5 SBD Bounty. Simply Answer 5 Questions.

in steem-bounty •  6 years ago 


To give the answers of the following question you have to read my Previous Post carefully. You also have to watch the videos inside the post then only you can give answer perfectly.

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( I will upvote 5 comments only which will be perfect)

Questions :

  1. What is the vision of the MoneyToken?

  2. Which member of advisory board make project demand increase?

  3. Out of three videos which you like most & Why?

  4. Price of MoneyToken (IMT) During Token Sale & after the TokenSale in Retail Sale?

  5. Star Ratings out of 5 to this project with some words.

Hope you will like this & You will contribute after detailed study.


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  • Vision

Money Token allows you to deposit the cryptocurrency & get the loan in the terms of stable currency. This give you benefit that you does not loose your cryptocurrency to get funds.

  • Advisory Board

Roger Ver because he is the founder of the bitcoin.com.

  • Video

I like the first one in which the Alex Fisun given all information about the project.

  • Price

Token Sale : 0.005$

Retail Sale : 0.05$

  • Star Ratings

5/5 Star Because of the great vision to save your cryptocurrency & Great advisory board.

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1.The MoneyToken platform allows you to borrow liquid funds instantly, based on the current value of your cryptocurrency asset holdings. You take out a loan, collateralized with more volatile assets such as Bitcoin or Ethereum - and in return you receive an agreed loan amount in a stable currency.

2 . Roger Ver

3 . the first video because i think that man explained everything very clear and very simple for everyone to understand.

4 . during token sale 0.005 usd and in retail sale 0.05 usd

5 . i give it a 4.9
because i really love this project and i think that this project has a nice future coming.
also the team has super nice people in it.

but i never give maximum because I haven't seen the result yet.

Good luck !

idk if 2nd is correct.

i really couldn't find it

What is the vision of the MoneyToken?
MoneyToken: changing the face of financial services.

Which member of advisory board make project demand increase?
Roger Ver as he is well known in the community

Out of three videos which you like most & Why?
First and second video, both have pretty much same content and answer most of my questions. If i have to pick one, it would be second video because its shorter and gives out all information

Price of MoneyToken (IMT) During Token Sale & after the TokenSale in Retail Sale?
0.005$ with 20% bonus & after token sale, .05$

Star Ratings out of 5 to this project with some words.
4 star. I will hold onto the 5th star till I see all the details. SALT was not able to keep up with the demand for such loans but since this is going to cater to businesses, i want to see how this plays out. $ star because i like the idea of taking out a loan on cryptos so you dont have to sell and pay short term loan, instead you have get loan and sell later with long term capital gain.

I will upvote other comment when 5 days gone.

Hi, i still newbie in steemit. You previuosly upvoted me? Because i remember an upvote from you. Or i believe it XD

Hi again @laconic.
Now, I see that was not only my comment. All comments fell to 0.0 sbd


1). what is the vision of money token?
Money Token will enable people who invest in cryptocurrency to use it as asset collateral in requesting for loan without really using their asset.

2). which member of advisory board make project demand increase?
All the Advisory Board do : Roger Ver, Make Tokay, David Allen cohen, Steve Rubakh, Didi Taihuttu, Sally Eaves.

3). which of the video do i like most and why?
I like the 2nd video because it was like he was explaining to me alone and he took his time to explain the uniqueness of Money Token. He explained to me why my loan request would be fast and easy, where the money token service will be available which is worldwide. He also told me why money token wisn useful to me as a user. Why i get preferential interest with no barrier and how it is different from other peer to peer blockchain because it is backed by a large credit form.

4).Price of money token during sale and after sale?
Token sale- 0.005$
Retail sale- 0.05$

5). Star rating the project.
i am rating this project 5/5 because it is a commodity that is of value and it will provide us loans in stable and fiat coins which is based on their passion belief in stable coins as a future in cryptocurrency.

My first question would be: can anyone justify why it's 10 times cheaper to insiders and people who buy it in it's ICO phase then afterwards? Sounds like a rip-off, I'm out. Don't care what Roger Very has to say about it, he's not 'Bitcoin Jesus' and calling him that is blasphemous.

