Invest 500: Die Rich or Die Trying!! - Hashflare Mining and its 10% discount

in steem-business •  7 years ago 

Our tree is growing the first roots and we so HAPPY

Follow Me To Unravel A New CryptoAdventure!Let´s make some dirtycash. Starting from very little WE will build a safe and rich environment to see our hard earn cash grow! Join Me, Help Us With Your Insides and...

Let´s get Rich or Die trying!

I have decided to start this journey with all of you, not just to show you what I do but also TO GET ALL YOUR HELP, help that would be shared all around this wonderful community.

Let´s get started...
1.-Golden Rules & Path to Follow wallet & First Cloud Mining
3.-Cloud Mining--> Hashflare, Genesis & Wixminers
4.-High Risk High Returns: Iota & EOS
5.-Introduction to Bittrex
6.- Back From Holidays - Wixminers SCAM
7.-Coinreum is giving the desired results

Several months past and I have been SOOOOOO busy

Ok, so we are here today as to review our investments and to let you know how to keep track of everything. Three main subjects to talk about, in three different posts:
1.- Coinreum
2.- Hashflare & Genesis-mining
3.- Keeping records DO HELP

2.- Hashflare

We shall expect to multiply by 3 our investment in one year

Great Opportunities with a 10% discount!, now let´s reap the benefits

So, I am late to tell you, I know, My apologies

There it was a 10% discount for Halloween. I manage to buy a little on the first day and then, I took the benefits over the discount period and the last day I re-invested to maximise the benefits over the year period.
So I ended with a magnificent view:

Stay Focus: What should you do know?

Really important to keep a cold business mind:
1.- We have to get our investment back in one year (ROI 12 months contract)
2.- We have to be able to grow the investment: Re-invest in mining
3- Enjoy the benefits!!!!

To enjoy the benefits, this is what I do: (and there are a thousand ways of doing this)

1-Get my own XAPO card and wallet.
2-Try to get a wallet starting on 3: it is a sewit compatible wallet and so lower commissions.
3-Withdraw the necessary balance from Hashflare to xapo
4-Spent spent spend


Enjoy Life To The Fullest


Before I go, you should look at theses too

Other Great articles to study...

From @jen8

From @slywest

From @jonboka



If you decide to follow the link: THANK YOU but let me know in the comments, I know how to reward my friends

This is a review of investment article, if you need a step to step guide to invest follow my first link:

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Amigo mio, en mis inicios fui estafado por me-coin, gladiacoin, walletplus y betrobot. cuéntame de ese proyecto. yo la verdad no confio en ninguno. pero a ti veo que te va bien.

¡Y no confíes de ninguno!
Ahora mismo coinreum se está portando muy bien pero como digo siempre:
Pequeñas apuestas, recupera tu dinero y lo que venga después bien venido sea!!!!
Desde mi punto de vista merece la pena "invertir" 50 o 30 € en estas cosas...

Espero no equivocarme con Hashflare!!
Y desde luego la tecnología que trae IOTA es impresionante, yo apuesto por ella.

Cuéntame mas. que tal es IOTA yo invertí en EDR cuando costaba 1$ y se desplomó. ahora cuesta 0.01$ cada vez que lo pienso, me dan ganas de llorar.

IOTA es el internet de las cosas, donde todo se comunica con todo a unas velocidades inmensas; todo con la palabra blockchain añadida claro.
Algo así como un cerebro.
Es la solución a lo que todos esperamos que ocurra: la nevera sabe que te falta agua y que te mueves hacia el salón, encufando la luz y la calefacción allí; el sofá sabe que te gusta un pequeño masaje en las piernas mientras se sincroniza con la tele para bajar el volumen de las noticias de deportes. Mientras se abre la puerta del garaje porque tu mujer está a 200 metros de llegar a casa y la cafetera le va preparado ese capuchino que tanto le gusta....

Y nunca, nunca, apuestes lo que te pueda doler perder.

exacto. ya aprendí esa parte. por las malas.