Startup Spotlight: WeWork

in startup •  6 years ago 

For this week's edition of Startup Spotlight, I am going to cover WeWork, an innovative company that provides shared workspaces, startup communities, and services for entrepreneurs, freelancers, startups, small businesses and large enterprises.


Miguel McKelvey, Adam Neumann, and Rebekah Neumann founded WeWork in 2010. They began with the mission to create a community through beautiful and modern co-working office spaces. They offer businesses all the tools they need to be successful and achieve their goals. They began in New York City, and have since expanded into hundreds of office buildings across the globe in a total of 22 countries.


They offer affordable monthly packages based on members' needs and are able to accommodate any size company. Prices vary widely by area, but all of their beautiful offices are crafted to have a nice workplace culture and maximum productivity. They have created amazing communities for entrepreneurs and creators to work, connect, and thrive.

Starting a business can be difficult, but with WeWork, every office has all-inclusive amenities for members to have access to everything they need to run a successful business.

WeWork Amenities.JPG

WeWork has raised money many times, most recently $4.4 billion from Soft Bank's Vision Fund. Their valuation is not very clear, but it is estimated to be worth more than $20 billion. SoftBank Group CEO, Masayoshi Son, is a well-respected business leader who is known for his investments in many revolutionary startups. Son's support and vote of confidence in WeWork is a huge deal, and should not be taken lightly.

WeWork has big ambitions, and in the next few years, they will be making big plays. They have some competitors, but they have a very big share of the market and are one of the biggest and most influential leaders in their field. They will be expanding to more and more cities around the world and will continue to innovate and give more support to their members.

I believe WeWork is a great business, with a very bright future! Thank you for tuning in for this week's Startup Spotlight, I hope you enjoyed it! For more information about this unique startup check out the links below. Lastly, leave a comment and let me know what you think about this company, and follow me for more amazing content! Note: Sorry I haven't posted recently. I was on vacation, but I am back now!

Additional Resources

WeWork Website-

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