User @crypticat is First to Nail the High Roller List!

in steem-roller •  6 years ago  (edited)

image.png investor and gambler @crypticat went a little bit nuts on the gambles today and is the first person to end up on the high roller list!


The 55 STEEM loss was the largest we've seen on the site since going into a wet beta testing mode and while I love seeing action on the site it makes my butthole pucker every time I see users betting large amounts like that.. Living vicariously through the crazy degenerate gamblers on the site has become one of my favourite pass times.

Just when it was looking like all was lost @crypticat mustered all of his strength, petted his lucky kitty and then decided to win back his loss ( well, almost I guess )


And with that he was basically back onto the road of the winning team. Neat stuff!


Many kudos and praise to @crypticat for becoming the first gamber on the site to hit the high roller list! Initially on launch of the wet beta the threshold for high roller list was 100 STEEM but I've lowered it down to 50 STEEM which is roughly $20 CAD.

Site is Open, But Still Beta AF is open to public currently but is still being developed and may contain some bugs, experience site crashes and have GUI errors here and there. If you're brave enough and want to come see what's going on with the upcoming site you're more than welcome to come check us out!

While the site is still in development / beta testing I don't hold any liability on lost STEEM caused by any errors on site. That being said if their are errors I'll do my bestto make sure everyone gets their STEEM back as it's the right thing to do. Only deposit, invest and play with STEEM that you can afford to lose and remember that the site is still very much being developed and could contain errors.

The bug list can be seen in the link below: Beta Bug List

If you encounter any other bugs please report them to me either on this post, on the sites trollbox / chatroom or by joining the KLYE discord server.

Thanks for reading folks! See you on!


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It sure feels good! Thank you for the honorable mention. In the Green!

It sure feels good! Thank
You for the honorable
Mention. In the Green!

                 - crypticat

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

No worries captain!

Bro.... send me ur lucky reflink 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

All my links are in this post

But I'm telling you, get a cat. They're lucky creatures 🐱

Hahaha I definitely want to see more of this.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes! It's nice to see the site being used.. Even if the bankroll is down a bunch of STEEM at the moment.

I just nearly doubled my investment in about 5 minutes playing with the investment slider when a degenerate was doing their thing. Really wish I made a video.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

It's fun eh? Trying to predict their losses and wins.. Good times.