiments at Space Scale).

QUESS’s purpose is to help develop an unhackable communications system.

“In its two-year mission, QUESS is designed to establish ‘hack-proof’ quantum communications by transmitting uncrackable keys from space to the ground,” China’s state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

Quantum communication is in its early phase, but it does it does boast ultra-high security as a quantum photon can neither be separated nor duplicated.

It is near-impossible to intercept data transmitted through it.


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Starlink Military Application and all you need to know about Starlink. Evidence The Plan is moving forward with countries United Together. Historical Reforger and Defender 20 USEUCOM's Readiness


Is the creator of this universe filled with unlimited, eternal power?

What happened in Noah's day?

What was the measurement God had Noah use to build the ark?

Quantum Computing and the reality of the metaphysical world. Do you think the scientists in this realm will ever catch up to the Physics and Science God created? Cubits and Qubits all that quarks!


Expand your thinking! From Project Q Sydney. Qubits in the human brain? You decide! Remember the conspiracy theorist Noah and those cubits God gave him? What has been done below your feet through Silent Running?


Should you #ExpandYourThinking?
You decide!

A quantum communications system is based on ideas such as

  • Quantum Teleportation

Quantum teleportation works by creating pairs of entangled photons and then sending one of each pair to the sender of data and the other to a recipient.

  • Quantum Entanglement

Uses photons

When Alice receives her entangled photon, she lets it interact with a memory qubit that holds that data she wants to transmit to Bob.

This interaction Changes the State of her Photon.

because it is entangled with Bob's, the interaction instantaneously changes the state of his photon too!

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As per my former article here,

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See more here,

What if we had a model that could manage a 1, 0 or BOTH at the Same Time?
This is what a Qubit is. . .Superposition. . .the ability for a qubit to have multiple states simultaneously until measured.

Therefore; superposition is the physics of Quantum Mechanics that enables particles and waves to be in multiple states until measured at which point they collapse to either a 1 or a 0.

What IS the in between?

Qubits are created by changing the State of certain atoms and other quantum scale particles

Think #RippleEffect!
Also from former article found at link above.

**Quantum Computing is not meant to Replace Classical computing, but rather Enhance as it is at an Exponential level.

Cannot measure superposition in certain times
Can only measure basis state as superposition is a Unique State.

Quantum Computing is not a replacement for Classical Computing

Think of it as the Ripple effect.

When you throw a rock into a river, it pushes water out of the way, making a ripple that moves away from where it landed. As the rock falls deeper into the river, the water near the surface rushes back to fill in the space it left behind.

The water usually rushes back too enthusiastically, causing a splash – and the bigger the rock, the bigger the splash. The splash then creates even more ripples that tend to move away from where the rock went into the water.

You can view this video for a demonstration,

Some articles written by Martin Giles

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You will remember Moore's Law

Moore's Law refers to Gordon Moore's perception that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles every two years, though the cost of computers is halved. Moore's Law states that we can expect the speed and capability of our computers to increase every couple of years, and we will pay less for them. Another tenet of Moore's Law asserts that this growth is exponential.

Quantum much?
You decide!

Here is another article by Giles written two years ago.
August 22 in Computing.
So just to be clear that is an 8.22.2019

A super-secure quantum internet just took another step closer to reality

Scientists have managed to send a record-breaking amount of data in quantum form, using a strange unit of quantum information called a qutrit.

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The news: Quantum tech promises to allow data to be sent securely over long distances. Scientists have already shown it’s possible to transmit information both on land and via satellites using quantum bits, or qubits. Now physicists at the University of Science and Technology of China and the University of Vienna in Austria have found a way to ship even more data using something called quantum trits, or qutrits.

Qutrits? Oh, come on, you’ve just made that up: Nope, they’re real. Conventional bits used to encode everything from financial records to YouTube videos are streams of electrical or photonic pulses than can represent either a 1 or a 0. Qubits, which are typically electrons or photons, can carry more information because they can be polarized in two directions at once, so they can represent both a 1 and a 0 at the same time. Qutrits, which can be polarized in three different dimensions simultaneously, can carry even more information. In theory, this can then be transmitted using quantum teleportation.

