Trump will win 2020 in a massive landslide. Socialism is communism with lipstick on. Hitler was a socialist. Salt and light preserves. We are to be salt and to be light in a corrupt and very dark world. Vote the Bible.
Election Tuesday
Biggest thing happening globally on Tuesday. You can be part of history or miss out. It is a major pivotal point.
Lady Gaga says in this video "Hey, this Lady Gaga, I'm voting for America, which means I'm voting for Joe Biden."
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2020-11-01 - Sunday
Oatmeal Daily - 2020-11-01 - Sunday
Published in November of 2020
Google Trends How Vote Republican
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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Election Tuesday
Biggest thing happening globally on Tuesday. You can be part of history or miss out. It is a major pivotal point.
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Watch Comments
See the Watch Log for more info
02:50 AM - President Donald Trump FULL SPEECH at Butler, PA Rally 10/31/20
Trick or treat video, see yesterday for more info.
03:18 AM - Lots of Bet Hedging by Biden Voters!
Even Bernie Sanders seems to realize Trump will win 2020. Of course Trump wins 2020, I knew that in 2016 and have said so many times. I've written about it. Who didn't know that?
Styx talks about how Trump could lose. No. Problem is voter fraud, they're attempting over 100 million fake votes against Trump plus not counting over 20 million Trump votes. Plus a bunch of other things. Hillary Clinton said Biden must not concede under any circumstances. Many bad things are happening at the same time. People must be aware of it all.
2020-11-01 - Saturday - 04:17 AM - 05:06 AM - Barbarians 104
Show me what you see says the seer to the autistic boy.
Germania meaning ancient Germany
The wolf will devour the moon and everything, but don't fear it.
The tribe leader stabs his sword into the earth and walks into a pond which they call the bog. Is he now dead? Did he go unto his death?
Everything comes to an end?
He was adopted or stolen or sold as a boy to be raised in Rome and to later go back to Germany as a traiter, infiltration, to turn his old tribe into an army for the Roman Empire I think.
Where death is, life will come.
She pulls out his heart out. Hance the phrase, pull your heart out.
You must be my wife says the man to his childhood friend. The other man throws a punch at him. Pitch to the darkness. Roll credits. That's a wrap.
2020-11-01 - Saturday - 05:07 AM - 05:50 AM - Barbarians 105
Folkwin is dead, they think
Wedding gift, man opens the box, smells it and says horse shit, literally, they all laugh.
Keep your temper
Divine Diana
Greeks think stars are planets flying like arrows
Triumph as one tribe as opposed to divided tribes or states.
Campfire speech, drum roll.
Hagee Ministries
10:00 AM - Cornerstone Church LIVE 11am on Sunday November 1st 2020
Socialism is communism with lipstick on. Hitler was a socialist.
Salt and light preserves. We are to be salt and to be light in a corrupt and very dark world.
Vote the Bible.
10:22 AM - The Candace Owens Show: Katie Hopkins
Katie Hopkins gained weight in order to lose it on a reality show or something. Katie went through an amazing journey in life and that is one of the examples. Fat people can have excuses, same with other addictions, you can say it runs in the family, big bones, bad DNA, I'm doing it for a show, I'm sad, I'm alone. You can end up in a perpectual circle of eating because you are sad and then because you are sad, then you eat. Clinical depression perhaps or not.
Fat acceptence is silly
Bright Side
09:41 PM - A Journey in Your Nose to See How Smell Works
The nose has moving hairs that move snot or other things to the back of the throat.
Walking Dead: World Beyond
2020-11-01 - Sunday - 10:18 PM - 11:41 PM - TWD: The World Beyond 105
Force of nature propaganda
They say we are nature but we are not, we are more than that. We are individuals. In the show, the lady sells the lie of how bad individualism is.
Fatalism, accept the wind she says, but I reject that.
Army shot his dad to death.
She killed his mom
Understranding The Lies
10:57 PM - INFOWARS - ALEX JONES - Full Show - Sunday 1st November, 11-01-2020
Big Trump 2020 Win
Google Trends show 2 to 1, people tend to search how to vote Republican more often than they search for how to vote Democrat.
Watch Log
I've been watching the following
General Shepherd
2020-11-01 - Saturday - 04:17 AM - 05:06 AM - Barbarians 104
2020-11-01 - Saturday - 05:07 AM - 05:50 AM - Barbarians 105
Hagee Ministries
10:00 AM - Cornerstone Church LIVE 11am on Sunday November 1st 2020
Walking Dead: World Beyond
2020-11-01 - Sunday - 10:18 PM - 11:41 PM - TWD: The World Beyond 105
Understranding The Lies
10:57 PM - INFOWARS - ALEX JONES - Full Show - Sunday 1st November, 11-01-2020
10:50 PM - 03:50 AM - Roughly five hours. Daylight losing today. In other words, daylight savings ended at 2 AM, went back to 1 AM, meaning less sunlight during the day as the sun ends up setting earlier. Wait, not, the opposite is true. But then the days get shorter and shorter towards the winter time.
FitCrissy / Smart & Sexy Reviews | Channel
Barbarians 104, 105. 6 AM, what a nice morning. Icy a bit. Would have been 7 AM if it was not for turning back the clock an hour. Charging car battery. Door light on. So, I was closing doors. It turned off at least once and then back on. So, I was opening and then slamming close all the doors. I think I got it but there is still a red light with a symbol of the car or van blinking. I wonder if that is saying the hood is open.
I got back up at 9:30 AM or a few minutes before that, not 10:30 AM, check your phone, daylight losing. Shower. Fruit in a can for breakfast. Hagee live around 10 AM. Candace Owens talks to Katie Hopkins. Didn't start at 2 amps. We go to 6 amps at around 10:30 AM. Back to Candace. Soup stuff from Wednesday, for breakfast, finished that off. Coffee. Car didn't start until like 11:20 AM and then we got there and the sermon was done early. Talk. I ate too many cookies, probably 10 like chocolate chip cookies. Grabbed yogurt and probably a few other things. I didn't say Batman is Bruce Wayne and I am not going to say Girl Scout Cookies. And I am totally not going to talk about Milo and Beyonce in regards to something else. I will not talk about me and also me as in myself. Do they exist good questions but do not force people to say what you want them to say. Fred Meyers around noon to like one PM. No mask people at gas station. Sim City is like Mine Craft. Instead of zombies, Godzilla as that is like a natural disaster in Japan for those crazy folks just kidding. Secret my cousin showed me in like 1994 in getting like a million dollars. Imagine Minecraft but like family craft where you make friends, find love, make babies, like the Sims. You build houses and work and everything. I would like that. Work together. But understand reality up to like 2 or 3 PM.
I was looking over the wood we have and writing things down making plans for a chicken coop. The first one from October is no more, see last month for more info. It is a new month and I am trying to build a new one. Made a bench in the garage using two stones and a giant board found outside by the small door on the side. I carried a few boards over to the garage from the other house. Helped them unload a truck of things. I opened the windows downstairs and then closed them a few hours later around 8:30 PM.
08:00 PM - Rice, beans, brockley, etc. Good to talk about stars and the book of James in the Bible. Chosen for a minute around 7 PM at the couch. Jumping around. Small world. Family land. Keep it. Nerd stands for something. Story about cats. Understanding Star Wars. Rey did not die.Star Trek shows, movies, outline.