Think Big! Start Small.

in startup •  6 years ago 

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Before now i used to wonder why one has to start small when they are dreaming big, it sounded so ironic until i had to carry out an indepth study and observed some very successful men. I remember being told a very popular adage of my community when i approached a renowned business tycoon "If you can't appreciate a penny, you wont appreciate a million", as simple as it sounded it sunk like a ton weight into my mind's ocean. Secondly i observed that there are to types of extravagant people in the society, the first type of extravagant people are those who stumble into Riches after striving for a long time, they will love to relief themselves of the stress they went through and will like those around them to notice the change in their life and give them a high rep in the neighbourhood, the crave for power and fame drives them about buying very expensing gadgets, clothes, houses and cars, more often after a while we find them nose diving back to ground zero.
The second set of people who live extravagant lives are the multi millionaires and celebrities who are paid hugely for what they do, they have accumulated a lot of money that has built an assurance in them that no matter how they spend they can't get broke.

"Although sometimes temperament plays its role in the lifestyle of different individuals".

Looking out of extravagance, there are also those who work their way up to the summit of success starting from the scratch, they know the value of every penny acquired. This strong sense of worth greatly influences what they do and the decisions they make as regards expenditure, this follows the saying " when the value of a thing is not known abuse is inevitable",
The sense of worth and value are just a small fraction of the benefits derived from starting small.

Another very key benefit of starting small is that it opens the doors of experience and gives one a vast knowledge of his field, which sets him or her up for management and expansion. From my experience in the labour market, i have discovered that errors in business are directly proportional to the scale of the business. If one started a business with say $100 and due to errors and inexperience such a one made a loss of $15, which is 15% of his start up capital, comparing this with the same business , started with a greater but equivalent capital ratio of $1000, if the same errors were made, the equivalent loss of 15% will be $150, which is 50% greater than the total Start up capital of the previous business, A big loss we will all agree. Now these are just few of the advantages of starting small.
For the record, factors to consider for a startup is dependent on the type of business and the individual who wants to start up, Moreover we all have different financial capacities, vision and goals, as you cannot to build a refinery with a thousand dollars. Nevertheless starting small is not a call for mediocrity, that is where the big dream comes to play.

From a book, the Lean Start up by Rick Eries. He likens the big dream to vision which he said is the first Quality to possess, before strategy and the product, vision is the road map for any successful startup in the 21st century.

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