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1.What is the vision of the MoneyToken?
Platform for Smart Loans Backed by Crypto-Assets. Getting rid of all the intermediaries in the loan system, automatic control of risks as a primary vision of the MoneyToken platform.

  1. Which member of advisory board make project demand increase?
    Roger Ver of Ripples addition on advisory board can have image boost. Increasing product demand or projects demand in the market is the work of Ceo and the marketing team.

3.Out of three videos which you like most & Why?

First video, Easy to understand

4.Price of MoneyToken (IMT) During Token Sale & after the TokenSale in Retail Sale?

During Token Sale 0.005 Usd after the Token Sale in Retail Sale 0.05 Usd.

5.Star Ratings out of 5 to this project with some words.
4.9 Star: Its in High Competition lending category, the team must prove to make it a rewarding project. Small and large loans, Global scale/opportunity, stable coin, AI technology is a plus for company.

1. What is the vision of the MoneyToken?

The MoneyToken stage enables you to get fluid subsidizes in a split second, in light of the present estimation of your cryptographic money resource possessions. You apply for a line of credit, collateralized with more unpredictable resources, for example, Bitcoin or Ethereum – and consequently you get a concurred advance sum in a steady money.

2. Which member of advisory board make project demand increase?

Roger Ver

3. Out of three videos which you like most & Why?

I am watching three videos.. All of those are easy understand but "What makes MoneyToken unique from other lending platforms?" This title video is more easy and widely described about money token..

4.Price of MoneyToken (IMT) During Token Sale & after the TokenSale in Retail Sale?

Token Sale USD 0.005 and Retail Sale USD 0.05$

5.Star Ratings out of 5 to this project with some words.

I don't say much but i think, this project have a good future.. and it is very soon ...

  1. What is the vision of the MoneyToken? – to make funds readily available by allowing you to borrow liquid funds instantly, based on the current value of your cryptocurrency asset holdings.
  2. Which member of advisory board make project demand increase? – Roger Ver.
  3. Out of three videos which you like most & Why? – the first video because it is detailed and easy to understand.
  4. Price of MoneyToken (IMT) During Token Sale & after the TokenSale in Retail Sale? – token sale price - $0.005 after token sale $0.05
  5. Star Ratings out of 5 to this project with some words. – I will rate it 5 because of the objectives of the project and calibre of people involved.
  1. What is the vision of the MoneyToken? – to make funds readily available by allowing you to borrow liquid funds instantly, based on the current value of your cryptocurrency asset holdings.
  2. Which member of advisory board make project demand increase? – Roger Ver.
  3. Out of three videos which you like most & Why? – the first video because it is detailed and easy to understand.
  4. Price of MoneyToken (IMT) During Token Sale & after the TokenSale in Retail Sale? – token sale price - $0.005 after token sale $0.05
  5. Star Ratings out of 5 to this project with some words. – I will rate it 5 because of the objectives of the project and calibre of people involved.

1- Facilitate growth through the use of loans and reduce losses by making direct relationships, as well as streamlining the process through the presentation of Amanda which can manage many tasks effectively using the call AI.

2- Of course Roger See to be the founder of Bitcoin.com

3- the first video, because it provides detailed information and makes use of visualices supports, facilitating the compression.

4 - The price of the MoneyToken (IMT) will be 0.005USD, but followed by the days of retail sale it will rise to 0.05USD initially

5- 5 stars, Reliable, solid, refined, innovative

I will be very brief:
1- Offer loans backed by cryptography, maintaining the encryption position and keeping the user at the heart of the long-term investment game, without intermediaries and a decentralized exchange service.
2 - Roger View
3 - The first very explanatory video
4 - In presale 0.005 USD after 0.05 USD
5 - 4.5 Point, I believe that the fact of helping people with loans without having to exhaust their cryptographic capitals and get out of the game quickly is a great advantage that many will undoubtedly choose to have, trusting that in the future they could capitalize on that Debt and follow. I do not place 5 because the future is still uncertain, Money Token must prove it.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Hi @steem-bounty Es para mi un placer saludarlo Ve que hace publicacions muy interesantes y de verdad me gustaria aprender un poco mas de ello ya que soy nuevo en esta plataforma muy intersante, saludos Amigo