Has Disney and Lucasfilm Been Playing Us All Along!?

in starwars •  6 years ago 

So admittedly, I genuinely have hated almost every Supreme Leader Snoke theory ever thrown out there by various Star Wars fans since we first saw his glorious scarred face grace the screen in The Force Awakens. To me they always seem so obvious, predictable, and plain silly. I eventually learned to tone them out...especially after his fate in The Last Jedi had seemed to have squashed whatever theoretical fires had been raging inside of the fandom in regards to his ultimate identity. It shouldn't matter who "Supreme Leader Snoke" is now right? He's as dead as a door nail. He has indeed met his sticky end at the hands of the "child in the mask" himself...Kylo Ren. There cannot and should not be any more Snoke theories right?


Even though I risk becoming one of the foaming-at-the-mouth fanboys who can't seem to get over Supreme Leader Snoke's death in episode eight, I will take my crack at this mysterious character's mysterious identity, because why not? The final chapter in the Star Wars saga is less than a year away from being released, and we are no closer to figuring anything out, I would go even further and say that even if Disney decides to release a trailer this month, it will most likely tell us absolutely nothing about the plot or remaining characters other than a few cool costume designs. Besides, I have had this theory...this crazy idea...growing in my head ever since the end of The Last Jedi and I simply can't hold it in any longer. I MUST share it with you beautiful people.

All that being said, I did NOT mind the way they handled Snoke in The Last Jedi at all. Although I would have liked to see him do some really cool shit in a fight against Luke or Rey, what we got wasn't so bad either. Why do I say this? Well the trilogy isn't over of course. I will hold my ultimate judgement of the characters until the the final credits for Episode 9 are rolling gloriously across the screen. By that time the story will have finally come to a close, and it will indeed be time to judge the decisions Disney has made. Alas, we are not quite there yet, and although I understand a lot of the hate generated by the fandom surrounding the choices made in The Last Jedi, I think that this stems from a place of frustration and impatience within the fandom. I think we all just need to take a deep breath...count to ten....and wait until the story is finished. Something tells me there was quite a bit of subversion in The Last Jedi...but again, we will never know until the story is complete. So in the meantime, let's talk about the two most important characters that have been set up so far in this sequel trilogy....

Luke Skywalker and Supreme Leader Snoke.

Now I already know the two characters that initially popped into your head were most likely Kylo Ren and Rey from nowhere, and I understand why this may be so...Disney has sure done a great job at diverting your attentions away from the real story underneath all these new characters and plot lines. However, although I am a super fan of Kylo, Rey, and the rest of the new characters, it's important to remember that these movies are supposed to be a direct sequel to the original six films.

I have read many angry comments from many angry fans claiming that Disney has ruined the original six films by trying to shoehorn in these new characters while mercilessly killing off the old characters without proper goodbyes. I can certainly see why they might think this way. If one is only looking at the surface of the first two movies in this highly divisive sequel trilogy, it would definitely appear that way. However, until the story is complete, I refuse to believe that Disney would be that stupid. In fact, I think I already may have a lot of evidence to support the idea that Luke Skywalker actually saved the entire galaxy and future generations by his simple disappearing act on Crait (See my previous article about Luke Skywalker for further details). I would go even deeper than that though. If this theory turns out to be true, then not only will all previous eight movies be tied together by episode nine...but I think it could potentially deliver a film the likes of which we have never seen before.

Let me explain...

The writers of Star Wars lore have, it seems, always been fascinated by the idea of immortality and the realms that lie beyond our mortal existence. The original films are filled with amazing quotes about this very idea...and the prequels attempt to take a more calculated and scientific approach to this idea. Ever since I was a child, I always felt that the first six movies were trying to set up something bigger than just jedi and sith. Much bigger. If that was the case, then it most certainly would have to play out in the form of immortality and force ghosts right? I mean they can't stop talking about it. From yoda telling luke: "Luminous Beings are we...not this crude matter", all the way to Emperor Palpatine telling the story of Darth Plagueis The Wise...both sides of the force seem obsessed with this idea.

Take Obi Wan's fight with Darth Vader in A New Hope for example. We hear Obi Wan tell Vader: "Strike me down, and I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine". What does he mean by this? Certainly he didn't mean he would just sit on the sidelines and coach Luke along for one episode! That's not power! I think he means exactly what he says. I think that by ascending into the force realm, you can gain access to the FULL spectrum of the force and all the god-like powers that come along with it. Why haven't we seen this power yet you may ask? Well we actually have. In The Last Jedi, yoda appears to Luke and actually conjures a force storm in a display of power not yet seen in the Star Wars Universe. Sure we have seen little sparks fly out of the hands of various sith lords...but an ENTIRE FORCE STORM?? Are you kidding me? I have no idea how people are looking past that giant detail.

Rian Johnson goes one further and actually gives us the most subtle of hints that the force ghost is not what it may appear to be on the surface. In the same scene, Yoda is actually able to hit Luke over the nose with his cane.

