❓Answering Common Questions: Reputation and Flags! What's this Number by my Name? #️⃣️

in steem-help •  7 years ago  (edited)

I'm sure many of you have seen that number at the top of your blog or next to your name in posts wondering what is that? Or been curious what makes it go up or down? The short answer is that it's your Reputation Score. But as always, let's go a little more in depth into that number.

What is Reputation Score? What Effects it? What Does it Do for You?

Q: What is this number by my name?

Short answer: That's your Reputation Score.

The number you see at the top of your blogs and next to names in posts or comments is the Reputation Score. It is used as a tool showing how many positive votes versus negative (or flag) votes on the site. This score ranges from -25 up to 75, with new users starting at 25.

Much in the same sense as earning experience points in a game to level up, each new level requires more points. Our reputation score is just like this, with every 10 levels requiring 10 times as many 'reputation points.' So a person who had achieved level 55 has earned 100 times as many as a level 35.

When you first start on Steemit, you'll see this score move rather quickly due to votes (and/or flags) you receive on posts and comments. After a while, you'll notice it taking longer to get to the next level. Since Steemit rounds this score to whole numbers, it may be helpful seeing this score down to the first decimal on places like

@good-karma's eSteem Mobile App

@jesta's Steemstats Site

@blueorgy's Steem Cool Site

or @heimindanger's Steemwhales Site

While it's by no means perfect, it can get you a gauge of

  • how long somebody's been around
  • how active they are
  • how well received they've been versus viewed as a problem

Typically people who have been around longer and/or obtained a lot of upvotes have the higher numbers. I'll get a little more in depth on this within another section of this FAQ.

Q: What Effects my Reputation Score?

*Short Answer: Upvotes and Flags, with stronger effects by voters with higher rep and/or more Steem Power. *

Votes are the only to change your reputation, but not all votes give as many 'reputation points.' The major factors are the reputation and Steem Power levels of the person voting for (or against) you.

So for example, if you're brand new (having a rep of 25) and another brand new user upvotes you (they have 25 rep too and say 50 Steem power), you'll see minimal change. If I were to upvote you (with rep 69 and about 7,000 SP) than you would see a lot more effect, perhaps raising you a whole level or more. If a whale like like @officialfuzzy votes for you (having a 72 rep and about 300,000 Steem Power) there would be a rather huge effect.

For those who want a more technical forumla for Reputation (optional technical read)

This uses a base 10 logarithm of the raw score (i.e. reputation points...NOT the final score we see on the site.) For example, I currently hold 89,788 (b)illion reputation points which translated to my rep of 69. It does adjust around the median of 25.

The formula used on steem.cool is: ((log10(abs(reputation#))-9)9)+25

And if you're curious what it looks like in the actual Steem code:

function log10(str) {
    const leadingDigits = parseInt(str.substring(0, 4));
    const log = Math.log(leadingDigits) / Math.LN10 + 0.00000001
    const n = str.length - 1;
    return n + (log - parseInt(log));

export const repLog10 = rep2 => {
    if(rep2 == null) return rep2
    let rep = String(rep2)
    const neg = rep.charAt(0) === '-'
    rep = neg ? rep.substring(1) : rep

    let out = log10(rep)
    if(isNaN(out)) out = 0
    out = Math.max(out - 9, 0); // @ -9, $0.50 earned is approx magnitude 1
    out = (neg ? -1 : 1) * out
    out = (out * 9) + 25 // 9 points per magnitude. center at 25
    // base-line 0 to darken and < 0 to auto hide (grep rephide)
    out = parseInt(out)
    return out

Source: Steemit Github - ParsersAndFormatters.js

A word about Flags (i.e. downvotes)

The same factors apply when somebody flags your post or comment, but in a downward direction. Sometimes new people get on the wrong side of a larger, established user getting themselves flagged (like by spamming their posts with non-applicable comments.) You do want to try and prevent getting flagged.

  • Here on Steemit flags are for the most part meant more for abuse (plagiarism, personal threats, etc)...NOT just because you have a different stance than another user.

