RE: Principles and Predictions

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Principles and Predictions

in statism •  9 years ago 

The consistency of matter and energy are not human constructs. When you steal, assault, rape, or murder, you are saying "property rights are valid for me and invalid for you." This cannot be universalized and this internal inconsistency is objectively determined.

Government is predicated on the idea that humans can exist in different, opposing moral categories. This is false and therefore the initiation of the use of force to act in the name of the State.

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@@ -1,67 +1,5 @@
-The consistency of matter and energy are not human constructs.
@@ -197,11 +197,165 @@
+%0A%0Aofcourse it can. they can say that they need it to feed their group instead of yours. Also. all these things happens whether a goverment exists or not.
@@ -452,101 +452,441 @@
-. This is false and therefore the initiation of the use of force to act in the name of the State
+%0A%0AActually that's a the law of nature. Morality is subjective. what is moral for you is not for someone else. You consider it moral to have a girlfriend and masturbate on a porn side. some others don't. same applies about human life for some. Humans simply do not share the same values. %0A%0AYou are reaching wrong conclusions saying %22therefore%22 does not take you anywhere. avoid using %22anarchic%22 mantra. it's easy to catch your foot in it