steem-music 007: Sounds like home

in steem-music •  7 years ago  (edited)

I'm a Malaysian, and I am proud to be one! From my eyes, the originality of the country stems from it's ability to be a blend of different cultures, from the westernized to the urbanized, to the very nice.

Bahasa Rojak in itself should have a dictionary of it's own, Proton very much a joke is still a national pride! The islands, The food! Malaysia is a very multicultural nation rich in flavor. Though being diverse has its pitfalls which we will not dwell on, having many cultural backgrounds is a good thing!

I recently touched base back to my hometown to enjoy the Chinese New Year and I was immediately greeted with a very talented group who was busking just right outside the airport. Nothing fancy, just a guitar, snare drums, violin and elec... WHAT IS THAT!?

Unfortunately I am probably too ignorant in my high school days to understand the history of it all so I might need you all to educate me on my own post!

Any idea what instrument that is? So cool la!!

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Suffice to say though, I was pleasantly entertained!! This sounds like home, and I Love home very much! We should definitely make more music like these! Any songwriters keen to make this instrument a staple in our music industry? Cause I feel like this needs to go on spotify!

Pardon me for my wobbly hands as I was very much distracted while taking this video. Know the tune?
It's a fancy rendition of "Wakka Wakka" by Shakira!

Roll the Red Carpets
Put up the banners!
Before It all gets too cliche;
Happy Chinese New year and Happy Holidays!

Know any other traditional musical instruments? Drop a comment and let's chat!

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Welcome home, again :) That's a 'sape' being played. (reference)
Usually people would feature a 'sompoton' for Sabah, but with a rise in tourism, most of our local culture is getting more exposure :) so more instruments! :)