Quantum … what? Quantum teleportation is a method for shipping data that relies on an almost-mystical phenomenon called entanglement. Entangled quantum particles can influence one another’s state, even if they are continents apart. In teleportation, a sender and receiver each receive one of a pair of entangled qubits. The sender measures the interaction of their qubit with another one that holds data they want to send. By applying the results of this measurement to the other entangled qubit, the receiver can work out what information has been transmitted. (For a more detailed look at quantum teleportation, see our explainer here.)

Measuring progress: Getting this to work with qubits isn’t easy—and harnessing qutrits is even harder because of that extra dimension. But the researchers, who include Jian-Wei Pan, a Chinese pioneer of quantum communication, say they have cracked the problem by tweaking the first part of the teleportation process so that senders have more measurement information to pass on to receivers. This will make it easier for the latter to work out what data has been teleported over. The research was published in the journal Physical Review Letters.

Deterring hackers: This might seem rather esoteric, but it has huge implications for cybersecurity. Hackers can snoop on conventional bits flowing across the internet without leaving a trace. But interfering with quantum units of information causes them to lose their delicate quantum state, leaving a telltale sign of hacking. If qutrits can be harnessed at scale, they could form the backbone of an ultra-secure quantum internet that could be used to send highly sensitive government and commercial data.


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According to the Kennedy Space Center, the Falcon 9 rocket launch window for the Starlink mission is from 11:01 a.m. - 11:44 a.m. on Sunday.

The goal of Starlink is to create a network that will help provide internet services to those who are not yet connected, and to provide reliable and affordable internet across the globe.

You can download an app on their site to watch it happen.

Did you notice launch time?

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You decide!

Notice the EO it amended encodes a 9/11
As I have said before the numbers themselves are not evil, it is just as in coding and technology. . .it's who is behind it!

In the hands of evil, they like to signal a 9/11 for their gain and destruction.

If numbers weren't important to God and the called, He would not have named a book of the Bible after them.

He IS the Word.
John 1:1
King James Version
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

See more connections about this Exec Order and how it all connects here.

Keep in mind, before they removed my Evidenced Based History and News channel on YT including This Particular video. . .it was called Wizards and Warlocks for a Reason!

There is a bona fide spiritual battle taking place in the realms!
Guess who is going to Win?
You know who!

It's been a long road! The Montauk Connection! Have you seen the Script?


Back to the question at the beginning of this article,

Do you remember in 2017 China's System?
As per Information Age
by Nick Ismail
10 August 2017

The theory was that any attack on it would be quickly detected using quantum cryptography, which represented a radical break from the traditional encryption methods around.

It has emerged today that China has successfully proved this theory, and sent “hack-proof” messages from the satellite to Earth. The quantum satellite beamed unhackable messages to two receiving stations 645 km (400 miles) and 1,200 km away, according to reports.

Last month, China produced what it claimed was an “unhackable” messaging network, by using sub-atomic particles of light via its quantum satellite – the Micius.

The theory was that any attack on it would be quickly detected using quantum cryptography, which represented a radical break from the traditional encryption methods around.

It has emerged today that China has successfully proved this theory, and sent “hack-proof” messages from the satellite to Earth. The quantum satellite beamed unhackable messages to two receiving stations 645 km (400 miles) and 1,200 km away, according to reports.


Also of interest from a prior article,

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Interesting article and source here?
You decide!


As per Science Bulletin,

The research team designed a proof-of-concept device where immobilising the fibres within a glass capillary; an incoming flow was oxidised in several cycles. The resilience of the fibres was assessed, concluding that both their structural stability and photoactivity remain constant over time. One additional advantage is that, once the oxidation process is completed, a light pulse can disassemble the fibres, making them easy to dispose of. The reported approach represents the first step towards the use of biohybrids in continuous flow reactions, which represent an environmentally friendly approach to this type of industrial process.