Wait what!? Not only can force ghosts affect the physical plane by manipulating the force...but they can actually physically interact with it themselves!? All while not being tethered to the physical realm in any way, shape, or form? That is some over-powered shit right there if you ask me. This is exactly what Old Ben was talking about in episode four. This is the power he knows exists in the realms beyond our mortal comprehension. Need more proof? Luke literally quotes Old Ben in episode 8.

"Strike me down in anger, and I will always be with you"..... "See you around kid". Luke doesn't just give up and die at the end of The Last Jedi as so many people have claimed he has. I claim that Luke knows EXACTLY what he is doing. He is ascending into the force realm for two distinct reasons.

  • Throughout the film, Luke repeatedly tells Rey that he, himself is nowhere near powerful enough to stand up to Snoke and the First Order by himself, and I think he is absolutely right (you will see why later). Even though he knows the Force is strong enough...he knows that it cannot just be channeled through him. I theorize that, while getting bopped over the head by Yoda's walking stick, Luke has an epiphany, and it's this: "WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING ON THIS ISLAND. THIS DUDE JUST CONJURED A FORCE STORM AND BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF ME MENTALLY, EMOTIONALLY, AND PHYSICALLY FROM THE REALM BEYOND".

...Or something along those lines. Just Look at his face after Yoda hits him.

That is the look of a man who knows he has fucked up badly.

  • The second reason for Luke making the decision to ascend at the end of Episode 8 is simple. Snoke. He is WAY too powerful to be taken on by anything mortal...because after all...Snoke isn't mortal and Luke knows it. It's why he is so scared of him and tried to cut corners by trying to kill his nephew. He must be one powerful dude to make Luke Skywalker give up on one of his victims so quickly. While looking into Kylo's mind, Luke saw exactly what Snoke intended to use Kylo for...and he knew that if it were to come to pass, there would be no stopping Snoke.

Now both of these reasons hinge on the (made-up) fact that Supreme Leader Snoke is an all-powerful/immortal being. This has in no way, shape, or form been confirmed by Disney....but it has definitely been strongly hinted at. Especially in the (cannon) books and external media that Disney has been pushing out since the release of the latest film. However, that being said, most of what comes next is purely speculation.

I don't see why we can't have a little fun. Let me have my fun goddamn it.

The Snoke speculation all begins with the black ring that he wears on his hand. Although this ring could end up playing a very big part in episode 9, I am going to go ahead and assume that it was placed in The Last Jedi as a HUGE glaring easter egg for those fans paying close attention. The Last Jedi Visual Dictionary goes a little more in-depth on this seemingly harmless piece of jewelry.

The Visual Dictionary doesn't say much...but it says so much at the same time. It references two very distinct things on the ring: Darth Vader's Castle and the glyphs of the Dwartii. Now the movies have made no attempt at connecting Supreme Leader Snoke with any of the events or characters of the previous films...until now. This is huge, and plays directly into my fan-fiction theory for who Snoke may be. This ring seems to connect Snoke to both Emperor Palpatine (the gold statues in the back of his office in episode 3 seen below) and Darth Vader. For those of you who don't read the Vader comic book series, I recommend you do. They are simply fantastic. However, in Vader issue #25 that was recently released, it was all but confirmed that Palpatine was directly involved in manipulating dark force energy within the womb of Shmi Skywalker...Anakin's mother.

Yep. It was basically confirmed that Palpatine is Darth Vader's daddy after all.

Here is a picture of the Dwartii Statues that Palpatine has in his office in Episode three....

Now this is big for a multitude of reasons...the biggest one being that we finally know how Anakin was created, and why his story played out the way that it did. No wonder all his offspring feel an immense pull towards the dark side! They stem from a one-generation-old bloodline that was completely manufactured by dark sith magic! Also, this would make Darth Sideous's Story of Dark Plageuis The Wise actually fit the canonical events that led up to the creation of Anakin Skywalker and would expand upon this recurring theme of the creation of life and immortality.

Yep. What I'm basically trying to say is that Snoke is indeed Plageuis...but I don't think it's that simple. I do think that the story that Palpatine told Anakin in episode three was actually a myth...a legend. I don't think Snoke was Sideous's master, but I do think that Sideous did uncover Snoke's ancient teachings and experiments, and used them to create Anakin.

The dude in the picture above is the infamous Darth Vitiate most commonly known from the Old Republic games and lore. For those of you who don't know Vitiate or his story....I'm going to link a few videos at the end of the article. It's a very long and complex story. I encourage any Star Wars fan to get familiar with him regardless. I just think he is a very cool character. I think that Supreme Leader Snoke is Disney's attempt at bringing Darth Vitiate to life in the cannon Star Wars Universe. Here are only a few parallels between their characters that seem a little too similar.....

