HolySmoke! .. Steemit is about CREATING !!! siting the source is NOT enough if you didn't CREATE SOMETHING!!!steemCreated with Sketch.

in steem-help •  7 years ago  (edited)

Some folks work really hard to make a thoughtful post; they put in the time to do the research, or just spend an hour or two thinking it through before they share their thoughts... Whatever your Muse >> Whatever your Message >>> Steemit is the Platform for you to relate it to Others...


Pirate Skull Cross Swords.png

Many, Many accounts just post others creations, they post a youtube video, or a photograph, site the source link, and that's about it.... Posts with no original content are Discouraged here on Steemit....

#steamcleaners is a very special creation... it's like a street sweeper, that comes down your street while you're sleeping; removing the filth and litter before it washes into the drain System, clogging up the pipes, and backing up the System.. It does it's job, so that you don't have to even think about it...

if you think it's O.K. to Post others content, just because you dropped a link in your post...


Screen Shot 2017-07-05 at 5.13.32 PM.png

HolySmoke! https://steemit.com/steemit/@ayeshanor/7-things-to-avoid-being-flagged-by-steemcleaners

Find out how you CAN Help go to #steemcleaners for more information...

STEEMCLEANERS is picking up Steem; and i for one am glad for it !!


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That depends, if the author released the content into the public domain then it is fair use. The you tuber still makes money on people watching his video on youtube and is getting traffic and going viral increases his exposure. It is up to the original author to decide based on license, many sites offer RSS feeds and release small snippets of articles that they want people to republish. Have you looked at Yahoo's news feed, it's mostly made up of this type of content and drives traffic to the original publisher, Yahoo makes money on the advertisements they display.

I see this as no different from what users who curate portions of articles are doing. In fact I enjoy reading these in my feeds, as long as they are done right. IMO as long as they use the content the original publisher has licensed to them to use and drive traffic to that site in accordance with the publishers wishes, then it should be totally fine.

If they publish the entire article or beyond what the publisher has licensed them to use, then this is where steemcleaners should focus their attention.

I approach copying & pasting without a source from the angle of plagiarism not "fair use" or copyright. 99.9% of the time those copy & pasting full text aren't using sources that are public domain so it isn't an issue. Those that do post public domain usually do it in such a way that lets the reader know it isn't their work and/or they aren't spamming for upvotes or money.

The problem with those that are curating portions of articles and not adding any commentary is that it become prolific when one of them gets a nice payout. Everyone wants to jump on the $100 money train and some users start cranking out 20 to 30 copy/paste articles a day that only have a picture, a paragraph, and a link all copied and pasted. It becomes a spam issue. They even start copying each other and you see the same posts plus or minus formatting. They make finding unique and relevant content impossible.

Before phone verification it was pretty easy for users to get multiple accounts to do this. They can still buy accounts if they find it profitable. And it is. They are using @randowhale, @esteem, and other initiatives here to get up-votes.

There are a lot of days I would like to throw in the towel when in just a few hours I find 10 or more accounts that are less than a day old just copying and pasting anything they can find they think might get someone's attention and a vote. The more ambitious ones have added comment spamming trying to drive traffic to their posts. Luckily most haven't figured out how to game the system and give up after a couple of days.

When I first joined steemit there were a couple accounts that were so high in rep and sp that they could copy, paste, & up-vote themselves to turn a nice profit without ever actually interacting and being part of the community.

Sorry my comment turned into a mini rant...

It's like i said .... Trash littering the road side just cluttering up the joint.... stinking up the place, and encouraging others to litter...

I agree,
all the generic spam comments and reposted links doesnt look too good when its supposed to be an original content platform!!

Holysmoke! ... They are just regurgitating other people's stuff .. Sorry my upvote didn't get you any cha-chang.. i have so little steem power that i can't even worry about conserving my votes... i just vote uP everything i like.... the way it SHOULD Be !!! i reckon ..

thanks for the help @primal-buddhist,
problem with cost of your vote is power needs to be 80% to pay proper

You have every right to be pissed at these spammers.. But just bring it to the attention of the right people... the guy who messed with you probably has several, even bigger accounts.. Let others handle it...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@patrice @primal-buddhist @bitcoinsig
i think accounts that copy and paste are a serious problem,

take this user for example @zeroshiki

zeroshiki payout.PNG

every post since he joined is copy and pasted links with no comments,
pulled over $800 in a month!

Each post adding no value and at the same time extracting value from the platform hence lowering overall value of steem.

at the same time he's built up significant rep and has recently launched a pump and dump scam


how many accounts are doing this?

all lessening the value of the platform over time and the longer those accounts are left to grow to heights that are out of reach of most users to help and are a serious threat to anyone who flags

Yes, again my post was in regards to people who are posting news from RSS or youtube sites where a license to repost ensures that traffic and credit are attributed to the author. I would like to see a system like Reddit where duplicate links are discovered by the posting system so that there isn't more then one news article linked as you have suggested is a problem.