Key phrasing. . .Hybrid and "environmentally friendly"

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Important Comms from President Trump. What might the Trump Card be? Heat so extreme it's melting vehicles in Kuwait? How about China giving away 4 MiL in Crypto? What is Project Apario and what could it mean for the American People?


Another pertinent question on your quest for truth.

Why was the town of Paradise burnt down in 2018?

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Was the fire due to the reasons mainstream media sited or was there far more to it than they reported?

You decide!

Did those who report all angles from alternative news/media show the tells and signs from Directed Energy Weapons?

Did someone or globalist entities have a reason for wanting that town destroyed?

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The Voice of God Technology, Operation Aquarius and others


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Exo580 - Ralph Ring - OTC-X1 - The Worlds First Civilian Teleportation

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Ralph Ring is a Natural Scientist and a Creative Technician who in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s worked together with Otis T Carr, a protégé of the great inventor Nikola Tesla, and a tea m of dedicated scientists on and with alternative technologies, including levitation and teleportation. With the aid of his small team, Carr and Ralph built a number of flying disks which worked. They attempted to commercially manufacture their invention. Their experimentation was terminated by FBI agents. His dream since birth has and is to produce floating homes, cities and countries.

Read more at: https://www.abzu2.com/ralph-ring-ether-technology-magnetism-nikola-tesla-otis-t-carr-red-ice-radio/

Earlier dates and proof of ether being studied and used for propulsion.

Andrews Airship of 1863. Did Amos Dolbear know something Alexander Graham Bell didn't? Sam Tillman, what did he know? Aero Clubs, Aero ships, what New York looked like in 1903 video! A Trump Train from the 1800's? 4500 series!


Was Ralph Ring working on his advanced technologies that would aid and free mankind by the use of free energy sources at his home in Paradise, California?

You decide!

What if the whole town of Paradise was working on Advanced Technologies underground?

Could they have been what the series Eureka was based on?

You decide!

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Each season also featured a larger story arc that concerned a particular major event or item.

Was the brushfire created as a cover for the globalist cabal to take out advanced space systems technology?

You decide!

Have they attempted to stifle and destroy Free Energy and technology that could help humanity before?

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Do the Starlink Satellites have technology given to them by the Galactic Federation?
You Decide!

Check it out,
They are based on a High Frequency and High Density Technology.

Now what are they used for?
Could they be used for global defense to defeat the dark forces?
You decide!

Are they multifunctional?
Is it possible in addition to providing internet service and releasing humanity from the control of the Tech Giants, Corporations and Government entities that have long censored what is allowed to be seen on mainstream platforms. . .

  • is it possible, they can also monitor the dark side's communications globally?
  • can they monitor what is going on in space?

Is the Alliance in control of the Starlink Satellites and are they monitored by Space Force on the moon?

You decide!


What about the satellites that were taken out in February of 2022?

Was it due to what the corporate owned media told you or was there something else at play?
Are all public reports a distraction for the public so they are less likely to catch onto what is Really going on?
You decide!

MSM's version owned by just 6 corporations.

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What IF those satellites were taken out by a Deep State Faction in the Ukraine that was put in place to protect the interests and agenda of the Dark Forces?

Is it possible?
You decide! Hear this conversation years ago where the State Department helped to steer, topple elected officials and put their chosen people/puppet players in place here with the actual audio.

"I think We're in Play?" Do you find that interesting?

Are the satellites for planetary defense?
Does Putin work for the Alliance?
You decide!



Remember when Putin handed the soccer ball to Commander and Chief Trump and stated, "The ball's in you're court now?

Check it out in here with Full Sources! All set into motion back in 2017

Is the Federation assisting the Alliance in changing the communications of these organizations so that they can monitor them and be aware of their ongoing operations?
You decide!

