Unfollow Everything!

in steem-python •  7 years ago 

I did an early spring cleaning yesterday.
Unfollowing all 3000 followees..followingers..fellowship..users I do follow.
And I had to do it by force. I did write a nice script, but that didn't work.
Instead, brute force:

from steem import Steem
from steem.commit import Commit
from steem.account import Account

s = Steem()
c = Commit(s)
aac = Account(username,s)
exp = aac.export()
fl = exp['following']
for fol in fl:
    c.unfollow(unfollow=fol, account=username)

That is a really awfull script.
But it worked.

I had something else in my mind, when I first got spring cleaning in my head:

from steem import Steem
from steem.commit import Commit
from steem.account import Account
from steem.transactionbuilder import TransactionBuilder
from steembase import operations

s = Steem()
c = Commit(s)
aac = Account(username,s)
exp = aac.export()
fl = exp['following']
for fol in fl:
    required_posting_auths =[username]
    id = 'follow'
    json = ["follow",{"follower":username,"following":fol,"what":[]}]
    mdi = {"required_auths": required_auths,'required_posting_auths':required_posting_auths,'id':id,'json':json}

tb = TransactionBuilder()
operation = [operations.CustomJson(**x) for x in unfol]
tb.appendSigner(username, 'posting')
tx = tb.broadcast()

This would have been way more elegant.
But I tried and failed with:


I have no idea, why it didn't work.
I looked into steemd.py and other linked files. The unfollow command does exactly the same, as I did in the transaction builder.
Well, I got my unfollowing. It just took a bit longer.

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That seems to give the idea that you didn't adress the right authorization keys.

Are you sure you gave the 'posting key' with it?

To quote steemd.py for def sign:

param string wifs: One or many wif keys to use for signing
                a transaction. If not present, the keys will be loaded
                from the wallet as defined in "missing_signatures" key
                of the transactions.

it is signed successfully, it gets the key from my wallet. It worked with no_broadcast=True.
And the error occurs in tb.broadcast()
Also, previous tests with different operations(but with active key, to be true) worked with no_broadcast=False
Anyway, what's done is done;)

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