As far as payout, that is up to the freemarket to decide how much the curation of such news and youtube videos should be worth. They are worth something of value to the people who have upvoted obviously, since they are basically saying yes this should be on the network and viewed by many. Again as long as they have the rights/license to post said content I don't think it is worth enforcement. This is better left to people who are actively trying to claim or publish content that they don't have rights to.

most things being posted on the internet are not public domain



links to news articles are not

links to youtube are not

must be used within rules of fair use

only using a small amount to make up an article

What then.... EXACTLY have they Created ?

Absolutely Nothing is the correct answer friend..

They created the post, and curated the content to the followers who may not normally see that information. By your definition re-steems should be banned, what have I created by resteeming another's article, that I will gain curation rewards on? Anything that is public domain or fair use is just as valid to share on Steem as if it were original, especially if it drives the traffic to the original authors site and is in accordance of license granted to them by the original grantor.
See the white paper on what constitutes work: https://steem.io/SteemWhitePaper.pdf
I'll high-lite a specific paragraph I find relevant

Eliminating “abuse” is not possible and shouldn’t be the goal. Even those who are attempting
to “abuse” the system are still doing work. Any compensation they get for their successful
attempts at abuse or collusion is at least as valuable for the purpose of distributing the
currency as the make-work system employed by traditional Bitcoin mining or the collusive
mining done via mining pools. All that is necessary is to ensure that abuse isn’t so rampant
that it undermines the incentive to do real work in support of the community and its
The goal of building a community currency is to get more “crabs in the bucket”. Going to
extreme measures to eliminate all abuse is like attempting to put a lid on the bucket to
prevent a few crabs from escaping and comes at the expense of making it harder to add new
crabs to the bucket. It is sufficient to make the walls slippery and give the other crabs
sufficient power to prevent others from escaping.

Eliminating “abuse” is not possible and shouldn’t be the goal.

Discouraging is not eliminating.... You see, you can still function somewhat with an incredibly low reputation score ...

Also licensed Youtube Videos are licensed so that others do not reap monetary rewards for their hard work... Now if said youtuber later comes on to steemit and posts his very own hard made videos... the ones he spent hours on... editing etc. etc. etc.

if he now decides to post them on Steemit; there is already a version there, NO NOT from the creator.... from the lazy son of a cheese Grater who posted it, and now has a reputation and a bunch of steem... Who's version of the video will people most likely find.... the lazy son of a cheese grater... that's Who !!


That depends, in the case of the youtube video the creator, I believe, would make more as he could verify that it is his, however this is a hypothetical situation.

The reality is that the cheese grater is a curator for the OP, and his curation of that video would be paid out after 7 days. If the OP later comes to Steemit, it will be after the 7 day period, and to post his video then he will likely make more money. Additionally he would make twice as much from repeat youtube views.

The point that I was trying to make was that we want more frogs, let people post what they will post as long as they have the rights to post and link that content legally. If this system becomes more like a Reddit or Facebook because that is what new users are comfortable with and want it to be run that way, let the free market decide.

No one forces content to be voted on, as long as it is legal the free market will decide how much the work to create the post will be worth. It may not be worth much to you but to the followers that were exposed to it and upvoted it, it was worth something to them.

your making false economics,
if multiples of the same content exists on platform decrease the value of the space used and the space next to,
also due to googles search algorithms copy and pasted reposted links dont search rank well at all further lessing value of reposts
the difference between here and Facebook and reddit is its supposed to be all original content and free from spam by users participation but no incentive to flag and risks from mass spam flaggers with no support in place

an analogy of how this site works doesnt translate to mainstream,
to be fair use content used should only make up a small percentage of post hence "fair" use
the quote you refer too is in regards to currency its mining and distribution

HolySmoke! ... Patrice .. No Apology Necessary friend !! You have a mUCH better Grasp of the situation than the average bear ...

Even when adding a source link...why would anyone even think of making money with just distributing any content someone else made and put time and effort in... I think this is a good thing

Because they can.... Steemcleaners Says ... We do not reward this type of regurgitation !! HolySmoke!

You should read the whitepaper, it describes how this is doing work for the network. If I take pictures from NASA of the moon landing and I spend the time to publish them on the Steem blockchain and my followers enjoy the format in which I have displayed it for those users I am doing work and the people who upvote are curating that work for the network.

Did I go to the moon? No. Did I take the pictures myself? No. Did I present them in a way that others can easily see and appreciate them? Yes. Is it OK for me to do that since it is public domain? Yes. I think it is more complex a question then you let on. Do read the whitepaper on what constitutes "work"

Sure if you add any value than its fine, in most cases people just blatantly drop a photo they took somewhere and thats it. I think thats more harmful to the network as it gets cluttered with content without any context or creativity

I believe in the free market to decide, as long as they are not trying to pass it off as their own creation and have a license to republish, then it is up to the followers on steem to decide how much that work merits a reward. You will find, I think, that most of that work will be for 1 cent if they don't use it in some context.


its crazy but theres many accounts taking a lot of money of just reposting

look at this account
zeroshiki payout.PNG

over $800 in a month and the only post that was original is for a pump and dump scam

Following you...