Monitored by Space Force by the Military on the Moon?
You decide!


Have they [the nefarious side, the dark forces] threatened you with a blackout? An EMF attack?
Who do they program you to Believe the threat is?
Russia, Russia, Russia?

Is it?
Why do they despise Russia so much?
Has Putin threatened their enterprise?
Was it not a Russian Tzar before that exposed exactly what Self Serving Empire Rothschild was building back in the day and his sought after control of territory, resources and finances under a disguise and cloak of peace, but the Russian Tzar had his number?

Go here if not familiar with the story and how Rothschild gained so much control.
Also see how the UN came from the League of Nations started by none other than Rothschild.


Those who say or wonder why they were not warned, we have been warning people for Years and Years and Years, not all were willing to hear us.

Check this out,

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SpaceX launched 50 Starlink internet satellites and landed the returning rocket on a ship at sea today (Feb. 25).

A two-stage Falcon 9 rocket topped with 50 Starlink internet spacecraft lifted off from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California today at 12:12 p.m. EST (1712 GMT; 9:12 a.m. local California time).

A little less than nine minutes later, the Falcon 9's first stage came back down to Earth for a vertical touchdown on Of Course I Still Love You, a SpaceX droneship that was stationed several hundred miles off the California coast.

The second stage, meanwhile, continued carrying the 50 satellites to orbit. The spacecraft deployed as planned about an hour after liftoff, SpaceX confirmed via Twitter today.

Such reuse is a priority for SpaceX and its founder and CEO, Elon Musk.

Musk aims to help humanity colonize Mars, and the billionaire entrepreneur believes that fully and rapidly reusable rockets are the key breakthrough needed to make that happen.

Do you find this interesting that in light of what Elon Musk aims to do on Mars, one of the original scientists of Project Paperclip wrote this book?

According to the New York Post,

Pioneering aerospace engineer and science-fiction writer Wernher von Braun may have predicted Elon Musk’s plan to colonize other worlds nearly 70 years ago when he described a man named “Elon” ruling over Mars.

Von Braun created the character “Elon” in his 1952 science fiction novel “Project Mars” — a space fantasy about a mission to Mars, according to a report.

The book’s predictions came to light a few years ago, but began trending on social media last week

Von Braun, one of the most important scientists in the development of rocket technology, describes a Martian government led by ten men, who worked under a leader “elected by universal suffrage for five years under the name or title of Elon.”

After the Second World War, Von Braun, who worked on rockets for the Nazis, was among a group of German scientists who was secretly moved to the US and worked on the exploration of outer space at NASA.

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How Project Mars starts out,

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See more here,

#Starlink, #SpaceX, #ElonMusk, #Quantum, #Qubits, #Cubits, #QuantumTeleportation, #QuantumEntanglement, #QuantumTechnology, #SatelliteLaunch, #LowerEarthOrbit, #QuantumCommunicationsSystem, #MITTechReview, #MartinGiles, #TheMicius, #NickIsmail, #Paradise

Connecting Sources

















IBM Just Announced a 50-Qubit Quantum Computer
This is the most sophisticated quantum computer ever.








"These two results illustrate the strange and interesting ways that quantum physics allows for information to be sent from one place to another, which is one of the main challenges in constructing viable quantum computers and networks," Nichol says.



Characteristics of Optical Channel for Underwater Optical
Wireless Communication System







SpaceX to lose as many as 40 Starlink satellites due to space storm


Was it from a Geomagnetic Storm or something else?






























The Enigmatic Wilsons and John Keely








Uncle John Trump

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#Federation, #Alliance

Is the Federation assisting the Alliance in changing the communications of these organizations so that they can monitor them and be aware of their ongoing operations?
You decide!

Monitored by Space Force by the Military on the Moon?
You decide!



"I think we're in Play?" Does that say it ALL?
You decide!
Fully Sourced and actual audio!
#Ukraine, What really is happening for the #UkraineCrisis and what was set into play!
