I’m Worried I will Lose My Job. I Am Not Worried I Will Be Unemployed.

in steem-freedom •  7 years ago  (edited)

One of the biggest differences between immigrants to the West compared to immigrants to China is why they let you in and to do what job.

China is changing the rules and upping their game or just making it more difficult. My boss won't let me go but he will make me work when I don;t want to.

The other day my manager sat me down for a little impromptu meeting. He told me that the Education Bureau of Dalian is changing the rules for expat teachers. Normally a company needs special permission to hire foreigners, so getting such a permit is difficult enough in its self, at this point in China’s development not even bribes or guan xi will get you the required permits.


And please see @sweetsssj post about guan xi

He told me they will no longer allow one company to sends teachers to many public schools. See I work for a private company but they send me to several public schools weekly. No single public school can afford a monthly salary of foreign teachers, well, only a couple. So they share us. I go to different schools daily, teaching one lesson one class per week per school.

Now the rule is one teacher per school!

This really puts my job in limbo unless the few companies can convince the Dalian School Board to keep things as they are. My manager says the school board doesn’t want to organize this anymore and will allow individual schools to hire their own teachers, which 99% could not afford to do that solo.

Honestly when I am teaching in the school I am probably the highest paid person in the school, above the head master probably. No Joke, anyone teaching ESL in China will agree to this.

This is not a private school or training centre where teachers make a lot more. To be honest, I don’t make as much as most other teachers because I chose a public school salary. BUT I have the schedule in this city, 8am to 2:30pm Mon – Fri all holidays paid and weekends off. Any other work I do outside of those hours is sweet overtime VIP type shyte gold.

I am not worried I will be out of a job. I worry I will be out of my Sweet Kick Ass Schedule!!! The freedoms I have in China outweigh the freedoms I had in Canada, but I am not Chinese, the money I make here is great, as long as it stays here. I have more financial freedom in China then I ever did in Canada for a comparable workload. Why do you think we English teachers come with one year in mind and stay several years or even more than a decade? THE MONEY AND THE LIFE. I keep offering it to ya’ll but you’re too skeptical. I understand.

If I have to change jobs; I’m changing cities.
I love Dalian, it’s an amazing city. I have met so many wonderful people here and I would miss it.

Steemfreedom Where Art Though?

(special shout out to to one of my favourite Steemer @freebornsociety Keep on keepin' on my friend)

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I feel like year after year, it's becoming increasingly difficult for foreigners to stay and work in China. New visa laws with the ranking system, getting things notarized, espionage laws, etc. I am fortunate to have a decent job at a high school in Hangzhou but it doesn't leave much room for movement between jobs does it.

If you do move jobs, come down south! It's a different world down here. I love it. Good luck with everything.

The big reason i dont move down south is i hate bugs. And spiders and roaches. And sweating. Lol

Lol yeah I'm not a fan myself. Though in Hangzhou I haven't seen too many bugs. Just some mosquitoes and tiny flies. No spiders or roaches though. As for sweating...yeah it's stupid humid. No avoiding that.

I love paid holidays.

O Woah you're a teacher, Nice! Great post

Ya. I teach.. Apparently naughty students make good teachers. weird. lol

like to hear more about your teaching life in China...stories!

tons more... stay tuned..

Seems like you have a schedule that let's you actually live life, you know ? That's not something you see everyday.

Some might say it's priceless. But it could be bought.

four in 10 teachers are attacked by the pupil ,, Teaching is such a noble yet hard profession :(

Thank you!!

I just don't understand why teachers are under paid?
They are helping the government get money via taxes by helping kids further their education TO get better paying jobs 0r jobs!

Interesting post! I work in a training centre in Beijing :) would love to hear more about your teaching experience in a public school :P

Hope things work out. Can't they start a few more companies. So, company A, B, C, D hire you part time each and send you to schools P, Q, R, S respectively.