The State Fairs in America

in state •  3 years ago 

In America, the state fairs are one of the great events in a year. It holds in August, September and October. People from all around the world come to The States to visit the fairs. The visitors enjoy the lively environment and have a look at the farm products.


The state fairs has a long history in America. The biggest state fair is in Iowa. There is even a movie to describe this biggest event. The purpose of this event is to honor the work of local farmers. They bring home animals and farm products to compete for the prizes. Winners become the heroes and receive the biggest prizes.

In the state fair, people can also join many activities, such as the special competition of food eating contest. People need to eat the most food in the short time. They can choose to eat hamburger, chicken wing and other projects. The audiences are so excited to cheer for the competitors. Besides, there are also music shows. People can watch shows and enjoy the music. It is such a great experience.

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