[steem.cool] Live Reputation (REP) Viewer w/ Estimated UpVote REP Value, REP Needed for Next Level, Level Information

in steem-cool •  8 years ago  (edited)

Tool that allows you to look at your reputation or others in a more in-depth way then a simple single digit number. I wanted to build a tool that could help me figure out how much my UpVote was really worth reputation wise. How do I effect others with my level and or Vested Power and whats the real story. I noticed the reputation # on the blockchain and started to work from their.

@dantheman said it was simple but I didn't think it was this simple...
Vs: Vesting shares | Vp: Voting power

One Major factor that is left out of this formula is Reputation level - it seemed to have no effect at all... Interesting, very interesting. I had a level 5, 6, and 7 with roughly the same Vesting Shares - all had the same exact result (within the formula) so I'm still not sure how the Rep Level comes into play but maybe with more data I can get this solved (If even needed).Well I'll be honest my data set is small and haven't yet had anyone to test the effects of users with smaller power the 5.

This formula also works in both directions, as in DownVoting and UpVoting, again making this a lot simpler. Essentially with this tool/webApp you could see how much power you actually have over other users. Now according to @dantheman a DownVote coming from someone ranked below you will not effect you. I have had a couple people down vote me in the past 12 hours (No clue why... just literally down voted all of my posts) and they had no effect on me. So this seems to hold true. Also if you're wondering if your selective UpVotes help your Reputation, they don't. Only others can impact your reputation (All users can in a positive way, if powerful enough compared to you) <- one thing that may effect that formula above.

Also since I had the data in my finger tips I created a Reputation needed for next level , or PowerUp bar haha! That should be fun to watch! w/ %!

So this cool little tool didn't just appear out of no where. I had something else in the works... ;) which I was able to repurpose for my new reputation needs. So after pulling the code and site together this afternoon into tonight(now) here she is


Just like Steemd.com and steemit.com throw the username at the end example http://steem.cool/@blueorgy

You can see above I have clearly laid out the Reputation Levels as a lot of you have been asking for it. Since the numbers are so large (everywhere for that matter) I tried to simplify it into billions and millions. If this is confusing let me know I can try to think up another way to represent it.

Positive Levels Negative Levels
LevelMinimum Rep LevelMinimum Rep
1110000000 (t)rillion -11-10000000 (t)rillion
101000000 (t)rillion -10-1000000 (t)rillion
9100000 (t)rillion -9-100000 (t)rillion
810000 (t)rillion -8-10000 (t)rillion
71000 (t)rillion -7-1000 (t)rillion
6100 (t)rillion -6-100 (t)rillion
510 (t)rillion -5-10 (t)rillion
41 (t)rillion -4-1 (t)rillion
3100 (b)illion -3-100 (b)illion
210 (b)illion -2-10 (b)illion
11 (b)illion -1-1 (b)illion


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Another awesome tool! Another awesome post! Thank you @blueorgy!


Thank You for using and your UpVote!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Could you explain how @wang gets negative reputation using your formula? I mean that I cannot imagine how this ( Vs * 5.08 ) * ( Vp / 100 ) can lead to negative calculations.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thats not for REP. That's to calculate how much power a user has (ability to give REP). It currently has nothing to do with Reputation. @wang might be the exception. Had to get some sleep but will look into it today.

Usually users with that much Vested shares into steem wouldn't have a Negative reputation.

Also from the small data set I have I've had users of 5 6 and 7 (all with enough Vested Share to atlas make a difference) up vote posts and the formula held try but I did not try negative numbers.

I also seem to have no effect on @wang when up voting him. Some defiantly research I will have to do today , unless someone from Steemit could share

oh...at a quick glance I thought what was your rep score...so it's like what is your rep power then? like steem power again?

Great tools, however quite sad to see my stats there tho :D

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Well you moved from 42 (b)illion (Current Reputation) to 433 quite quickly ;) (3) > (4)
since you viewed your stats.

And my up vote will help. but you actually have a much higher REP power then I do!

-- Now You're almost (5) ! -

987 (b)illion (Current Reputation)

12,810 (m)illion 98.72% (REP remaining until next level)


Glowing REP LEVEL Progress BAR. Enjoy

Really cool, but I noticed % shown not % of (REP remaining until next level) but probably same as progress bar % of REP already gained to next level.

Yeah I was debating wether to show how far to go or how much you have... Same thing really Semantics ;)

You are awesome this tool is exactly what us optimizers need to get to 7/8

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

http://steem.cool/@pjheinz lets see how much this upvote does... wait for it

65,456 billion -> 66,086 billion ;)

33,913,732 (m)illion to togo until (7)


Requested: Quick Change Username Box

Extremely helpful tool orgy! Loving it! no homo.

-57 (b)illion (Current Reputation) ... Lets change that

UpVoted ... 82 (b)billion level (-3) to (3)

Good stuff. The only thing missing is the Reputation value in decimals and the PowerUp bar to visualize that. :)

My guess is it's a logarithmic function. SteemWhales seems to have figured it out. I'm currently 7.74, being 58% of the way between 7 and 8.

Mine has way more data then 2 decimals ;) but I can give a % good idea!! Adding now!

Thanks! Don't forget the visual bar :)

Yup my next step, i'll try to make it cool and animated ;)

Awesome! Look forward to it. :)

580,308 (b)million > 580,447 (b)million REP from that UpVote

thanks for idea implementing now

export const repLog10 = rep2 => {
    if(rep2 == null) return rep2
    let rep = String(rep2)
    const neg = rep.charAt(0) === '-'
    rep = neg ? rep.substring(1) : rep
    rep = rep.length <= 8 ? 1 : rep.length - 8;
    rep = neg ? -1 * rep : rep
    return rep


  ·  8 years ago (edited)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

you should throw that up on steemimg.com so you can link it correctly
-nvm lol

@blueorgy, It appears reputation algorithm has changed.