I'm starting to use this service to get rid of zero-effort posts that simply put up a photo and a single-line sentence.

I even would be slightly more lenient and let an attributed post slide here and there, but now I see it only encourages people to be mindless redirection linking bots.

I want more original content, and if steem cleaners can help do that, I'm all for it.

YARRRR !!!! Fight Piracy with Pirates !!! HolySmoke!

Steemcleaners needs to be done judiciously. Mindless redirection linking bots, while I don't agree with, are providing "value" to the network as per the whitepaper, they are providing curation of articles to those that follow them. As long as it is done within the rights granted via copyright and use laws granted to them by the content originator, then steemcleaners should ignore it.

@talltim @primal-buddhist @bitcoinsig

referring to the whitepaper and social network value

Multi spam accounts bring zero "Social" Network value

spam accounts perform no discussion so real engagement

spam accounts spread generic posts to get comment rewards cluttering up well written articles and lessening value

referring to comments on reposting links see youtubes standard license fair use explanation

No. 3 The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole.
Borrowing small bits of material from an original work is more likely to be considered fair use than borrowing large portions. However, even a small taking may weigh against fair use in some situations if it constitutes the “heart” of the work.

speaks for itself

  1. The effect of the use upon the potential market for, or value of, the copyrighted work

Uses that harm the copyright owner’s ability to profit from his or her original work are less likely to be fair uses. Courts have sometimes made an exception under this factor in cases involving parodies.

reposting would harm the profits of creators because they've already used the product and paidthe poster hence losing that "sale".

Damn.... Bastards tried to ruin you... Don't lose Heart over this Friend; there are others "higher up" on here who will help you.. The higher the up vote . Steem power > more it will restore your Reputation.. .. filthy Spamming Basatrds !!! Damn them All to HeLL !!!

thanks for the support! ;)
dont worry nearly full power then....
activate lasers!

Let's all endeavor to be a little more cautious ...

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Following !!

Exactly, steemit is about creativity and good content :)

The key is good content, curating an outside source, if done with the express permissions granted to the user and done in a way that both parties agree is ok to use.

IE I can just include a link to a youtube video, if the youtube license allows this and the youtube video is played within the browser from youtube thereby granting the original creator youtube money. As per the whitepaper this is doing "work" for the network and curating such content to my followers is providing value that the network rewards me with.

I'm happy with creativity and unique content. I don't really care if someone can string two sentences together as long as it is their own thoughts or comments and not spam. Not everyone will have a creative niche. Part of Steemit is about being social.

I appreciate your perspective on this topic. Copy pasta doesn't add a whole lot to people's feeds, and ultimately you'll lose followers by not posting original content. Most people with upvotes that matter intentionally curate a feed that isn't stuff they can find elsewhere.

Thanks for sharing your opinion! Upvoted and followed.

HolySmoke! Thanks for the Encouragement !! obviously you're not a copy paster .. LOL Following you back...

Great post and I totally agree that steemcleaners is a great idea! I have also followed the conversation going on here and it has been great!
I don't think the majority of people here like the spam and no effort posts clogging up the feeds and channels, quickly pushing quality content down the line even faster.
It dilutes the reward pool and just makes those of us who strive to put in effort when making a post (that may result in a good post or not, that's up to the people) feel disheartened. I don't mind the links to videos and agree that it directs traffic to the author, or fair use in a created video (that was mentioned here to be a part of the content - not all) if the post creator puts a little effort into the post and credits the original. It can be as simple as
Here's a. Great video I found, it blew my mind with some facts about.........
I really came away from this video feeling convinced of .........
This video made me laugh so hard I .......... I will have to share it with .........
It doesn't have to be too in depth but if you are 'curating' someone else's work from YouTube or somewhere then give us some reasons why your sharing it and tell us a little about it. That's all it takes to put some effort into it.
Sorry, the comments here got my excitied and now I think I am rambling.
So put some effort into your post or @steemcleaners is coming for you!!!!

Thanks for commenting.. i think a few sentences added to a link is just Lazy and the rewards should reflect that... upvotes are HARD ENOUGH TO COME by around here !! HolySmoke!

Following !!

definitley not rambling... Thanks for checking it out SilverNova !!

Sweet as, was definitely worth checking out. Cheers

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Wonder if in HTML you can disable the paste function in the post box? That would help discourage these parasites.

unlikely; since there are legitamite reasons for posting pictures and videos... If we all keep educating, perhaps it will diminish... Thank you for commenting..