Easy steps on how to start a business

in startup •  6 years ago 

Before making a big decision of starting a business. it’s best if you take a little time to check out tips and read about it. It takes a lot to start a business and grow it to profitability. To be honest the best lessons comes from experience. But instead of making a huge mess and loosing money why not read this easy steps on how to start your business.

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  1. Inspiration and passion.
    For you to be reading my article it means you are already inspired, but the question is what inspired you? Is it the money, community service, power, just name it and keep it at the back of your mind cause when the road gets rough you will need to hang on to that to keep you moving.

  2. Generate your idea and Educate yourself.
    To be a successful entrepreneur you would need to be innovative, think of something lucrative and educated your self on the risk, expense and the revenue. Which obviously you don’t need a degree for, you have the internet.

  3. Review the idea with experts and friends.
    No man is an island, don’t be cocky let others know of your of your idea and open it to suggestions and criticism.

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  1. Develop your idea.
    You will need to check if the business is an existing business then you look for advantages or flaw and determine a way of making adjustments.

  2. Develop a business plan.
    For every business to achieve its goals it most have a business plan. You will need to draft you goals and objectives, Marketing strategies, financial budgeting, staff plan etc.

  3. Determine your terget market.
    Who do you want to sale your products to? who are your consumers? The type of business you are into will determine the type of market you should terget.

  4. Secure a location/Lunch website
    Some business requires location to run properly and a good location can determine how much customers you can get. You can also lunch a website to give your customers easy access.
    While businesses that operates fully online needs a user friendly website that have a good customer service.

  5. Search for potential clients.
    Before investing in your business you should have clients ready to patronise your products. You don’t want a situation were you have products and no clients.

  6. Secure capital.
    Without capital then its just a fantasy you can’t start your business without proper capital.
    You can get your capital through:
    • Bank loans
    • Your savings
    • Family and friends
    • Co-operative loans etc.

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  1. . Business registration.
    To make your business legit, you will need to register some of the following :
    • Business structure (LLC, corporation or a partnership, etc.)
    • Business name
    • Register your business
    • Federal tax ID
    • State tax ID
    • Permits
    • License
    • Necessary bank account
    • Trademarks, copyrights or patents

After all these steps you are ready to invest and start your business. Just keep one thing in mind keep consulting experts and experienced entrepreneurs. When road gets tough don’t forget to keep holding on to what inspired you and make your dreams come true.

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