  • Darth Vitiate was an extremely old Dark wizard who lived for many many years (Snoke has been confirmed to be hundreds of years old) and remained hidden in the unknown regions (That's where Snoke has been hiding this whole time).

  • While the light and dark sides struggled in the main parts of the galaxy, Vitiate (Snoke) remained hidden in the unknown regions

  • Vitiate was obsessed with eternal life, and wanted to transcend his mortal form to quite literally become a God (this would fit with Snoke's character as well as the story that has been set up thus far by the first six films).

  • He even formed a secret empire while out in the unknown regions and called it the "Eternal Empire" (The First Order??)

  • He discovered how to perform ancient sith rituals...often resulting in large loss of life....in order to absorb large amounts of life force, thereby extending his life indefinitely. (This would explain the Death Stars and Starkiller base and why Snoke looks so much healthier after they wiped out an entire star system with Starkiller Base in episode 7).

  • However, simply extending his life was not enough for him to become a god, and Vitiate knew this. He eventually discovered the ancient sith technique of "essense transfer" where he could literally transfer his consciousness to other living creatures. However, in order to do this, he needed a host. Vitiate (Snoke) lured the ex-jedi knight known as Revan (Kylo Ren??) to the unknown regions, where he dominated his mind and turned him full evil...with the intentions of eventually consuming his body as a future host.

Remember what Snoke says to Rey: "Foolish child. I cannot be betrayed. I cannot be beaten." I think Snoke means this quite literally. He knows Kylo is about to kill him and release him from his physical body.

Below are two pictures comparing the legendary Darth Revan (from the old republic video games) to Kylo Ren. You can't tell me those two don't look EXACTLY alike.....

  • Although Vitiate largely stayed out of the conflicts in the main regions of the galaxy...it was later revealed that he was the instigator of many of them...going back thousands of years to the Mandalorian Wars (which have been recently been made cannon by the Star Wars animated shows). He did this because he needed constant war and death to rage across the galaxy...causing the loss of large amounts of life and therefore allowing him to live longer. (This would connect all three trilogies, as well as their conflicts, together). Another explanation for both Death Stars in the original trilogy would be that it was an attempt by Dark Sideous to perform a death ritual so large, that it woke Snoke up in the unknown regions. It has also been confirmed that Sideous was aware of a "powerful dark force" existing in the unknown regions and that he made several attempts to contact it with no success. (This was detailed in the "Star Wars: Aftermath" books)

  • Vitiate literally fed off of Revan's force energy to keep himself alive. (Notice how multiple characters have stated that Snoke is only "using" Kylo Ren for his power. This would fit).

  • Revan eventually realized what Vitiate was doing to him, and turned on Vitiate...seemingly killing him (Episode 8 throne room scene??). However, although Revan (Kylo Ren) destroyed Vitiate's (Snoke's) physical body, he had already mastered the art of essense transfer and became a being of pure force energy. He then began to inhabit various hosts (Episode 9??).

  • Vitiate was eventually defeated by his offspring.

Now that last little tidbit is where everything is connected. Although Snoke didn't physically impregnate a woman who bore him offspring...he conducted the research and uncovered the secrets necessary to create a being of pure force energy, which Palpatine took advantage of to create Anakin. Anakin, Luke, Leia, and Kylo could all be seen as Snoke's "family" or "offspring". I think this is how the trilogy could end. With all of the Skywalkers...Snoke's creations...coming together and drawing from the entirety of the force (thanks to Luke, Anakin, and Leia in the force realm) to muster enough power to defeat Snoke once and for all. This would neatly wrap up every loose end in all three trilogies and it could all makes sense if they execute it correctly. The material is there...all they have to do is use it. Please Disney! I'm begging you!

At the end of the day, I really don't care how they conclude the trilogy as long as it makes sense with the story set up by the previous eight films. I was a big fan of The Last Jedi and if they decide to keep Snoke dead and push forward with the new characters, then so be it. However, like I said, I don't think Disney is that dumb. Judging by the opinions of many of my peers...I am in the minority over my love of The Last Jedi, and in order to bring Star Wars back to the way it was before the sequel trilogy, I think it will take some next-level story-telling. I think bringing vitiate into the fray and making him the ultimate big bad of the entire saga would go a long way in winning the fans back.

That being said, I think that it is obvious that Disney is not quite done with the character of Snoke, and that he will indeed play a large role in the upcoming finale. If you have read all of the expanded universe content as I have, it becomes obvious that there is something much bigger than a Kylo/Rey love story at play here. If this is true, then Disney is being extremely clever and manipulative in they way they are going about it. If not...well then they better buckle their seat belts. The rage of the fandom will be coming for them.

Am I crazy? Does this not make any sense whatsoever? If you have any thoughts at all, please leave them in the comments! I want to hear from you! Until then....

  • SAF

P.S. Here are the videos I promised!

These only scratch the surface of Vitiate's full story! I encourage all of you to look into him more if you like his story! He's awesome!

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