Entrepreneurship, networking, disruptive, cutting edge, game changer, and out of the box. So many buzzwords. Being a startup founder is now sexy, it has become the trendy thing to be. Unfortunately, being trendy doesn’t mean it is easy. I am a big fan of the startup world and startup mindset in many ways, but from personal experience I must tell you that a lot of unrealistic and fake content is being shared all over the place just for the sake of motivation because it sells.
Spoiler alert: Startups are NOT for everyone. With this series I hope you can experience a realistic view of the startup world - the good, the bad and everything in between. And then you will be able to make an informed decision whether this is the life for you or not.
Feeling good today? Hope you are, because I want to make a proposition. Are you up for a challenge? I will tell you the story of how I created (and killed) my first company and I will explain what I had going through my mind at that time. Spoiler alert, many preconceived ideas turned out to be wrong. This being my first time, I had the wrong mind-set and committed a ton of errors that I would like you to find while you are reading this story.
I would like to share my story with you because I felt deceived by all the startup courses, talks and motivational speakers I encountered during this period of my life that made the startup world sound so easy and pleasant. My experience was quite different from what I have “learned” from those sources, so, I hope this series brings to you a realistic view of what it is to be a startup founder.
Yes, realistic is the right word! This is not intended to be a motivational post and it is not intended to be a demotivational post; it is simply a presentation of the facts. Of course, we live in a complex world and everyone has a different point of view, so, if you want to share your experience as a founder, please write to me at [email protected]. I would love to hear your story. Learning is never a bad thing.
From this point forward, the story will be told in the first person. I hope this makes the reading experience more immersive to you, especially if you visualize the story in your head like a movie as if this was your story. Remember, from now on, you are me! Wow, looking good.