[Daily Update] Active Steemit users stats and trends analysis - Dec 05 | [每日更新] Steemit 活动用户统计与趋势分析 12-05

in stats •  8 years ago 

So happy there are over 115,000 users on Steemit. But it is time to celebrate or to be concerned? Let the numbers speak. @laonie and I installed a steem node in US datacenter, so we can track the true active accounts of steemit. If you are interested in my real stats and trends analysis, just follow me( @xiaohui ), this daily report will be updated automatically.

很开心 Steemit 已经超过了 115,000 用户。这是值得庆祝还是担忧呢?还是让数据来说话吧。 @laonie 和我在 US 机房建了一个 steem 节点,因此我们可以跟踪 steemit 的真实活动用户数据。如果你对这份用户统计和趋势分析感兴趣,请关注本人 @xiaohui,此报表每日自动更新。

Daily Active Users Statistics / 每日活动用户统计

24 Hours New Users
24 小时新用户数
24 Hours Active Users
24 小时活动用户数
7 Days Active Users
7 天活动用户数
Dec 04, 2016 305 3,586 6,654
Dec 03, 2016 380 3,148 6,503
Dec 02, 2016 182 2,963 6,440
Dec 01, 2016 331 3,148 6,273
Nov 30, 2016 254 3,228 6,187
Nov 29, 2016 240 3,477 6,190
Nov 28, 2016 280 3,203 5,921
Nov 27, 2016 269 2,979 5,880
Nov 26, 2016 192 2,767 6,032
Nov 25, 2016 208 2,915 5,998
Nov 24, 2016 259 2,693 5,870
Nov 23, 2016 239 2,896 5,883
Nov 22, 2016 211 3,002 5,880
Nov 21, 2016 209 2,942 5,873
Nov 20, 2016 181 3,056 5,912
Nov 19, 2016 131 2,791 5,922
Nov 18, 2016 97 2,877 6,085
Nov 17, 2016 134 3,148 6,113
Nov 16, 2016 170 2,981 5,973
Nov 15, 2016 184 2,865 5,884
Nov 14, 2016 262 2,787 6,256
Nov 13, 2016 211 2,694 7,071
Nov 12, 2016 349 2,709 7,227
Nov 11, 2016 202 2,749 8,222
Nov 10, 2016 209 2,846 8,157
Nov 09, 2016 135 2,774 8,243
Nov 08, 2016 164 3,271 8,245
Nov 07, 2016 184 3,982 8,251
Nov 06, 2016 163 4,009 8,217
Nov 05, 2016 223 4,693 7,900
Nov 04, 2016 143 2,736 6,354
Note / 备注:
  • Update time / 更新时间: 2016-12-05 00:00 UTC
  • Total users / 总用户: 115,781
  • New Users / 新用户: The users that created within 24 hours. 24 小时内注册的用户。
  • Active Users / 活动用户: The users that submitted a post or voting within 24 hours, except the new users. 24 小时内有发贴或投票动作的用户。不包含新用户。

Active Users Last 24 Hours / 24 小时活动用户分布

Active Users
Active %
Level %
Total %
$0 0 Dust 5,680 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
$0 0.01 Newbie 93,212 834 0.89% 24.21% 0.72%
$9 0.1 User 12,513 1,264 10.10% 36.69% 1.09%
$90 1 Superuser 3,272 833 25.46% 24.18% 0.72%
$900 10 Hero 859 366 42.61% 10.62% 0.32%
$9,000 100 Superhero 222 116 52.25% 3.37% 0.10%
$90,000 1,000 Legend 51 32 62.75% 0.93% 0.03%
Note / 备注:
  • Time Range: 2016-12-04 03:00 UTC ~ 2016-12-05 03:00 UTC
  • 1 MV = 1M VESTS = 475.71 STEEM = $85.46
  • Active % = (Active users by level) / (Users by level).
  • Level % = (Active users by level) / (Active users last 24 hours). Current active users last 24 hours: 3,445
  • Total % = (Active users by level) / (Total users). Current total users: 115,809

Follow me: @xiaohui

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A little concerned with a small celebration.