If you're reputation goes below zero (remember it can go down to -25) than all of your posts and comments will automatically be 'grayed out' making it rather hard to get your posts seen and hence earn money. They are still there and not deleted, but others have to put forth more effort than usual to view them.

  • If you have been flagged to this state, you will need to talk with the bigger people that flagged you, asking for them to be removed (nicely.) Everyone knows misunderstandings happen and able to work things out. But if someone is a continuous problem, this will be their fate.

Q: What Does it Do?

Short Answer: Higher reputation helps to get people to notice you. Too low reputation actually hides your posts and comments.

Higher reputation tends to get people to notice your posts more often. It lets you be seen as a more veteran and/or popular user around here, meaning a higher likelihood of finding quality content (yet by no means perfect.) There tends to be a little jump when you hit level 50, with many people viewing you (solely through that number) as no longer being a newbie. Don't take that you shouldn't still ask questions at that stage, but just enjoy the benefits.

With so much of Steemit looking like a blogging platform, it's easy to forget the social media aspects of this place. Your reputation, well beyond the actual number, is really what can make or break you here. The concept of making friends, building relationships with users and integrating yourself into the community itself will greatly help you be more successful as time goes on.

For those who like to frequently cause trouble...remember users can see anything that's been done on the blockchain (posts, edits, transfers, etc.) It's amazing how many times I've seen people crying about how they were treated so unfairly (after getting flagged,) yet when you go look at their history, it's obvious for anyone to see what the issue was.

Having freedom requires taking personal responsibility.

Previous Helpful Posts for Newbies

❓Answering Common Questions: Steem, Steem Power, Steem Dollars and What Should I do with them? 💲

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Why Newbies Should be Excited about the next Hardfork

Answering Common Questions about Voting and Curation

Don't Miss the Show! Follow the Steemit Talk Podcast (STP) Account

New STP Website!!

Are you new to Steemit and Looking for Answers? - Try https://www.steemithelp.net.

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Great idea to re-visit the basics. There is a LOT of new people here that would love full answer on how certain components work. :) Nice job sykochica!

Thank you!
It seemed like a fitting time with a lot of the old stuff either being buried, outdated or both. I've had to help with some confusion for people just because they were pulling from outdated info.

Thank you sykochica for a valuable post, it filled a few of my questions before I asked then, you must be a mind reader.

Absolutely happy to be helping out!
I still remember when I first got here and started putting things together. (Which seems like eons ago now, lol.) So I've been rehashing my ramp up process.

Actually, I'm just a psychic who prefers upvotes over direct payments. Lol!

Thank you Sykochica!

Your reputation, well beyond the actual number, is really what can make or break you here.

Been stuck at 54 for some time now. Not sure why. :)

Love this post. In fact, I have bookmarked the link for future reference.

Truly, this is one of those posts I will keep coming back to. And I appreciate the effort went into explaining us. :)

I have been saying how amazing your answers are and this post is a proof of that. Have been happy to connect with you! :)

You're very welcome! Keep up the good work! (I hope you saw the donation in your wallet, hehe.)

The kind words are appreciated. I pride myself a bit being able to make things easy to understand without getting too technical. It's been great seeing so many views on these guides/faq's too.

Thank you for the helpful info @sykochick ! I have quite a long way to go and will enjoy the STEEM ride!

Hehe, happy to help! You're getting there and be at level 50 before you know it!
I see you're figuring out the badges too, nice!

Do these badges mean anything? I thought someone else came up with the idea... as a marketing stunt... to crease such badges.

I believe those are from @arcange's website SteemitBoard.com. It's a nice way to 'gamify' things a little bit.

A lot of users put some of their badges at the end of their posts with their signature to show some of their accomplishments. Most people have some they're rather proud of.

@elyaque also made up a series of badges in this post series that you can grab when they apply to you. In case you prefer their style.

As far seeming stuck on rep 54, things do start to slow down a lot. You can keep an eye here to at least let you see the progress, before actually ticking over to 55.

