Electronic Arts Done Fuck Up With Start Wars: Battlefront II As Players Need To Spend Either A Ton Of Money Or Hours To Unlock Everything

in starwars •  7 years ago  (edited)

I thought this was interesting because the state of gaming today is well, pretty cunning in nature. And I feel that blockchain can actually alleviate this bullshit.

Note to non-gamers:

There're games out there today, popular ones at that that require you to pay real money to win or rather, be better than other players.

Loot, or in-game rewards are given to you the more hours you put in as you progress in the game. Basically, it encourages you to play more. 

Makes sense?

Enter Star Wars Battle Front II...

After its release, this happened on Reddit:

Quite a dumb move by EA if you ask me. I mean, Star Wars? And the coolest villain on earth is locked?! 

And yes, Luke Skywalker is also locked.

This was EA's reply which managed to become the most downvoted comment in Reddity History:

Then somebody did a calculation: 4,528 hours or $2100!

Then this little jab emerged and I found it funny:

I personally came from a gaming era way back in the late 90s where I rocked the Playstation, Dreamcast, Playstation 2, PC and Xbox.

At that time, Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGs) were emerging and they required a monthly subscription on top of the retail price.

That back then was like whoa, pay every month!? For Everquest?! 

But it was still okay.

I guess EA decided to take it up a notch.

Perhaps blockchain and crypto can alleviate this bullshit?

I don't know how exactly, but just putting it out there.

  • Give gamers control of the chain so modders can make something out of it?
  • Give gamers the power to create their own tokens (SMT?) so they in turn create how the game works? 
  • Make everything transparent and open?
  • Make ... I don't know, whatever?

Ultimately, it's to give power to gamers so they can concentrate on the essence of gaming, which is gaming.

Admittedly, I've been gaming a lot less lately. I merely dabble in it. But even so, I feel the pinch in playing games today because I know I am losing out just because I choose not to pay or invest.

I am currently playing Destiny 2. It's great. But sure enough, within a couple of weeks, I can see that I've milked all the content. The expansion is already out but it cost 2/3 of the original price, which I feel is quite a low blow as it is. 

I personally won't be paying for that until there's a major discount.

Whatever happened to a shit ton of awesome content in a game itself man?


P.S. I'd love to hear about your suggestions on how blockchain can help with gaming.

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never trusted EA game anymore :D @aldentan

We shouldn't indeed haha

What I like to see in games these days, are when they bring back good single player gaming. The Last of us for example was beautifully done and a lot of fun to play plus more.

I get a bit bored of online gaming, half is the community in each are always toxic and the other half is from the if not at first, eventual pay to win or the game just not being as fun online after some time.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I quit DOTA 2 because every game meant raging and being pissed off with one another as we hurled insults to our moms.

The Last Of Us was great! It was storytelling on another level, but personally, I'd prefer a game that is longer, at least spanning over 20 hours.

Thanks for writing in!



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10 SBD? You gotta be fucking kidding me.

That's just how EA is, they have been like this for years, shitting in their own fanbase, taking advantage of these high profile games to add microtransactions and p2w elements. They are testing the limits of how much money they can get from a single shitty game with a big name.

Well they certainly fucked up here. Disney shouldn't be too pleased.

Great read, mate;)
I really hope things will turn around because as of today, new games aren't really games anymore, but machines devoted to making money.

Games as Service is biggest bullshit in history of gaming.

My thoughts on the subject:

Yeah all how games like Call Of Duty are made. They're hollywood games. Fun, but you know it's all for show.