Guns, girls, motorbikes and statistics.

in statistics •  9 years ago  (edited)


The numbers are clear. Each year, 300 million US guns cause 30,000 gun deaths. This is completely unacceptable, so I've hacksawed my pistol and encourage others to do the same.
The numbers are clear. Worldwide, there are 200 million sex acts per day, resulting in 20 million new STD infections. This is far too many, so I've stopped sleeping with my wife and I encourage you to step away from yours.
When she recklessly begs to contribute to the scourge of chlamydia by taunting your trouser snake into attack position; think global; act local.

The numbers are clear. Having a gun in the house triples your chance of being murdered, and increases your likelihood of suicide five fold. Those who don't see any need for a gun experience far fewer murders and suicides.
The numbers are clear. The severe burn rate for the general population is 1:1,000,000 per day; but among those who feel some need to call the fire department that rate jumps to 1:10.
From this we can safely conclude that calling the fire department is 100,000 times more dangerous than doing nothing. Despite this damning statistic many adults not only continue to call, but also teach their children to do so.

In the first scenario, its clear that sex and guns aren't the problem, irresponsible sex and irresponsible gun ownership are the real issue. Ironically, if you stop sleeping with your wife and destroy your well-managed gun, you make the remaining guns and sex statistically more dangerous, as more of the world's total sex is risky, and more of the gun ownership is irresponsible.

In the second scenario, we have two effects, and are mistaking one of them for the cause. A violent relationship, threat or desire to end it all prompt the decision to acquire a firearm, which is then blamed for the ensuing murder or suicide. This is as disingenuous as insinuating that the call to the fire dept was somehow to blame for the subsequent burns.


Looking at the road crash statistics, motorists are most likely to cause a collision in their first 5 years of driving, so a case might be made that they should not be allowed to ride a motorbike for the first 5 years, as they're more likely to die in the event of a crash.
Alternately, a case could be made that they should be limited to only motorbike riding in the first 5 years, since they're likely to cause a crash, and shouldn't pose a one tonne threat to other motorists and pedestrians.

Think about how you think about statistics, dig under the stone table and you'll always find a deeper truth; and never forget that there are people who's entire profession is trying to convince you of things which aren't true.

Not me though, I'm your buddy,
Have a fantastic day


PS: If you're looking for your own wife, buy an engagement ring; find a woman who fits your criteria, and pop the question. Eighty five percent of women marry the first guy who asks; and you can't beat those odds.

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Nice post.... I always think about that when politicians talk about statistics. They can make the numbers mean whatever they want...

Very well put!

I would say guns do not cause death. Idiots do. So it is smart to own a gun as a means to defend one from idiots.

Thank you for digging deeper than just the numbers, explaining the meaning and how statistics work.

@mattclarke, for someone who lives in a gun happy state (FL), yet dislikes guns I just love this information and stats. Biggest fear of having a gun is ending up in a situation where I have to use it.

Help me buy a gun with steem up vote my post please.