Changing image size within 'inspection panel' on Steemit

in steem-help •  7 years ago 


Do you find that when you post images directly from your computer they swamp your post?
I have found that so many times.
(I'm using windows 10 pc by the way - not sure about other operating systems)

There's a few ways to deal with it and I will link to another couple of posts by @rossenpavlov and @curving at the end for other image resize options to download too. However, @rossenpavlov post didn't help me as I was uploading from the PC and the code source was different. I didn't want to bother for one post to mess with a resizer app...
I decided to mess around to see if there was a quick way.

I found this.
image resize1.jpg
image resize 2.jpg
image resize 3.jpg
image resize 4.jpg
image resize 5.jpg

Now the two things I would like to point out are
A) ALL images in the post will default to your chosen size option if you do this
B) ALL images of future posts will be the same size UNLESS you go back in and reset to 100%

Now this may not be ideal or of use to many but some people will upload pictures and either leave them at full resolution or change the picture simply because they don't want to use a resizer app etc.
I would suggest that this is useful once in a while for those posts that you have spent ages on only to find the pictures drown everything else out...
And if you use it don't forget to reset!

I hope that's been of a little help to you.

Now for those links
@rossenpavlov 's post
@curving 's post

There are others too.


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Hey suzanrs – nice to read my first blog post from you. Honestly this was something i was looking for. i can't wait to try it in my next post.

Hope it goes ok. Dont forget to reset on your following post. I did and got annoyed lol. Let me know if you find any better way for a quick fix. :)