A friend of mine who really isn't a game was harping on about this title for a very long time years ago. I use the word "title" instead of game because I liken the entire playing of it to an interactive experience rather than a game. The only time that being at all savvy with the buttons comes in is in sequences where a series of buttons must be struck at a certain time kind of like the Quicktime events in God of War or other games like it.
Even when this happens thought it is rarely a situation where you have to be lightning quick on the controls. For the most part I would say that Heavy Rain is a very interesting take on gaming and it is perfect for adult ultra-casual audiences.

I knew already that this was a "mature" game before I even bought it when it was on super discount the other day because my friend warned me that it is not just an adult game filled with blood, murder, swearing, and nudity (good fun all around!) but it is also very disturbing as far as the story is concerned.
I haven't done enough of the game to spoil it and I wouldn't do that anyway but so far I can see that you are playing a wide variety of characters and the central baddie appears to be this origami killer. Everyone is connected to that in some way - well, that and the fact that it is raining all the time in the sequences.

There are consequences to your actions I would imagine just like in other games that I have played such as Detroit: Become Human although they are not spelled out to you the same way that they were in that title (which is a great game by the way, check that one out as well.)
Heavy Rain came out long before many of the other games like it that seem to focus very heavily on story rather than being super-quick with the buttons and for someone like me this works out pretty nicely.
I will say this though, I can't play it for very long in a row because I get a bit bored. However, it is a fantastic game to keep in your library and return to when the other games you are playing get too difficult and you need a break. For me, this has been the case with Hollow Knight which I have already defeated the base of, but really cant seem to make much progress in the advanced, endgame material.
It gives me a chance to chill out and recharge I suppose rather than fight the same boss that has kicked my ass 20 times in a row another go.
This title was actually released on the PS3 many years ago and was remastered for the PS4 just a few years ago. Personally, when I look at side-by-side comparisons of the two I can't really tell that much of a difference. This may have been a bit of a lazy repackaging of the same game.
I left it alone in the past because I wasn't interested enough to pay full price for it but recently it was on one of those crazy 80% off sales in the PS Store and I couldn't resist. It might still be available for the $5 or so that I paid for it, and if that is the case still I suggest that you get out there and buy it before it goes away.
It's not for hardcore gamers who require a huge challenge but the story makes the simplicity of the experience worthwhile. This is one of those games that you can leave alone for days or even weeks at a time and return to it without any issue. If you are that kind of gamer (I know I am) this could be a great one for you to pick up on the cheap