Yes I will be updating my code as soon as I have the exact numbers , for now enjoy a time machine type view of users reputations ;)


I am rep 7 and have 301 trillion, so I am under your listed minimum for rep 7

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I knew all these trillions and billions would get mixed up lol
you're right where you should be, prob should make everything billions?

I saw that too, you should change them to one denominator so people don't get confused :P

because he the chart does say you need 1000 trillion @justtryme90 ;)

Right, that was my confusion! Anyway thanks for making this, its awesome to see the raw numbers!

@blueorgy going to need an update ;) keep it up

Very, very, very, nice tool. Bookmarked!

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

excellent research and great contribution! upvoted.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Awesome blue, great job! I have already looked at my ranking and this system you've come up with is great.
Example: http://steem.cool/@Hutch

Always love your tools, @blueorgy (what an odd sounding sentiment)... Anyway, keep up the good work!

Awsome detail :) nice job @blueorgy

Thats cool as mate. only another 572,344,024 to hit 8 woot,lol...(has no idea how to get to 8)..ok think i got it...the more positive upvotes and obviously the more power upvotes the faster it will level up the rep and once the 572,344,024 is hit, then 8 will be reached...anyway think thats right from what i understand.:)..if not please correct me...thanks

Wow this is an amazing tool. I'm a billionaire! Dolla Dolla Dolla Bills Y'all. Yeah that's what a dork I am. Thanks for making this available!

My numbers aren't matching up. it says 52 on Steemit and 68 on your site. Love the app though. thanks.

Another amazing Steem application, thanks @blueorgy

Great work as usual @blueorgy

Thanks for the APP.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

You're a beast @blueorgy ! How much did the nTLD cost??? :P That's dedication.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

That's nice and usefull application, @blueorgy! Thanks a lot! But perhaps it would be better to calculate all in the billions.

Calculate them how? You mean use quad trillions instead and use decimals ? I choose to represent the numbers this way so everyone can see exactly how much reputation they have besides a calculated single digit number. We have Steemit for that ;).

Also by showing the larger numbers you can more clearly see how far until next level and what your upvote / down vote is worth.

I can however maybe add a "simplify" button that would crunch them down to say 4 digit numbers ? Or just use decimals. I'll think about it


I mean, the current user reputation you now display in the billions, and the amount of reputation required for the next level you display in the millions. I think it would be better if all to display in the millions. Or in the billions.

But, actually, it's already very well done. Thank you so much :)

Very slick ,great work @blueorgy - I really love that glowy progress bar!
Rep 8 is so far away ..

Why u dont add text field on your site where we can enter our username?

I can add one, sorry I needed some sleep lol , however you just put the username in the URL like here on Steemit example : http://steem.cool/@blueorgy

Pretty much the same thing

Lol, sure sleeping is important thing) But we are for the user-friendly interface.

Haha I see that

Thanks for the adding it)

That bootstrap template though lol

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

haha well it worked, and I didn't want to spend another 5 hours pulling something together. I'm tired... ok exhausted.

Will always support you, @blueorgy!

My boy Blue! This site is great, itll be a go to for anyone who's already using steem stats or Steemd. The interface reminds me of Eve Online skill training, except it's the MMO of Steemit. Thanks for this

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

This is only a compliment for the design of that page. It is gorgeous!

But try, for example, http://steem.cool/@razvanelulmarin

My spec atm: Win7,FF,1680x1050 and it's offset way to the right and we'll be out of short usernames soon ;)

haha alright. Hmm way to the right , interesting , thanks for heads up

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

ohhh yes! That is a problem I need to fix, will just reduce the font size of the username depending on length ;)

All Set!

👍awesome to use tool @blueorgy

Ok @blueorgy
You know I go for Blue
Cheers Buddy

Thank you, very interesting

Oh man, oh man. I have a long way to go. Any help is appreciated...

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I agree that it's a very useful tool. But it doesn't explain why my reputation is at -5. I signed up about 10 days ago and must have done something wrong somewhere. I'm not your average Joe, but i'm not Einstein either, so if some can a few tips I'd apprecite it, thxs.

I see now your a -2 , this I don't believe is too bad a couple good comments and posts will get you in the +

Well needed article thanks

Your stuff is always sick!
This post needs to trend so people can use it ;D

awesome haha! gamification galore! =D waiting for a HUD and an XP bar to be implemented now!

Great job!, Keep up the good work. & Keep Steem'n! :D

Very cool. Good job and thanks for posting.

I love your tool, this isn't a knock against it, but wow keeping up with all the complexity added on top of Steem/Steemit becomes a full time job!

Don't see how that would be a knock against it haha

I'm wondering why the numbers are so huge. Couldn't reputation start with 10 rather than billion? I guess level 11 is about to overflow a 64-bit value

well it does go down to 0 ;) and the numbers are, what the are, maybe have to ask @dantheman on his reasoning. I think it makes sense tho.

This is insanely cool

A little question: I the reputation list the values are in trillions but the actual value of reputations is billions. What's correct here or so I get something wrong?

All the numbers are correct It's just hard to put them all in one view. Thinking to just put billions...

The numbers are actually in quadrillions and down from there lol

Great post, thank you for sharing; are you aware of any further "user interface" developments? What direction is steem moving into next? Is there a potential "messaging" service in the development stage?

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment