The block in which the above post is included has a merkle root of 539fd9fc91d1bae0439854079216902d7bfae220.
The last two digits of this root are used to determine if there is a winner. Ending in 0 gives an upvote and ending in 00 means the jackpot was cracked. The remaining digits determine which ticket wins. To do this we compute the residual after dividing the root by the number of virtual tickets. In this case this would be:
539fd9fc91d1bae0439854079216902d7bfae2 = 1864886881937405255348949778795125165145193186 in base 10. The residual after dividing by the number of shares (844) is 354. Therefore ticket number 354 would win.
Because the last digit of the merkle root is 0, we have a winner. The winner determined by the merkle root is: steem-jackpot.
In order to find the winner we have removed the last 2 digits of the root. Congratulations to the winner, you got an upvote! The jackpot was not cracked.