The day I nearly lost @ned :)

in steem-saturday •  8 years ago 

It is the weirdest thing … nothing urgent that is due tomorrow or later today :)

That is now from the event arrangement perspective. Don't get me wrong I really enjoyed this challenge! I have never arranged an event like this before. Working with @naomi-louise, @gavvet and @robertm on this was a great pleasure. Thanks to the communities dedicated voting for the pre-event's posting combined with the sponsorship of QuadroIT, the first Steem Saturday event was pulled off :)

Picking up Ned from the airport

Well, the short answer is I didn't :)

How did I nearly loose our valuable @ned

I had a final meeting Friday afternoon, for yet another discussion with a company looking for Blockchain solutions. I left the meeting at the planned time, to ensure that I will be on time for @ned's arrival. On the way to the airport, the traffic was a bit more hectic than usual, as a result of a traffic light, which was out of order at a major intersection…Let's call it part of the South-African culture. It wasn't too bad, as I planned some extra time to ensure that I will still be on time.

I parked my vehicle at the Sandton - Gautrain Station. The Gautrain, is a subway system in Gauteng South Africa, which was implemented in 2010 when South Africa hosted the Football World Cup. Basically First World stuff in a developing country :)

Image Credit

At this time (17:00) I was very comfortable that I will be on time as the flight was destined to arrive at 17:40 and I knew that Friday evenings, many international flights arrive at the same time, so he will take around 30-40 minutes to get through customs, which leaves me more than enough time. I parked my vehicle and merrily strolled into the station and when I looked at the announcement section I saw that the next train was in 6 minutes. I was now looking forward to relax a bit before the short 15 minute trip to the airport. I knew that we will have a hectic time for the next few days and this is the last few quite minutes before the storm. I then went down with the escalators to the platform. When I stepped foot on the train a dreaded thing happened.

The Slow Motion Moment

The announcement signage changed into a flashing - Train out of service …. Train out of serviceTrain out of service

From here on everything was a mess. I was in a basement platform with no Mobile Phone signal. I asked the management of Gautrain what the procedure is in this event, only to find out that a new train can only get on the track two stations down the road. This meant 20 minutes southbound… another 20 minutes northbound back to us and then another 15 minutes to the airport.

In theory I can still make it as @ned will take some time to get through customs and border control.

Well .. His flight arrived early… very early he arrived at 17:10 and when I arrived at the airport, he was nowhere to be found :) I LOST NED! was my first thought. I phoned @robertm and requested that he must find out if Ned arrived at the hotel … and then my phone battery died :) I didn't think anything could go wrong on the day. I bought a charger at an airport shop, and I know this is not advisable, but I had no choice. Charged the phone for a few minutes and @robertm phoned to say that Ned just booked into the hotel.

Relief at last

Back to arranging the event … I am sure you all had this feeling after living a rush during the arrangement of something major. Arranging a party for a family member or being involved in the arrangement for a wedding … all these will fall into this category. You have such a long to do list before the event that you believe it is not possible to finish, and yet everything is done in the end.

And then Success!

It is just amazing! We are still receiving so many compliments for arranging the event which was a massive success in the end.

Speakers Dinner

Image Credit - Me - I took it Ask Ned

I wish @roelandp and all those involved in the arrangements for the @steemfest all the best. I am sure it will be a great success.

The videos of all the speakers will be uploaded as soon as we receive them.

Happy Steeming

If you enjoy my articles please follow me on my blog at @jacor

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The feelings of despair and then elation in just a few short minutes! Glad it all came together!

Indeed , it could not have worked out better in the end. It was a great success.

Good to see @ned in the wilds of South African culture!

(ask him if he ran into any @cheetah(s)?! Ha ha!)


We took him for a Game Drive in Pilanesberg Nature reserve :)

I'm a wino, so you'd need to take me to Port Elizabeth and the wine country. No cheetahs for this mad Scot! Sounds like a fun gig you had. I really enjoyed reading it....MORE!!!

In NZ, there are no winos any more. The people begging in the street can't afford even cheap plonk :-(

The price of globalisation at all levels of society eh!

In NZ, a wino is a homeless old man sitting on the footpath, swigging cheap grog out of a bottle in a paper bag. Is that what you meant?

Yeah, I've done that too...but no! In the UK there are many winos in the middle classes these days due to globalisation.

Hi jacor

I am sad that I could not make the Saturday steem meeting I missed out on alot. Just want to congratulate you all on an awesome event.

Hi @stardust, Thank you very much. Now you know not to miss next time ... and there will be a next time :)

:( I also wanted to be there @jacor and @naomi.louise thank you for arranging this event. At least I have some pictures to look at....

Next time :)

Very awesome story.

Thank you @littlescribe

excellent post congratulations friend @jacor

Thank you @jlufer ... @ned is a wonderful guy and arranged for a Taxi to get to the hotel. He fully understood the problems I experienced :)

Thanks for sharing, brought a huge smile to my face :) Also a huge thank you for a wonderful morning

Thanks @patjewell , we WILL meet again :)

looks like a good time!

We had an amazing time, thanks @doitvoluntarily

Funny story :)

Yes it's funny now, but wasn't so funny when I was looking for him :)

That was what I meant. It is nice to laugh about it a few days after the event, but at the moment, I would not exchange your place with mine even for a million ;)

Hi @jacor
As you know I attended and I must say I would never have thought you had an @ned crises the day before, everything went extremely smoothly. Thanks again for all involved in organizing the event it was great.

Thanks @rynow ... We will do it again :)

Act like a swan in times of panic - smooth on the surface, but paddling like **** underneath!- at least he made the steemfest!

Very good description :)

@jacor all is well that ends well.....

It was an amazing few days in Jo-burg. I highly recommend the trip and the hosts!

Indeed @ned ... we will do it again :)

Awesomesauce @jacor ! And yeah totally don't lose ned we need him.

Thanks @williambanks , and I totally agree we should never loose Ned. He is a very level headed, well-spoken individual. Everybody that meets him will say the same. Steemit Inc. is in very good hands and he will take this platform to the top. Watch this space!!!