RE: Decentraland - Monetizing Contents In The Virtual World [review]

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Decentraland - Monetizing Contents In The Virtual World [review]

in stateofthedapps •  6 years ago 

there will be options to rent parcels and also a marketplace for 3d items for the world and avatars, you won't need to own LAND to participate.

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This is great. When are we going to expect the option of renting parcels of land? Also, what will be the price of renting as compared to the price of buying?

We have a LAND pool initiative in place at the moment which is testing the ability to do rentals. Decentraland don't set the prices of LAND for sale or rent as it is a secondary market.

One more question:
Is Decentraland an open source project? Is it hosted on Github?
Thanks a lot

This is cool. Thanks for the response