Flagging affects reputation only or steem and/or steem power as well?

Posted using Partiko Android

another good tutorial. thank you!

You're very welcome! I love being helpful.

I've still got a few on my list to do, but figured I'd ask if there is a topic you'd like me to touch on in one of these?

It seems like you are answering questions i didn't know i had lol. Keep on going with what you got. I will keep on learning. =)

Hehe, yea. I've been trying to hit the main things I'd expect new users to run into as they get used to the basics.

Sound good. :)

thanks for the info

Thanks, I assumed that number was something like that but wasn't 100% sure. Thanks for clarifying this for me.

Very helpful! (ノ゚0゚)ノ~ I have always wondered what the number beside my name is o:

Hi @skyochica, a great read and indeed there is a lot of out-dated info that is permanently out there. I especially liked it where you introduced the different apps out there that would make our live easier. I was not aware of these until I read your post. Is there a central library of steem apps that we all can browse - if not then maybe a section could be include specially devoted to the various apps by the many different steemians.

This should work for you: http://steemtools.com/

Wow, Steemit is so much more than I expected. Thanks @skyochica

thank you so much,
it was a good read, and I love this

Having freedom requires taking personal responsibility.

waiting for the next one,
keep up the good work :)

Thank you for this great information. I thought that flags are for trying to take down someone posts in case they contain some offensive content, not a downvote.

Hello @sykochica,
I have a problem and need some help.

I was trying to share free token links with others the last couple of days.
I have never been flagged or Spammed anyone.

I did not mean to offend anyone, but looks like I have caused a huge mess.. I had a reputation score of 50 yesterday, now I have 6 ?

How can I find out who flagged me to explain I was offering a gift not Spamming them?

How do I get my reputation back?

thank you for your time.

Many thanks for this. So much talk of downvotes in the FAQ and elsewhere that I've been wondering what they mean! So there are no downvote buttons (that look similar to the upvote ones), they are flags.
Are we alerted if we have been flagged?

Flags are the same as a downvote, technically. However, they're meant to be used more as a means against abuse (typically) versus it simply being something one doesn't agree with.

Unfortunately you don't get a notification when flagged. However it is treated just like an upvote in that sense, so you can see it in your vote list on (Steemstats.com)[www.steemstats.com], (Steem DB)[www.steemdb.com] or any other site that shows your votes.

I do have a guide/faq on my todo list dealing with flags, but it's at least a few days off.

Thanks for the quick reply. I assume there was a time when there were downvote buttons, but I also assume they were prone to abuse and discarded. Would be nice to update the official FAQ as Steemit evolves, perhaps a #steemgigs.

Yea, there's been a lot of stuff that's changed over time. But pretty early on the downvote button went away being solely replaced by flags. But yea...it's typically nice to just have the upvote to show support while simply not voting usually says plenty.

Very true on updating the official FAQS...it would be quite nice. It can be tough to keep on top of those, especially while so many of their writers just keep working on bigger and better things.

That's part of why I didn't feel so bad putting out my recent faq/guide series. But it would be good to see steemgigs added on there. Great program to show off up front.

Thanks for the detailed explaination. I just joined yesterday and noticed the number had changed to 26. Must have a secret whale admirer lol. Loving the wealth of information on this site. Thanks again

A bit technical but VERY informative. Thanks for keeping us newbies updated and informed of how things are calculated and related to our own steemit account.

Thank you!
Definitely feel free to skip over the more technical code/mathy part...that's totally optional. I was figuring I'd get asked about it the comments, so wanted to include it in there.

The conceptual parts can be quite sufficient imo.

Mi duda fue aclarada! buen post! Gracias!


Thanks so much for this super informative post! Can you add in there how we can find out if we've been flagged? I saw your answer to someone else and wondered if you've got that post ready? Can't wait to see more! Gonna follow for sure!

Sure..I can do one on seeing if you've been flagged. Got it down on my to-do list. :)

Thank you!

Thanks to you!