Jar Jar Binks conspiracy!

in starwars •  7 years ago 

I'm guilty for falling into the Jar Jar dilemna. And may have contirbuted to the issue George was having with promoting the image that he has originally intended. He undoubtedly had issues getting Jar Jar off the ground, doing what he wanted.

This may have altered the course of history itself. Personally, my reaction to the Jar Jar character was a straight out avoidance factor. Basically putting it, I've never watched that Phantom Menace movie. And don't have any plan to.

I recently watched this video:

It explains it all, but it seems like a very clever ploy that George Lucas was orchestrating behind the backs of so many of us. I for one never saw it coming. But the drunken master ploy embodied by Jar Jar was so subtle, so overshadowed by his moronic seeming behaviour that it never struck anyone as a potential blind side effort.

Really, so many of us have lost faith in George Lucas's ability after releasing this character. If he would have kept with it, the hearts and minds of so many may not have suffered so deeply from this jar jar shaming.

Phantom Menace obviously had the worst receieval of any of his films. But, we may never know just why he created such an awful character.

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